Custom Query (380 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 380)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#70 Crash SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#9719 Crashes and no sound in fullscreen mode digitall defect normal --Other--
#12733 Queryable API for n games supported? digitall feature request normal --Other--
#11310 ScummVM and Xeen - Talkie Recognition dreammaster defect normal --Unset--
#12134 Latest 3DS Nightlies Crash on Boot defect high --Unset--
#12359 ScummVM Crash trying to play SpyFox 1 and PajamaSam 2 bluegr defect normal --Unset-- gsoc
#768 Endian issue in sound/mixer code fingolfin defect normal Audio
#7706 Make loading of soundfonts faster bonki feature request normal Audio
#14670 AUDIO: SDL: Can't initialize audio client. Crash upon running game. sev- defect high Audio
#167 midi crash SF/ender defect normal Audio: MT32
#11337 King Quest VI CD and Roland MT-32 emulation with external Munt ZvikaZ defect low Audio: MT32
#13469 Mod (Modifications) Support sev- feature request low Common
#4118 AGI: No reloading after you die bluegr defect high Engine: AGI
#4134 AGI: KQ3 Acorns newer get dry and old sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4373 DC: Cannot play AGI Fanmade games zeldin defect high Engine: AGI
#4484 AGI: KQ1: Jumping knight SF/buddha_ defect normal Engine: AGI
#5541 AGI: SQ2: Shuttle gets stuck defect normal Engine: AGI
#7797 Add option to disable in-game cursor ZvikaZ feature request normal Engine: AGI
#10887 AGI: FANMADE: Biri Quest crashes after startup if mouse support enabled ZvikaZ defect normal Engine: AGI
#11545 AGI: Winnie (AppleIIGS) - Bad detection entry sev- defect high Engine: AGI
#328 SIMON: Barbarian overdrawn Kirben defect low Engine: AGOS
#531 simon1win craches and hangs SF/olki defect normal Engine: AGOS
#647 SIMON2: Hat & Porridge Kirben defect high Engine: AGOS
#1967 MT32 music is interrupted by ESC kingguppy defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1968 SIMON2 No MT32 emulated music kingguppy defect normal Engine: AGOS
#2898 SIMON1: Pause at Puddle Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#4146 WINCE: FEEBLE: Game would not load - loadVGAVideoFile:Failed SF/knakos defect normal Engine: AGOS
#4738 SIMON1: Music does not loop automatically Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#6114 AGOS: Feeble Files - Can't go left in Interrogation eriktorbjorn defect high Engine: AGOS
#10609 Simon the Sorcerer 2 Crash digitall defect normal Engine: AGOS
#12258 AGS: Buffer overflow in AdLib driver at the start of Black Cauldron dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12516 AGS: Whispers of a Machine starts with "ERROR! Failed to create user.cfg!" dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12767 AGS: Blackwell Convergence: Gothic Bridge BGM does not start defect normal Engine: AGS
#12836 AGS: Segfault when starting up Dead Dimension dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#13304 AGS: Heroine's Quest russian version is using latin font instead of cyrillic font (regression) tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#6991 AMAZON: GofE Chap 8 : Jason cannot move across cabin dreammaster defect high Engine: Access
#11010 md5sum missing for Blade Runner - Italian version. peterkohaut patch normal Engine: Bladerunner
#13191 BURIED: Incorrect Score bluegr defect normal Engine: Buried
#10307 CGE: Bug with pig in game "Sołtys" digitall defect normal Engine: CGE
#13597 CHEWY: Gamebreaking - Can't give ring to taxi driver bluegr defect blocker Engine: Chewy
#13649 CHEWY: Missing subtitles on F5 bluegr defect normal Engine: Chewy
#9647 CINE: FW - Mouse requires long/multiple clicks to register karisal defect normal Engine: Cine
#11540 Speed control sev- feature request normal Engine: Cruise
#12837 DIRECTOR: Crash during Spaceship Warlock demo 1.1.1 Thunderforge defect normal Engine: Director
#14069 Cookie's Bustle is not on the list of Director games tag2015 feature request high Engine: Director
#14079 Unknown game variant for director tag2015 defect normal Engine: Director
#7079 MIDI doesn't work (Dragon History, Linux). csnover defect normal Engine: Draci
#11690 Blazing Dragons: F5 for game menu sev- feature request low Engine: Dragons
#13041 DRAGONS: Catapult Mandatory Minigame Not Working tag2015 defect normal Engine: Dragons
#4544 drascula: scumm crashes crashing cementary window bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#13486 Games crashes in Tower-1 when trying to go down the stairs sndirsch defect normal Engine: Drascula
#6169 DREAMWEB: Game state corruption on reload in Crane's room. digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#10840 GLK: FROTZ: ZORK1: Could not load data file dreammaster defect normal Engine: GLK
#12280 GLK: Request for Apogee Text Adventures / Softporn Adventure PC versions sev- feature request normal Engine: GLK
#12618 GNAP: Crash when opening inventory sev- defect high Engine: GNAP
#4645 WEEN: Inconsistant item-pickup sound DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#11623 GRIFFON: Sound cuts out after a few seconds sev- defect high Engine: Griffon
#11784 EMI: When opening the bank vault from the inside, the sword is placed wrongly. aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#11808 EMI: Freeze in the overworld after leaving Lava Pool puzzle. Cannot load menu or save game afterwards aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#11811 EMI: Monkey doesn't join monkey combat aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#11821 EMI DEMO: ALT+Enter to toggle fullscreen causes broken textures aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#11848 EMI: Crash after weeding at Lava Pool during sequence aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#11851 EMI: Exiting from Knutting Atoll lead to dead lock in the island map aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
#13174 HDB: Hyperspace Delivery Boy - Crash with ScummVM 2.5.0 on Windows 11 22000.376 sev- defect normal Engine: HDB
#14067 Hopkins FBI (Polish) - Blood Mode not working tag2015 defect normal Engine: Hopkins
#14028 Unknown game variant for hypno neuromancer defect normal Engine: Hypno
#6363 KYRA: Kyra2 HoF hangs after intro on Android defect normal Engine: Kyra
#6994 LAB: Can skip intro sequence early and with no fadeout sev- defect high Engine: Lab
#12061 LURE: Lure of the Temptress & ScummVM 2.2.1 pre123 dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#12991 LURE: Lure of the Temptress lure.dat version dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#14909 Orion Burger crashes in the Intro in the German version dreammaster defect high Engine: M4
#14942 Orion Burger: Soft Lock in test 3 labyrinth dreammaster defect normal Engine: M4
#14973 Orion Burger: First start of game behavior dreammaster defect low Engine: M4
#4451 RTZ: fails to start if intro video is not skipped. johndoe123 defect normal Engine: MADE
#11068 XEEN: Some beds in Sandcaster are not searchable dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#11751 XEEN: Error starting with OpenGL dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#5860 LB: Missing Animations fuzzie defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#7147 MOHAWK: Myst/Riven on android, drag controls very very drifty dafioram defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9951 MOHAWK: Riven: It is impossible to approach the sea animals closely. Jungle Island. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10596 MOHAWK: Myst ME - Do not play fullscreen Myst Island flyby bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#5857 NIPPON: no sound in dos version bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#11758 PEGASUS: colossal memory leak, wan't start sev- defect high Engine: Pegasus
#11470 PRINCE: Immortality Elixir Bug sev- defect high Engine: Prince
#3299 SYMBIAN UIQ3: FotAQ does not start anotherguest defect normal Engine: Queen
#6699 FOTAQ: Graphical Glitch on Hotel Room Door digitall defect normal Engine: Queen
#2132 ITE: Glassmaster faces wrong direction when speaking sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#2143 ITE: Cannot backspace when naming savegames sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4347 ITE compressed voices don't play. bluegr defect normal Engine: SAGA
#11713 IHNM: Unrecognized GOG version sev- defect low Engine: SAGA
#4994 SCI: Volume control pauses introductions m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5011 LSL5: Orphaned Pixels during Larry's First Taxi Ride m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5015 PQ2: Function keys don't work m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5018 PQ1VGA - ERROR: picture resource 42 not found! defect normal Engine: SCI
#5064 PQ3: Sound when exiting the Locker Room in Police Station m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5070 ICEMAN: Russian ship kills you immediately m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5102 QG3: Importing does not seem to work (MacOS- related?) m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5140 LAURABOW: CTRL-key shortcuts does not work defect normal Engine: SCI
#5150 KQ4 Late: Delayed sound effect m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#5180 SCI: CAMELOT: Game hangs with second boar at forest perilous sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#5389 HOYLE3: Unable to start a game of dominoes. bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
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