Custom Query (15737 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 15737)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#139 Indy4 - bug in Tikal SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#140 Indy4 - 'moonwalk' bug in Iceland SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#374 LOOM wrong pathfinding in latest cvs SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#469 ALL: Crashes fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#511 DOTT : Crash before Chron-O-John scene aquadran defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#524 DIG: Actor lockup in tomb fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#541 SIMON2: Simon stops responding Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: AGOS
#559 LOOM: No music bar is visible defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#650 DIG: crash scale table 2 not defined defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#717 Ballon Journey Crashes FOA SF/khalek defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#748 ALL?: Can't find costumes SF/khalek defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#828 DIG: Tomb doors / Nexus panels don't work eriktorbjorn defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#842 GUI: Finish launcher 'Options' dialog SF/ender defect closed blocker GUI
#853 0.5.0 RC: ZAK: no return from cutscene in TPC shop SF/hoenicke defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#870 0.5.0 RC: ZAK: Bum does not take the book SF/hoenicke defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#940 0.5.0 RC: Talktext glitches while scrolling SF/khalek defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#977 0.5.0 RC: COMI: Trying to append to a nonexistant stream fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#982 0.5.0 RC: MM(V2) Inventory doesn't work under certain circum SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#992 Indy3: can´t see "STICKY TAPE" fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#997 0.5.0 RC - Zak256 Crash inside of Sphinx fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1017 0.5.0 RC: INDY3EGA: Script crash in Berlin fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1025 0.5.0 RC: LOOM: Crash with shepherds fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1061 0.5.0 RC SIMON1DOS Random sfx notes during music SF/jamieson630 defect closed blocker Engine: AGOS
#1080 0.5.0 RC: Error message: line width exceeded!! lavosspawn defect closed blocker Engine: Sky
#1089 RC 0.5.0: MI2: Reoccuring crash SF/jamieson630 defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1127 COMI: SmushPlayer error SF/khalek defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1440 RC BS1+2: Crash while Video Playback (Windows) SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: Sword1
#1482 RC COMI: Crash when talking to Haggis aquadran defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1504 RC COMI: Act III sound off, pirate song never begins SF/ender defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1664 FT: ScummVM hangs during biker fight (regression) aquadran defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1712 WINCE: Disapearing clock SF/arisme defect closed blocker Port: WinCE
#1744 DIG: Crash during intro aquadran defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1745 FT: Xlib async errors in INSANE sequences eriktorbjorn defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#1834 GUI: Starting games in fullscreen doesn't work cyxx defect closed blocker Ports
#2056 ALL: list.h doesn't compile with CodeWarrior fingolfin defect closed blocker Port: PalmOS
#2344 INDY3 Crash when unlocking Nazi uniform Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#2426 FARMDEMO MAC MD5 Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#2563 SCUMM: HE Game variants broken fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#2577 ALL: Crash on Win32 when starting a game fingolfin defect closed blocker Port: Win32
#2679 HE71-73: Fails to load mouse data (Endian issue?) fingolfin defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#2710 ALL: Linker error due to link order / savefiles vtable fingolfin defect closed blocker Port: Win32
#2711 SYMBIAN: SCUMM scroll bug / crash anotherguest defect closed blocker Port: Symbian
#2770 FF: Dock Crash - decompressData error Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: AGOS
#3099 ZAK FM-TOWNS: Crash when entering Hostel from outside Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3113 GUI: Switching options dialog between 1x and 2x sev- defect closed blocker GUI
#3169 WIN32: Document the windows config file location change Kirben defect closed blocker Port: Win32
#3192 DETECTOR: Launching undefined target adds launcher entry sev- defect closed blocker GUI
#3206 NIPPON: Crash on exit peres defect closed blocker Engine: Parallaction
#3222 GUI: Classic themes need to be updated sev- defect closed blocker GUI
#3250 All: Module player unstable, with Protracker DrMcCoy defect closed blocker Audio
#3298 SYMBIAN UIQ3: All AGOS hang on startup anotherguest defect closed blocker Engine: AGOS
#3303 WINCE: The Dig crashes just after the press conference SF/knakos defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3347 NIPPON: Keyboard shortcut for quit fails peres defect closed blocker Engine: Parallaction
#3382 NIPPON: Protection Code Screen peres defect closed blocker Engine: Parallaction
#3393 GOB3: Data file fails to open, lockup agent-q defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#3430 PALMOS: not accepting ENTER properly SF/chrilith defect closed blocker Port: PalmOS
#3455 WINCE: Save games have incorrect time & date SF/knakos defect closed blocker Port: WinCE
#3459 NIPPON: Location switch to final part fails (Amiga) peres defect closed blocker Engine: Parallaction
#3473 LURE: Hangs while examining the torch dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Lure
#3482 MACOSX 10.2.8: sqrtf undefined fingolfin defect closed blocker Port: Mac OS X
#3490 LURE: Assertion with Ratpouch(?) dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Lure
#3525 FT: Crash/hangup at Corley Motor factory cyxx defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3531 LURE: Saving in a conversation crashes when loading dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Lure
#3549 lure crashes when waiting for patrol dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Lure
#3746 ALL: On-the-fly targets are written to the config file fingolfin defect closed blocker GUI
#3794 DRASCULA: No Spaces in SaveGames Names sev- defect closed blocker Engine: Drascula
#3815 FW: broken compatibility with 0.11.1 saves SF/buddha_ defect closed blocker Engine: Cine
#3817 WOODRUFF: Wrong placement of Sprites after loading a game DrMcCoy defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#3818 PS2: trunk not compilable because a missing module sev- defect closed blocker Port: PS2
#3823 MONKEY2: Misplaced Text sev- defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3866 FW: Impossible to survive entering monastery (regression) SF/buddha_ defect closed blocker Engine: Cine
#3869 DRASCULA: can't use inventory objects bluegr defect closed blocker Engine: Drascula
#3914 MM: Charset out of bounds! eriktorbjorn defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3964 PS2: Wrong audio pitch, higher than normal sunmax defect closed blocker Port: PS2
#4057 LAUNCHER: "(Mass) Add" buttons + built-in GUI = buggy SF/tanoku defect closed blocker GUI
#4085 DIG: slower animations on 0.12 Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#4101 TINSEL: DW1 corrupted savegame problem dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Tinsel
#4314 SAM: Charset fail after loading savegame lordhoto defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#4389 DETECTOR: Atlantis CD sets wrong gui options Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#4406 SAM: crash at the end of credits sequence wjp defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#4432 GUI: unable to select subtitles and speech for Simon 2 Kirben defect closed blocker Engine: AGOS
#4438 GOB1: Game "hangs" after first level DrMcCoy defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#4468 DRASCULA: Crash when smashing church window. eriktorbjorn defect closed blocker Engine: Drascula
#4470 IPHONE: CRUISE: more problems with click event vinterstum defect closed blocker Engine: Cruise
#4498 PSP: Crash upon launching SF/tanoku defect closed blocker Port: PSP
#4542 PSP: T7G poor performance defect closed blocker Engine: Groovie
#4609 GUI: GMM crashes when running in 320x200 and 320x240 lordhoto defect closed blocker GUI
#4610 GOB2: Hotspots get screwed in amoniak throne room DrMcCoy defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#4616 GOB3: Lock up at grocery tsoliman defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#4621 GOB3: Cannot continue in game DrMcCoy defect closed blocker Engine: Gob
#4720 DRAGON: Crash in Intro rspalek defect closed blocker Engine: Draci
#4808 NIPPON: Save/Load dialog empty peres defect closed blocker Engine: Parallaction
#4929 SCUMM: Mute setting does not work sev- defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
#4930 SWORD2: Mute setting does not work sev- defect closed blocker Engine: Sword2
#4931 SWORD1: Mute setting does not work sev- defect closed blocker Engine: Sword1
#4932 DW2: Mute is not respected on startup dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Tinsel
#4933 DW: Mute setting does not work dreammaster defect closed blocker Engine: Tinsel
#5108 HOYLE4: Not working lskovlun defect closed blocker Engine: SCI
#5278 MOTHERGOOSE CD: Tommy Tucker lock-up bluegr defect closed blocker Engine: SCI
#5302 MMNES: Garage Door Won't Open sev- defect closed blocker Engine: SCUMM
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.