#828 closed defect (fixed)
DIG: Tomb doors / Nexus panels don't work
Reported by: | SF/magna | Owned by: | eriktorbjorn |
Priority: | blocker | Component: | Engine: SCUMM |
Version: | Keywords: | script | |
Cc: | Game: | The Dig |
Version: Version : Win32 0.4.2cvs 2003-05-25 (downloaded today, but still showing old build date).
For some reason there seems to be an major bug concerning the doors in the tomb which effectively prevents playing the game any forward. It's impossible to use any of the code-panels which are placed next to the doors except the one near the energy-column (which has to be fixed after repairing the generator by loosening the panel and giving it an jump-start with the cabel).
The generator can now atleast be repaired which is nice (good job fingolfin). =)
According to my memory (and numerous solutions) the code on the purple rod should open the door on the left side of the dark corridor. But now I can't even bring up any other panels to try out the code. Wierd.
Here's also an attached gamesave.
Ticket imported from: #745401. Ticket imported from: bugs/828.
Attachments (1)
Change History (8)
by , 22 years ago
comment:1 by , 22 years ago
Priority: | normal → high |
comment:2 by , 22 years ago
Uh, this is a bad one. Can reproduce it is with various savegames of my own, too.
comment:3 by , 22 years ago
Priority: | high → blocker |
Summary: | DIG: Tomb doors → DIG: Tomb doors / Nexus panels don't work |
comment:4 by , 22 years ago
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:6 by , 21 years ago
Hi, i have just run into the same problem (after 3 hours of thinking how to go on with the game :))) because i have played it for first time). None of the doors in nexus can be opened. I used W2000 and yesterdays cvs. Good luck guys
comment:7 by , 21 years ago
Err, this item has already been closed, because it has already been fixed.
If you mean to say that you think the problem occurs again with latest CVS, please file a proper *new* bug report, stating all details (the details we require are listed on the bug submisson page - please read it before submitting a bug report).
DIG: Tomb doors bug