Custom Query (8257 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1700 of 8257)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4596 DRASCULA: Glitch when using cross on vampire guard sev- defect high Engine: Drascula
#5371 DRASCULA: Grafic Glitches in text eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4748 DRASCULA: Graphic Glitches sev- defect high Engine: Drascula
#4467 DRASCULA: Graveyard GFX error sev- defect high Engine: Drascula
#3808 DRASCULA: Impossible to save the game sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3971 DRASCULA: Inserting save game names lags bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#7166 DRASCULA: Misleading indentation in animation.cpp criezy defect low Engine: Drascula
#3965 DRASCULA: Mouse visible in screen saver bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#6631 DRASCULA: Music doesn't play from original directory structure bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3878 DRASCULA: No GUI warning when playing from CD bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3794 DRASCULA: No Spaces in SaveGames Names sev- defect blocker Engine: Drascula
#3885 DRASCULA: Plug bug bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4473 DRASCULA: Repeating conversations sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#7113 DRASCULA: Serious sprite glitches criezy defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4465 DRASCULA: Text wrapping error eriktorbjorn defect high Engine: Drascula
#3809 DRASCULA: Typing is slow when you save a game sev- defect high Engine: Drascula
#3714 DRASCULA: Unknown MD5 sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3969 DRASCULA: Voice delayed bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3886 DRASCULA: VonBraun's song bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3784 DRASCULA: Wrong intro music in Spanish version bluegr defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3754 DRASCULA: Wrong language detection(?) and crash sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3869 DRASCULA: can't use inventory objects bluegr defect blocker Engine: Drascula
#4867 DRASCULA: can't use inventory objects sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4475 DRASCULA: gfx glitch in pendulum room sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4819 DRASCULA: missing german translation eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Drascula
#8874 DRASCULA: more english grammar/spelling fixes sev- patch normal Engine: Drascula
#5372 DRASCULA: no subtitles in scene with "von Braun" criezy defect high Engine: Drascula
#7112 DRASCULA: protagonist walking off the screen criezy defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3799 DRASCULA: slowdown when you hold mouse buttons tag2015 defect normal Engine: Drascula
#3755 DRASCULA: typo in Spanish verbs sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#7755 DREAMCAST: Un-scrambled binary alternative zeldin feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#12437 DREAMWEB-DE:Screenshots Thunderforge patch normal Screenshots
#12436 DREAMWEB-IT:Screenshots Thunderforge patch normal Screenshots
#6032 DREAMWEB: Assertion on logon with empty password string wjp defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#14038 DREAMWEB: Can't progress past Sartain tag2015 defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6196 DREAMWEB: Corruption of inventory items wjp defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#5771 DREAMWEB: Crash SF/megath defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6112 DREAMWEB: Crash after Intro on OS X criezy defect high Engine: Dreamweb
#5781 DREAMWEB: Crash when inserting key SF/megath defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#5761 DREAMWEB: German checksum SF/megath defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#5783 DREAMWEB: German missing ß letter SF/megath defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#10650 DREAMWEB: Graphical glitches during intro in Eden's room aryanrawlani28 defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6029 DREAMWEB: Incorrect Charset in Italian Version wjp defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6417 DREAMWEB: Intro speech truncated in German Version bluegr defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6194 DREAMWEB: M key does not work in Network Monitor digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6035 DREAMWEB: No speech playing in CD version digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6030 DREAMWEB: Problem with Spanish/French version digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#5775 DREAMWEB: Spanish Version bluegr defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6288 DREAMWEB: Spanish speech ends abruptly during intro bluegr defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6045 DREAMWEB: doors don't play "open" sound when opening digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6039 DREAMWEB: graphical glitch on UKV CD version loading screen bluegr defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#6040 DREAMWEB: missing sound effects/music cues during main title digitall defect normal Engine: Dreamweb
#10653 DS errors digitall defect normal Port: NDS
#3009 DS: CD tracks don't loop agent-q defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#12344 DS: Flickering graphics when the talk position changes ccawley2011 defect normal Port: NDS
#12343 DS: Hangs in audio heavy sections ccawley2011 defect blocker Port: NDS
#12341 DS: No virtual keyboard ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: NDS
#11161 DUCKMAN: Endless SFX sev- defect normal Engine: Illusions
#12429 DUCKMAN:Screenshots Thunderforge patch normal Screenshots
#4472 DW German: Enhanced music doesn't work bluegr defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4588 DW1: Act 2 Amazon dialog skipping defect high Engine: Tinsel
#5757 DW1: Cannot enter Act IV (six hero objects taken) defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4512 DW1: Castle guards saying HIGH STRING at start of act 2 dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4052 DW1: Crash after intro animation on PowerPC 64 dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4393 DW1: No intro music at first start on Wii lordhoto defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4028 DW1: Subtitle menu not working (Multi-language version) lordhoto defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4414 DW1: Taking book early causes dead end dreammaster defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4606 DW1: flac compression not working m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4699 DW1: psychiatrist scene isn't playing (German version) dreammaster defect high Engine: Tinsel
#5641 DW2 - Unable to Save dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4142 DW2: Big Endian crash on loading saved game joostp defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#5708 DW2: Crash On Entering Sewers eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4088 DW2: Crash due to endian issue joostp defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4597 DW2: Doesn't start in WinCE port CeRiAl defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4222 DW2: Hangs when giving brochure to the beekeeper dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4165 DW2: Long pause entering Shades (big endian) joostp defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4827 DW2: Mad Drongo Animation Malfunction dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4729 DW2: Minor Crash interacting with D'Blah in Act II dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4932 DW2: Mute is not respected on startup dreammaster defect blocker Engine: Tinsel
#4180 DW2: Repeating SFX that should stop/pause don't joostp defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4504 DW2: Sound wont always mute dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#5874 DW2: US version uses UK graphics eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#5463 DW2: Unsupported demo version? dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4027 DW2: Voices cut off dreammaster defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4812 DW2: Weird "PC SPEAKER-like" sound distortion. fingolfin defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4547 DW2: crash in cartwheel stage dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4404 DW2: disappearing cursor dreammaster defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4860 DW2: graphical errors in video on Windows fingolfin defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#6963 DW: Assertion afer switching the books dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4350 DW: Black screen when loading via command line lordhoto defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4538 DW: Crasher bug in act 2 dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4427 DW: Game freeze dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#5462 DW: Multi-Language Floppy restricted to French dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4320 DW: Music won't play on savegame load dreammaster defect high Engine: Tinsel
#4933 DW: Mute setting does not work dreammaster defect blocker Engine: Tinsel
#6094 DW: PSX version dies when pressing ESC in intro bluegr defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#6095 DW: PSX version has a too small Re-Start window bluegr defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#6088 DW: PSX version locks up after using the book bluegr defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#6093 DW: PSX version missing (many) music (cues) defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#6101 DW: PSX-Demo quits ScummVM on idle-animation dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
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