Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#4414 closed defect (fixed)

DW1: Taking book early causes dead end

Reported by: SF/neosmagus Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: high Component: Engine: Tinsel
Version: Keywords: script
Cc: Game: Discworld


I've attached the savegame when I'm in the library in normal time. When I go to the past in LSpace I have the option of picking up the dragon summoning book (but I don't have the other one yet). I then went back through LSpace to the present, but it showed me a scene with Death and War and Famine and Pestilence playing a game. Rincewind automatically went back to the past and put the book back on the shelf. But what happens now is that everytime I try to go back to the present, either with the book or without it, it keeps showing the second scene with Death and friends and Rincewind again automatically going back to the past. There's no way back to the present that I know of, and this effectively dead-ends the game. It also persists if you save the game after it happens and then re-load that game (even after exiting ScummVM). The only option then is to load an earlier game.

ScummVM 1.0.0svn42472 (Jul 14 2009 21:07:29) Windows, Talkie version of Discworld

Ticket imported from: #2821557. Ticket imported from: bugs/4414.

Attachments (1)

dw.006 (3.8 KB ) - added by SF/neosmagus 16 years ago.

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Change History (6)

by SF/neosmagus, 16 years ago

Attachment: dw.006 added


comment:1 by fingolfin, 16 years ago

Summary: Taking book early causes dead endDW1: Taking book early causes dead end

comment:2 by dreammaster, 16 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Priority: normalhigh

comment:3 by dreammaster, 16 years ago

This was a script bug that was introduced in the SCN version of the game - in the original GRA version, global #373 was set when Rincewind enters L-Space in the past with the book, and is always reset when he returns to the past. In the SCN version, they changed in to global #206, and forgot to reset the flag when he returns to the past. This is why if you tried to take the book to the present once, you could no longer return to the present at all, even if you didn't have the book

comment:4 by dreammaster, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:5 by SF/directhex, 15 years ago

This happens on the original game.

The solution is to hide behind the bookcase, and wait until the thief has stolen the book - after the thief leaves with the book, you can return to the present.

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