Custom Query (14179 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 14179)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1301 [PALMOS] MIDI music won't play on Zire 71 SF/chrilith defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1302 Default volume is 0 for newly added games. fingolfin defect normal Audio
#1303 ALL: No window title on non-SCUMM games (regression) SF/khalek defect normal GUI
#1304 FT: Game crashes on ScummVM start defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1305 ScummVM Crashes on Startup fingolfin defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1306 FT : Crash when following bunnies defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1307 saving defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1308 FOA - Regression in intro eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1309 interactive intro crash eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1310 FOA: Crash when talking to Sophia fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1311 FOA: Crash when combining Rope with Rubbercomb defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1312 Dialogue doesn't appear on highest speed setting. defect low Engine: Sky
#1313 COMI: Guybrush vanishes, can't reach BBQ Pit defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1314 FOA: Assertion failed crash at lava pit fingolfin defect high Engine: SCUMM
#1315 FOA: Wrong sprite z-order at specific place fingolfin defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1316 extract'd FT monster.sou doesn't contain all voices eriktorbjorn defect normal Tools
#1317 DOTT: Room 57 fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1318 SIMON2WIN: No shadow subtitles in one sequence Kirben defect low Engine: AGOS
#1319 crash in Atlantis - bratwurst/Ribcage defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1320 ZAK: Can't Give Club in 5.5 build fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1321 MI2: No music when loading a saved game SF/arisme defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1322 GUI: Escing Load dialog auto loads save game fingolfin defect normal GUI
#1323 SIMON2DOS/TALKIE: Brief freeze on pirate ship Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1324 SIMON2TALKIE: Brief freeze in Island Cafe Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1325 ZAK: Can't use bus's cashcard reader (Regression) fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1326 Configuration setting not saved joostp defect normal Engine: Sky
#1327 FOA: Game continues with wrong scene in the talkie version eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1328 FT: '.' key wipes out conversation responses eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1329 ZAK: Anyone using the tram on mars disappears upon arrival Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1330 Game doesn't even start fingolfin defect normal Ports
#1331 GUI: Using options dialog causes a crash fingolfin defect normal GUI
#1332 MM: Green Tentacle not acting properly Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1333 ALL: crash when clicking the F5 options menu (regression) fingolfin defect normal GUI
#1334 GUI: aspect-ratio issue in launcher defect normal GUI
#1335 SIMON1DOS: Graphical glitchs in castle Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1336 Burke walks strange defect normal Engine: Sky
#1337 ZAK256: Bum in Miami won't start dancing! SF/ender defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1338 ZAK256: When picking up the Broom Alien... SF/ender defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1339 ZAK: "Oxygene-bug" on Mars fingolfin defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1340 MI1VGA: Unable to read resource fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1341 COMI : sound glitches on MSVC6 / EVC 3-4 SF/jamieson630 defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1342 ZAK: Actors not updating (Regression) fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1343 MIVGA: Missing cursor, script hangs fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1344 Binoculars spin indefinitely - Game uncompletable fingolfin defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1345 MANIAC: Walk infinite loop in bathroom (hack-in-cvs) sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1346 MANIAC: Actors don't stop talking SF/ender defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1347 COMI: ASCII 0xb (11) not handled fingolfin defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1348 Smush audio streaming fingolfin defect high Engine: SCUMM
#1349 Failed assertion in audiostream.cpp aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1350 BS1: Reproducable crash lavosspawn defect normal Engine: Sword1
#1351 FOA: Sudden loss of inventory items fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1352 MI1 - crash when entering church defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1353 FOA: Walking into wrong places defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1354 GUI: Subtitles checkbox doesn't work fingolfin defect normal GUI
#1355 Amiga games crash upon music start fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1356 FOA: Weird story bug (also happens with original engine) SF/ender defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1357 GUI: Switch CD dialog doesn't have Cancel fingolfin defect normal GUI
#1358 MI1EGA: Background pushed to side at end of game fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1359 FT: voices don't always play fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1360 FT: Skipping SAN during mineroad sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1361 FT: crash during intro eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1362 ScummVM crashes with fingolfin defect low Port: Linux
#1363 FT: INSANE Problems between Mink Farm and Poyhoga sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1364 DIG Demo: Crash when voice file played defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1365 MI1CD copy protection after restart Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1366 MM V1: Dave doesnt stop moving lips Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1367 FOTAQ no music joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1368 MIVGA: Guybrush shrinks & grows near end of game Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1369 DIG: Crash in bundle decoder fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1370 MANIAC: Can't water man-eating plant Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1371 DIG: Scrolling regression with the lander game fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1372 BS2: sigsegv loading preferences screen defect normal Engine: Sword2
#1373 SKY: Music volume doesn't change with alsa eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sky
#1374 DIG: Doors at Nexus cant be unlocked eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1375 BS1: CD change crash SF/ender defect normal Engine: Sword1
#1376 DIG: overlapping memory in memcpy() call aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1377 SIMON2: Subtitles or speech Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#1378 IMuseDigital extremly slow aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1379 CMI: Failed assertion in the new digital iMUSE aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1380 COMI: Music / speech turns mute aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1381 BS1: Scrolling glitch lavosspawn defect normal Engine: Sword1
#1382 SAM: Drawing regression in Sam & Max fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1383 DIG/COMI: Invalid rect values causing crashes fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1384 ALL: Local script variables not always initialized Kirben defect low Engine: SCUMM
#1385 BS2: Currently broken on big-endian? eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sword2
#1386 BS2: music cuts out while scrolling takes place eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sword2
#1387 FT: sound not init correctly defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1388 BS2: Warehouse crashes SF/ender defect high Engine: Sword2
#1389 COMI: "Stuttering" voices aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1390 DIG: Crashes when trying to open 3rd door in Nexus Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1391 COMI: Crashes on island Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1392 CMI: Strangeness in the NUT renderer Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1393 SAMNMAX: Inventory not displayed SF/ender defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1394 COMI: Wrong position of background on Blood Isle defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1395 DIG: Crash (segfault) Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1396 Crash when i try to open aquadran defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1397 FOTAQ: Crash loading save game from just before end defect normal Engine: Queen
#1398 COMI: Subtitle problems in Act II fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#1399 BS2: Bad audio/video sync in cutscenes eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sword2
#1400 ALL: Crash on 64Bit SF/ender defect low Engine: SCUMM
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