Opened 21 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#1373 closed defect (fixed)

SKY: Music volume doesn't change with alsa

Reported by: SF/jellby Owned by: eriktorbjorn
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Sky
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Beneath a Steel Sky


With the alsa driver, I start SkyCD and the music is too loud. I try to move the slider in the F5 dialog and nothing happens (it moves, but the volume doesn't change). Setting "music_volume" in .scummvmrc or using the -m command line parameter does work.

With the adlib driver, the slider works fine (only the minimum is not muted).

ScummVM 0.5.7cvs (Jan 5 2004 13:59:50) RedHat Linux 7.3 (with modifications)

Ticket imported from: #870890. Ticket imported from: bugs/1373.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 21 years ago

I can confirm this, but I don't know enough about MIDI to know how to fix it.

It may be significant that both the SCUMM and the Simon engine appears to set MIDI volume per channel, whereas BASS tries to set it all in one swell foop.

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 21 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:3 by eriktorbjorn, 21 years ago

This should be fixed in CVS now.

comment:4 by eriktorbjorn, 21 years ago

Owner: set to eriktorbjorn

comment:5 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

Component: Engine: Sky
Game: Beneath a Steel Sky
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