Custom Query (8280 matches)


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Results (3001 - 3100 of 8280)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4257 BRA: corruption after minimize peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4444 NIPPON: wont start in Dreamcast port zeldin defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4652 NIPPON: Conversation glitch peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4660 NIPPON: Crash while bartering comic peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4661 NIPPON: Music Missing in credits peres defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4662 NIPPON: Only one tune seems to play everywhere peres defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4663 NIPPON: Cursor vanishes peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4665 NIPPON: Conversation history not saved? peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4666 NIPPON: Objects remain in inventory peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4669 NIPPON: No Elder bluegr defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4806 NIPPON: Crash in Intro lordhoto defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4807 NIPPON: Kos sprite broken (regression) Kirben defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4808 NIPPON: Save/Load dialog empty peres defect blocker Engine: Parallaction
#4809 NIPPON: Wrong inventory item labels peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4811 NIPPON: Assertion at Dough's House (regression) peres defect high Engine: Parallaction
#4815 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Explanation verbs stuck digitall defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4816 NIPPON: Katana graphics not shown (regression) bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4817 NIPPON: Disguise changing back and forth bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4818 NIPPON: Crash at end of the game (regression) Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4830 NIPPON: Sound looping fails (regression) Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4832 NIPPON: Load from Launcher fails Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4840 NIPPON: Crash at character introduction (regression) Kirben defect high Engine: Parallaction
#5544 NIPPON: Dino can't change lighter at Honest Chan peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5548 NIPPON: crash when click on top screen peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5549 Nippon: Dino can't see coin in fountain peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5550 NIPPON: no speech Mr.Y into the bath room bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5763 WinCE: Nippon Safes: Objects didn't appear CeRiAl defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5811 WinCE-Nippon Safes Amiga: Crash at taxi scene digitall defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#7565 NIPPON SAFES: Request to add Amiga version (FULL) peres feature request normal Engine: Parallaction
#7586 NIPPON: "Adding "Click" sound to character selection? peres feature request normal Engine: Parallaction
#8601 small patch to paralaction dropItem() peres patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#9175 BRA: handle SELFUSE flag peres patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#9179 BRA: fix inventory hitCharacter check peres patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#9181 BRA: execute merge commands after inventory is closed peres patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#9184 BRA: correctly parse animations of type none peres patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#11556 PARALLACTION: Big Red Adventure - Multi-lingual DOS & Demo DOS startup crash ccawley2011 defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13630 MD5: PARALLACTION: Unknown game variant for parallaction (Nippon Safes Inc.) sev- defect high Engine: Parallaction
#10347 Pegasus: Unknown version of Pegasus prime sev- feature request normal Engine: Pegasus
#10981 Unknown game variant for The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime sev- feature request normal Engine: Pegasus
#14855 PEGASUS: Video crashes near its end - Could not find data for frame 193 antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pegasus
#11985 PETKA: ScummVM doesn't identify the retail 3 CD version of Red Comrades 1 tag2015 defect high Engine: Petka
#12063 PETKA: Dialogue options have no outline and wrong color whiterandrek defect low Engine: Petka
#12064 PETKA: Subtitles "jump" (have different line heights) whiterandrek defect low Engine: Petka
#12066 PETKA: Broken pathfinding whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12067 PETKA: Characters ignore the walking region sometimes whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12068 PETKA: Missing animations in some cutscenes whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12075 PETKA: Audio desync in cutscenes whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12076 PETKA: Missing actions animations whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12077 PETKA: Very short animation whiterandrek defect low Engine: Petka
#12681 PETKA: Demo crashes on startup ccawley2011 defect high Engine: Petka
#12999 PETKA: Red Comrades 1 - corrupted graphics after looking at game credits in main menu whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#10708 Unknown game variant: Danish Pink Panther: Passport to Peril localisation sev- feature request normal Engine: Pink
#10800 [Pink] "Pink Panther: Passport to Peril" crashes whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Pink
#10805 PINK: Hokus Pokus Pink Crash in Dining Room at Coat with Stars whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Pink
#10851 Unknown game variant: Polish Pink Panther: Passport to Peril localisation sev- defect normal Engine: Pink
#10919 Unknown game variant - Danish variant of Hokus Pokus Panther: pokus-da lotharsm defect normal Engine: Pink
#10950 Unknown game variant - German variant of Hokus Pokus Panther: pokus-de whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Pink
#10956 Unknown game variant for Pink Panther's Passport to Peril (English UK) whiterandrek feature request normal Engine: Pink
#11316 PINK: RTL - Hebrew is reversed (Left to Right instead of Right to Left) sev- defect normal Engine: Pink
#13249 Pink Panther: PtP game crashes on loading a save whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Pink
#13856 Unknown game variant for Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink (italian) tag2015 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13860 PINK: Animations will freeze after exiting PDA antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13865 PINK: German Umlauts not displayed antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13866 PINK: German Umlauts not displayed antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13869 PINK: Can't pickup the poker in sir Manley's house antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13903 Pink Panther Passport to Peril refuses to detect game files sev- defect normal Engine: Pink
#14438 PINK: Crash in Egypt when using the digger on the characters antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Pink
#13333 Unknown game variant for plumbers for Peter and the Wolf, Windows Version digitall defect normal Engine: Plumbers
#15022 PLUMBERS: Plumbers Don't Wear Ties! (Windows) crashes on startup sev- defect normal Engine: Plumbers
#7170 PRINCE: Casting away const-ness without an explicit const_cast sev- defect blocker Engine: Prince
#10585 TOOLS: Compilation (missing local C++11 support) broken digitall defect normal Engine: Prince
#11429 PRINCE: "Look at" bug sev- defect normal Engine: Prince
#11771 PRINCE: conversation with the priest bug sev- defect blocker Engine: Prince
#12348 PRIVATE: Game timer runs too fast before police arrive neuromancer defect normal Engine: Private
#12360 PRIVATE: Unknown game variant sev- defect normal Engine: Private
#12548 PRIVATE: Missing Voiceover neuromancer defect normal Engine: Private
#12566 PRIVATE: Duplicate Inventory in Casebook neuromancer defect low Engine: Private
#12567 PRIVATE: Opening Safe causes ScummVM crash neuromancer defect normal Engine: Private
#12718 PRIVATE: New location doesn't appear after required actions neuromancer defect high Engine: Private
#12761 PRIVATE: Cinematics in Private Eye are too slow neuromancer defect high Engine: Private
#1367 FOTAQ no music joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1409 FOTAQ: Crashes shortly after knocking guy down at Plane defect normal Engine: Queen
#1415 FOTAQ: Assertion fails trying to escape post-Airport Cutaway joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1416 FOTAQ: Missing music in Gorilla and Missionary scene joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1469 FOTAQ: Sounds played when sound turned off joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1556 FOTAQ: insane graphic glitch joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1558 FOTAQ : Crash on PocketPC when talking to Lola SF/arisme defect normal Engine: Queen
#1569 FOTAQ : Crash when leaving the hotel SF/arisme defect normal Engine: Queen
#1574 FOTAQ: Crash after playing for a long time cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1608 FOTAQ: Can't see or talk to the three zombies cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1727 FOTAQ: NULL pointer dereference in Talk::defaultAnimation cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1737 FOTAQ: DC: Crash when talking to Bellboy zeldin defect normal Engine: Queen
#1741 FOTAQ: DC: Can't Navigate Pointer in Journal Menu cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1782 FOTAQ: Cutscene termination doesn't end speech cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1783 FOTAQ: Speech/Lip animation out of sync cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1854 FOTAQ: Crash when quitting through journal (MIDI-related) joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#2085 FOTAQ: Crash when loading cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#2334 FOTAQ: Wrong character in spanish version cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#2345 FOTAQ: Subtitles too fast cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#2636 FOTAQ stuck behind waterfall bug cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
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