Opened 3 years ago

Closed 15 months ago

#13630 closed defect (fixed)

MD5: PARALLACTION: Unknown game variant for parallaction (Nippon Safes Inc.)

Reported by: laenion Owned by: sev-
Priority: high Component: Engine: Parallaction
Version: Keywords: unknown-game
Cc: Game: Nippon Safes


The game in 'Nippon Safes Inc.' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the parallaction engine: nippon

{"disk2", 0, "bfdd7bcfbc226f4acf3f67fa9efa2826", 907205},
{"disk3", 0, "eec08180240888d76e3cfe3e183d5d5d", 1030721},
{"disk1", 0, "610363308258e926dbabd5a9e7bb769f", 1060142},
{"disk4", 0, "5bffddc7db226bdaa7dd3e10e5a15e68", 1151403},
{"ge", 0, "50916bfa34aee1380e0e959b37eceb5a", 410624},
{"it", 0, "89964aef04d2c53a615ee8983caf2775", 410624},
{"fr", 0, "fd368bab0a8854021870b2199255b7ec", 410624},
{"en", 0, "65cbfa81eafe308621184796ed116700", 399360},

These hashes were generated with a personal dump of the European (Italian / English / French / German) 3 disk DOS floppy set. The file sizes themselves seems to be identical to the ones available on ScummVMs download page, just the contents are slightly different.

Attachments (1)

fr (401.0 KB ) - added by laenion 19 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by tag2015, 20 months ago

Hi, thanks for the report.
Only the "fr" file has a different checksum, that is a bit unusual. Did you try copying the files again from the original media?

comment:2 by laenion, 19 months ago

I extracted the file again, with the same result; as I didn't get any read errors when creating the disk dump and as the file is contained in an ARJ archive, which also validates the file integrity with a CRC-32 hash, I assume that my dump is correct.

However I noticed another difference between the ScummVM's download version any mine: The file's timestamp on my disk is from April, the download version contains a file from March:

unarj l DISCO1.ARJ 
UNARJ (Demo version) 2.65 Copyright (c) 1991-2002 ARJ Software, Inc.

Processing archive: DISCO1.ARJ
Archive created: 1992-02-13 07:15:08
Filename       Original Compressed Ratio DateTime modified CRC-32   AttrBTPMGVX
------------ ---------- ---------- ----- ----------------- -------- -----------
DISK3           1030721     354665 0.344 06-01-01 00:01:20 84C556B9      B 1   
CHECK.EXE          3460       2032 0.587 92-02-02 12:32:34 BF834747      B 1   
FR               410624      99034 0.241 93-04-19 10:59:28 61157B3A      B 1   
ADV.EXE          134054      46214 0.345 93-03-11 00:00:56 075F87C8      B 1   
GE               410624     100574 0.245 93-03-21 11:21:48 71AF53AE      B 1   
------------ ---------- ---------- ----- -----------------
     5 files    1989483     602519 0.303 92-02-13 07:15:08

I'll try to attach my version of the file; a diff revealed that it indeed contains a few differences.

by laenion, 19 months ago

Attachment: fr added

comment:3 by somaen, 15 months ago

Priority: normalhigh

comment:4 by sev-, 15 months ago

Summary: PARALLACTION: Unknown game variant for parallaction (Nippon Safes Inc.)MD5: PARALLACTION: Unknown game variant for parallaction (Nippon Safes Inc.)

comment:5 by sev-, 15 months ago

Owner: set to sev-
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thank you! I added detection for this version and put the version with the changed FR file to our downloads section.

You will need to use tomorrow's daily build for testing.

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