Custom Query (963 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 963)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Version
#11864 STARK: April standing over void at Roper Klacks castle new normal Engine: Stark
#11867 STARK: Incorrect scene transition at Roper Klacks castle new normal Engine: Stark
#11868 STARK: April marked as usable object new normal Engine: Stark
#11869 STARK: Clothes line dissapears if you try to add it to the clamp new normal Engine: Stark
#11876 STARK/TLJ: Camera pans too fast new normal Engine: Stark
#11880 STARK: April floating on the raft is not in sync with background sea new normal Engine: Stark
#11885 STARK: chapter 4 - Strange creature wont talk new normal Engine: Stark
#11889 STARK: No dedicated "listKnowledges" command new low Engine: Stark
#11890 STARK: listLocations debug command should print actual location numbers, not file paths new low Engine: Stark
#12966 STARK: April spins around on right side of Mercury Theatre entrance scene new low Engine: Stark
#12973 STARK: Dialogue line cut in half, stops reproducing new low Engine: Stark
#13449 STARK: Diary text scaled wrongly if going back and forwards between fullscreen and windowed new normal Engine: Stark
#13450 STARK: Videos and graphics don't match in tone, making transitions a tad jarring new normal Engine: Stark
#13768 STARK: TLJ no longer uses correct aspect ratio (stretched, widescreen bug/regression) pending ccawley2011 normal Engine: Stark
#13793 STARK: Background image overlapping text and icons new normal Engine: Stark
#14462 STARK: Only actors are visible in OpenGL 1.3 rendering mode new dwatteau high Engine: Stark
#14586 STARK: Sound buggy on Linux new normal Engine: Stark
#14824 ANDROID: STARK: Crash when launching The Longest Journey on Android 13 new normal Engine: Stark
#2226 SKY: BASS - "game frozen" / "actor stuck" / "Invalid Mode(16)" new joostp low Engine: Sky
#9872 SKY: BASS - Save game MetaInfo is missing new low Engine: Sky
#10439 SKY: BASS - vkeybd only allows 1 keyboard input at a time new low Engine: Sky
#7012 SHERLOCK: volume settings don't work new dreammaster normal Engine: Sherlock
#9596 SHERLOCK: Music / Speech volume is not adjustable new normal Engine: Sherlock
#10309 SHERLOCK: MIDI - Broken (in-program) sound driver handling new normal Engine: Sherlock
#10348 SHERLOCK: Music setting by in-game option is not respected new normal Engine: Sherlock
#13160 SHERLOCK: Glitch when loading savegame new normal Engine: Sherlock
#13357 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Music notes sometimes left hanging new normal Engine: Sherlock
#13358 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Glitch when removing the beam with the chain new normal Engine: Sherlock
#14282 SHERLOCK: SCALPEL: Mr. Epstein drawers bug - puts game into unwinnable state new normal Engine: Sherlock
#14424 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Items in the Chinese version cannot be used new normal Engine: Sherlock
#13711 SLUDGE: NSC Crashes in opening credits new normal Engine: SLUDGE
#1946 SCUMM: Adlib Emulation doesn't Respect Volume Settings new low Engine: SCUMM
#2536 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Minor newgame sound glitch new normal Engine: SCUMM
#2538 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Sound glitches new normal Engine: SCUMM
#2693 SCUMM: Potential savegame incompatibility new normal Engine: SCUMM
#3070 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Actor drawing glitch: standing next to fence new low Engine: SCUMM
#3467 SCUMM: MANIAC (Original bug): Feeding Meat Eating Plant doesn't work correctly new normal Engine: SCUMM
#3494 SCUMM: Zak McKracken - PCJR/Tandy emulation differs from actual Tandy 1000 new low Engine: SCUMM
#4129 SCUMM: MI2 (Original bug): Waterfall sound breaks up new low Engine: SCUMM
#4499 SCUMM: MI2 - MIXER: bad wiring in adlib and mixed midi modes new normal Engine: SCUMM
#4562 SCUMM/HE: Spy Fox: Cheese Chase - can't create new levels new Kirben normal Engine: SCUMM
#4719 SCUMM: MI2 Dancing Skeletons cause Game Loop new normal Engine: SCUMM
#4767 SCUMM/HE: Spyfox 3 - Sprite problem with Spyfox's head new Kirben normal Engine: SCUMM
#6149 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Clues Art Time is not completable new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6150 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Clues 123 Time Graphic Glitches new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6712 SCUMM/HE: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector" new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6730 SCUMM/HE: Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon MIDI Music identified as MT-32, rather than GM new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6942 SCUMM: Game variants fail to match demos correctly new normal Engine: SCUMM
#7175 SCUMM: Sam and Max - Wrong music cue at bigfoot party new normal Engine: SCUMM
#9591 SCUMM: Zak McKracken (FM-Towns) - Intro animation runs faster than intro music new normal Engine: SCUMM
#9619 SCUMM/HE: PUTTZOO- Kenya Animation Bug Persists new normal Engine: SCUMM
#11227 SCUMM: Indy3 - Fighting with Keypad keys doesn't work correctly new normal Engine: SCUMM
#11360 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - scrolling should be smooth (also a special cursor while loading data) new normal Engine: SCUMM
#11366 SCUMM/HE: Problem with Savegame Naming on PS Vita and Other Mobile Ports new normal Engine: SCUMM
#11971 SCUMM: MANIAC/ZAK C64: GUI & dialog text are incorrectly positioned on screen, and cursor is improperly layered new normal Engine: SCUMM
#12251 SCUMM/HE: Missing visual effects on Spy Fox in Cheese Chase new normal Engine: SCUMM
#12277 SCUMM: Music-behavior in cutscenes during alarm in NES-version new normal Engine: SCUMM
#12550 SCUMM/HE: Bad ID 69696869 Error in Backyard Baseball 2001/3 pending sev- normal Engine: SCUMM
#12554 SCUMM: MM Amiga: Volume not changeable new low Engine: SCUMM
#12915 SCUMM/HE: Backyard Football 2002 crash starting a match new normal Engine: SCUMM
#12984 SCUMM: LOOM: Mac version font centering is inaccurate new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13022 SCUMM: Loom CD Talkie starts with subtitles disabled new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13107 SCUMM: MM (NES-EU-ES) - Last letters retained in screen/missing letters new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13221 SCUMM: Monkey Island 2 Segfault (Midi related) new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13261 SCUMM: Scrolling scenes show at a larger width than on DOS new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13278 SCUMM: Indiana Jones 3 and Loom Amiga versions - No Sound new AndywinXp normal Engine: SCUMM
#13366 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Path finding or overlay issue at Dragon's caves pending athrxx normal Engine: SCUMM
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin new low Engine: SCUMM
#13388 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Visual glitches with the forge bricks and actors new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13420 SCUMM: PUTTZOO Animation overlap bug with final iceberg in Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13425 SCUMM: PAJAMA Multiple animation errors during Cheese & Crackers game during final cutscene new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13532 SCUMM/HE: Flashing line at bottom of screen in Freddi 3 new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13572 SCUMM: MI2: Main notes at beginning of Bone dance sequence not playing correctly in Ultimate Talkie Edition new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13616 SCUMM: MANIAC (Original bug): walking on background in entrance hall new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13797 SCUMM/HE: FREDDI5: Outline of Freddi appears in the leftmost tide pool new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13861 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Treasure Hunt - Disc 2 and Disc 1 share save files but not IDs new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13862 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Treasure Hunt - Breakout Minigame does not load levels correctly new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13863 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Treasure Hunt - Breakout Minigame Editor crashes the program new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13864 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Treasure Hunt - Missing Backgrounds during some animations new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13937 SCUMM/HE: Blue's s Reading Time Activities - Softlock when sliding down facing left new normal Engine: SCUMM
#13959 SCUMM: MI1 (Floppy) Broken door sound effect new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14006 SCUMM: Glitches with the bus in ZAK new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14048 SCUMM: DIG: Low latency mode causes stutter at the beginning of speech clips in videos new low Engine: SCUMM
#14443 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Bobbin (as Bobbin) can enter the Forge gate before it's closed and glitches with the background new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14510 SCUMM: Inconsistent Audio setting between in-game GMM menu and launcher's Game Options new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14529 SCUMM/HE: FBEAR: Fatty Bear's teeth are green (Original bug) new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14608 SCUMM: FMTOWNS Version with Italian translation - Crash at CAIRO sphinx after press the 3 button in order using ANNIE. new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14732 SCUMM: Remaining Mac GUI issues for Indy3 and Loom new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14738 SCUMM: Putt-Putt's Fun Pack - add Mac Floppy version new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14740 SCUMM: Incorrect special keyboard commands in Help dialog new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14747 BACKENDS: HAIKU: ScummVM 2.7.1 build crashes when pressing "F5/F1" to open the menu on "Day of the Tentacle" new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14759 SCUMM: V2/ZAK intro credits are printed without any delay on ST+AMIGA versions new low Engine: SCUMM
#14765 SCUMM V0: MANIAC: APPLE II: Palette is incorrect. new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14847 SCUMM: Curse of Monkey Island - Stutter when interacting with items new normal Engine: SCUMM
#14984 SCUMM/HE: Backyard Football Online softlocks regularly new normal Engine: SCUMM
#15026 SCUMM: DIG: Color depth issues & artifacting in some shots in SMUSH videos new normal Engine: SCUMM
#15030 SCUMM: LOOM (EGA): font drop shadow changes over animation & unique drop shadows in certain scenes are not implemented new normal Engine: SCUMM
#15040 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Inaccurate text centering and font drop shadows new normal Engine: SCUMM
#15047 SCUMM: DIG: "Holding an object"-state gets cancelled by cutscene override new normal Engine: SCUMM
#15063 SCUMM: Autosave warnings still pop up when classic menus are used new normal Engine: SCUMM
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