Opened 10 years ago

Closed 7 months ago

#6712 closed defect (fixed)

SCUMM/HE: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector"

Reported by: eriktorbjorn Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Spy Fox 3


I'm using the English version of the game (HE version 99, I think), and a current Git snapshot of ScummVM.

When playing the "Radioactive Trash Collector" game (which is built into your spy watch, so no savegame is necessary), the text for the highscore table, current points and current level is drawn in the wrong color. It also looks like text in ScummVM isn't erased properly, because even after a bonus level has ended the text "BONUS" is visible on the screen.

I'm including screenshots from ScummVM and Wine, but I have also tried it in Windows.

Ticket imported from: bugs/6712.

Attachments (2)

spyfox3-scummvm.png (19.3 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 10 years ago.
spyfox3-wine.png (20.1 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by eriktorbjorn, 10 years ago

Attachment: spyfox3-scummvm.png added

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 10 years ago

Keen-eyed readers may have noticed some differences between the two screenshots:

The clear plastic cover over the "STOP" button is transparent in Wine, but not in ScummVM. I should probably file a separate bug report about this.

The "bonus" dots have different colours, but this is normal. The colours change throughout the game. Almost certainly not a bug.

comment:2 by raziel-, 5 years ago

ScummVM 2.2.0git (Jul 15 2020 10:24:49)
Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 Theora AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG cloud (servers, local)

All three issues are still there with the above version of ScummVM.

SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone (English (US))

AmigaOS4 - PPC - BE - SDL

comment:3 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: SPYFOX3: Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector"SCUMM: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector"

comment:4 by sev-, 3 years ago

Summary: SCUMM: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector"SCUMM/HE: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector"

comment:5 by Thunderforge, 3 years ago

Still an issue on 2.6.0 (Windows x64).

Tested on the Steam version, both US and UK English.

Also note that a side effect of this is that the high score numbers are impossible to read.

comment:6 by AndywinXp, 7 months ago

In 98f242a7:

SCUMM: SPYFOX3: Fix unreadable numbers in minigame

This closes ticket #6712:
"SCUMM/HE: SPYFOX3 - Text drawing
glitch in "Radioactive Trash Collector""

HE100 (and a very late version of HE99) uses different
flags for drawBox color modes. Incidentally, the target
color (light gray) used for the background on which
text is rendered managed to trigger a different mode,
hence the text never being removed.

comment:7 by AndywinXp, 7 months ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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