Opened 14 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#14608 closed defect (invalid)

SCUMM: FMTOWNS Version with Italian translation - Crash at CAIRO sphinx after press the 3 button in order using ANNIE.

Reported by: DjDiabolik Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords: Zak McKraken FMTOWN Crash
Cc: Game: Zak McKracken


After so many years yesterday i restart to play this fantastic adventure.

After so many hours i have reach this POINT.. i have reach the rooms inside the CAIRO sphinx and i reach this point this ANNIE because here can read the hieroglyphs on the walls.
I have reach the final rooms and know i need to press the three button in order:

Exacly after that ANNIE look the Piramid Map on left says that like "it's a MAP of Piramid on Mars" or somethigs similar.

Exactly after this point i SEE the CONSOLE DEBUG popping up on screen and appears an error say:
Error 15:200:0xDA21 local variable reading out of bound

Or anyway very similar issue.

After i click on ESC on keyboard i see the ScummVM closing and i'm back on desktop of my OS.
luckily I had a recently made save and this time i have try the press the correct order of three button after reach this same room whit ZAK (and leave ANNIE out of same room) and whit only ZAK in this room apparently the games does'nt crash.

I don't have idea if same trouble can append also whit original ENGLISH version.
In my case i have use an ITALIAN Fan traslation...

If it's necessary i can attach this latest SAVEGAME i can use for try to reproduce this issue.

Problably someone can fix this issue ? I hope ?

Attachments (3)

scummvm-zak-fm-00000.png (41.5 KB ) - added by DjDiabolik 14 months ago.
zak-fm.s23 (20.4 KB ) - added by DjDiabolik 14 months ago.
zak-fm.s24 (20.4 KB ) - added by tag2015 12 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by DjDiabolik, 14 months ago

Attachment: scummvm-zak-fm-00000.png added

by DjDiabolik, 14 months ago

Attachment: zak-fm.s23 added

comment:1 by DjDiabolik, 14 months ago

I have attach the SCREENSHOT of error........ and also my Current SAVEGAME.

Here you are ZAK...... ANNIE it's "parked" at LONDON in this savegame.
You can Reach here and buy a flight ticket to reach CAIRO whit with her.

Reach the main rooms and PRESS:
Center, Left and Right button

And you can obtain the crash........

comment:2 by tag2015, 14 months ago

Priority: highnormal
Summary: FMTOWN Version whit Italiand translation - Crash at CAIRO sphinx after press the 3 button in order using ANNIE.SCUMM: FMTOWNS Version with Italian translation - Crash at CAIRO sphinx after press the 3 button in order using ANNIE.

by tag2015, 12 months ago

Attachment: zak-fm.s24 added

comment:3 by tag2015, 12 months ago

Seems to be related to your fantranslation, or corrupted data. I tried your save using my english FM-TOWNS version from GOG and I could not reproduce the issue.
Just FYI: I teleported zak to seattle, then went to london to give the cashcard to Annie, then went back to the map room using Annie and did the button sequence after reading the glyphs

I attached a save

comment:4 by tag2015, 6 months ago

Could you try again, and make sure that your gamedata are fine? I just applied the italian patch to the GOG release, and I can't reproduce the crash (using scummvm 2.8.1)

Using your save with Zak, or my save with Annie (zak-fm.s24), after pressing the three buttons the map appears normally and the characters say "Questa è la mappa della faccia che c'è su marte! or "Questa è la mappa della piramide marziana!"

comment:5 by AndywinXp, 3 months ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Closing this in the hope that the user responds... Feel free to reopen, if the issue is still there.

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