Custom Query (8274 matches)


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Results (2801 - 2900 of 8274)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4745 SWORD1: Macintosh Demo crashes after Intro eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sword1
#4746 ITE: Graphic Glitches during racoon death "Cut Scene" sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4747 IHNM: Small problem detecting German version sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4749 MANIAC - Italian NES version (extracted) not recognized sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4754 FREDDI4-demo-win-nl not recognized (crash) Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4755 Discworld 1 - Problem with whistle dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4757 BUILD: angstrom+non-arm and configure djwillis defect normal Ports
#4758 AMIGAOS4: Compiler errors at sci.cpp defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#4759 GUI: Regression in numpad handling bluddy defect normal GUI
#4760 LOL: Crash when sleeping in Urbish mines athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#4762 AMIGAOS4: Compiler error wjp defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#4764 LOL: Crash in Cimmeria athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#4766 MP3 (CD Audio) Broken under SVN lordhoto defect normal Audio
#4771 KYRA: Error when loading non-existent savegame lordhoto defect normal Engine: Kyra
#4772 Gob: ScummVM quits on pause lordhoto defect normal GUI
#4773 Pajama2: German-Win Version is not recognized Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4776 SCUMM: FREDDI1 - Graphical Glitch in opening cutscene BenCastricum defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4777 TEENAGENT: Noty Appears Outside His Mansion Too Early SF/megath defect normal Engine: TeenAgent
#4781 LSL1: Security in blackjack sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4783 HE: Broken saves show in launcher Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4784 PUTTPUTT: No Load/Save possible Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4785 RTZ: crash when using original GUI to quit SF/mthreepwood defect normal Engine: MADE
#4786 BASS: Crash During the Intro eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sky
#4787 AGI: (Fan) SQ0 - Sprite (Ego) not erased sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4788 AGI: (Fan) SQ0: Animation overdraws text window sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4789 AGI: (Fan) SQ0: Text input field overdraws Text window sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4790 AGI: Ego partly erased in Load/Save thumbnails sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4791 AGI: (Fan) SQ0: Music lost on saving (and loading) sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4794 Zak/FM-Towns: Game hangs when using monkey wrench Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4796 FOTAQ: Floda Alarm Tone Won't Stop eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Queen
#4797 General memory leak defect normal Port: PSP
#4798 SAGA: Memory leaks SF/h00ligan defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4799 Zak/FM-Towns: Crash after epilogue sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4800 WII: Loom PCE/TG16 US freeze dhewg defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4801 SCUMM/HE: Spyfox 2 - Broken talk animation AndywinXp defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4802 UNZIP: Double free causes crash hkzlab defect normal --Other--
#4804 GOB3: can't switch to actors DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#4809 NIPPON: Wrong inventory item labels peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4813 SCI: Instruments changes when non digital sound is played m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#4815 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Explanation verbs stuck digitall defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4816 NIPPON: Katana graphics not shown (regression) bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4817 NIPPON: Disguise changing back and forth bluegr defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4818 NIPPON: Crash at end of the game (regression) Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4819 DRASCULA: missing german translation eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4820 SCI LSL1: Assertion before finale m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#4822 COMMON: Compile error - SWAP undeclared in algorithm.h lordhoto defect normal --Other--
#4827 DW2: Mad Drongo Animation Malfunction dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4828 BS2: Game lockup in British Museum eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: Sword2
#4829 LURE: Engine Abort "Invalid Room 19..." dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#4830 NIPPON: Sound looping fails (regression) Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4832 NIPPON: Load from Launcher fails Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4834 DRACI: Corruption of Text Glyphs with Stumps and Credits rspalek defect normal Engine: Draci
#4836 DRACI : Segfault Crash when dirtying Goblins Beard rspalek defect normal Engine: Draci
#4837 LURE: Engine Abort in Weregate Green Cave dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#4838 GUI: Text input + Right Alt lordhoto defect normal GUI
#4841 LURE: Engine Abort looking through Shopkeeper's Window dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#4844 LURE: Valgrind Memory Errors When Skorl Gatekeeper Drinks dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#4845 SCI LSL2: Crash after arriving on the island waltervn defect normal Engine: SCI
#4846 TINSEL: Build with -O2 broken fingolfin defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4847 BASS: MT-32 warning on Intro skipping lordhoto defect normal Engine: Sky
#4848 COMMON: fatal assertion when starting most engines fingolfin defect normal Ports
#4850 TOOLS: GUI builds even if optioned out criezy defect normal Tools
#4851 TEEN: Crash when using diving gear SF/megath defect normal Engine: TeenAgent
#4852 DRACI: Colours corruption when passing the title screen rspalek defect normal Engine: Draci
#4853 Incomprehensible message for missing scummvm.ini fingolfin defect normal Tools
#4854 SPYFOX3 (French): Crash when using the fingernail machine Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4855 TOOLS: The media directory is not installed criezy defect normal Tools
#4856 TOOLS:configure should check if libwxgtk2.8-dev is installed criezy defect normal Tools
#4857 KYRA1: Crash at the end of game lordhoto defect normal Engine: Kyra
#4858 AMIGAOS4: Compiler errors on ./configure salty-horse defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#4859 LURE: The ScummVM crashes repeatedly dreammaster defect normal Engine: Lure
#4860 DW2: graphical errors in video on Windows fingolfin defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#4862 BUILDBOT: configure phase not handled well dhewg defect normal --Other--
#4863 KQ6 - Crash after Island of the Myst waltervn defect normal Engine: SCI
#4867 DRASCULA: can't use inventory objects sev- defect normal Engine: Drascula
#4870 FT: Cavefish Hideout Chase (Failure Cutscene) Crash lordhoto defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4874 TOOLS: Compiler error fingolfin defect normal Tools
#4876 BACKENDS: iOS - Skip gesture does not work in 'click-and-drag' mode larsamannen defect normal Port: iOS
#4877 IPHONE: crash upon resuming from suspend vinterstum defect normal Port: iOS
#4878 IPHONE: audio artifacts in The Dig on iPad vinterstum defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4880 IPHONE: No grabPalette() implementation lordhoto defect normal Port: iOS
#4881 IPHONE: No Overlay Alpha Blending vinterstum defect normal Port: iOS
#4882 Tools, Zak C64 German: crash due to padding bytes sev- defect normal Tools
#4885 FOTAQ Amiga: crashes reporting assertion failure fingolfin defect normal Engine: Queen
#4886 MI1EGA German: Credit text incorrect fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4887 SCI LSL3: Music lost in Island Jungle m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#4888 SCI LSL3: Door slam sound incorporated in background music m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#4890 GMM: Crash in 320x200 fingolfin defect normal GUI
#4892 configure executes files in /tmp (r32625-r49320, archl) wjp defect normal Port: Linux
#4893 Crash when using smacker cutscenes SF/mthreepwood defect normal Engine: Sword1
#4894 SCI LSL5: Crash after coffee incident m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#4899 Text + Speech Options Aren't Saved criezy defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4901 AMIGAOS4: messages.cpp errors lordhoto defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#4903 AGI: GR - Crash on start bluegr defect normal Engine: AGI
#4905 AGI (Fan): SQ0 - Ego flickering sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4907 IPHONE: Mouse clicks not recognized vinterstum defect normal Engine: Gob
#4910 FREDDI: Nintendo Wii PAL Multilng. Disc Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4911 SCUMM: COMI - crash on 1-st scene (Russian version) AndywinXp defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4912 KQ6 - Crashes when attempting to save bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#4914 LOOM-PCE: Music stops prematurely eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
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