Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#4800 closed defect (fixed)

WII: Loom PCE/TG16 US freeze

Reported by: SF/avianauthority Owned by: dhewg
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Loom


The game was crashing when I would select 'Save' (on the actual save menu after filling in my chosen name for the save) This was with a build from about a week ago. I mentioned it on the forum as I was thinking it might be endian related, and wasn't happening on x86 Ubuntu, and Clone2727 replied: "It could be, or it could be 16bpp related. The crash only happens when going to save? Seems more likely that it would be that."

But things have changed now with a newer build r48151 What I said above about saving with the older build above. I was trying to save right after the scene near the start when Bobbin watches the other weavers from the shadows. To get through all the dialog I was using the period (.) key, that a lot of SCUMM games use, with a USB keyboard. Then after the scene I'd try to save. The game would freeze on the save menu screen. I found that by pressing 'A' on the Wiimote I would find myself back at the Homebrew Channel.

OK now I'll get to r48151. I just tried this. Due to making a coffee I let the Bobbin in the shadows scene play out instead of using the period key and skipping dialog. When I came back the game had froze during this scene. Also again by pressing 'A' on the Wiimote a couple of times I'd be taken back to the Homebrew Channel. Trying a second time now and using the period key to speed up game dialog the game has crashed again during the same scene although not exactly the same place. Again the Wiimote's A button gets me back to HBChannel.

Hope I haven't been too verbose here. I would of attached a save but given the problem obviously I can't.


Ticket imported from: #2964893. Ticket imported from: bugs/4800.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 15 years ago

Owner: set to dhewg
Summary: Wii - Loom PCE/TG16 US freezeWII: Loom PCE/TG16 US freeze

comment:2 by dhewg, 14 years ago

Thanks for the report. This should be fixed in the next nighty build.

comment:3 by dhewg, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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