Custom Query (13995 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 13995)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#7596 PALM: Memory leaks and misuse SF/chrilith feature request normal Port: PalmOS
#7598 The Neverhood feature request normal Engine: Neverhood
#7599 Stream non-compressed sound directly from files sev- feature request normal Audio
#7600 ALL: standardization of savegames names criezy feature request normal --Other--
#7601 iPhone: Add support for arrow keys vinterstum feature request normal Port: iOS
#7604 GUI: Game selection through pictures instead of text sev- feature request normal GUI
#7606 Add RSS feeds in forum Mataniko feature request normal Web
#7607 Silence (a few) warnings (for me) feature request normal Port: AmigaOS4
#7608 PALMOS: Make the "OS5 Advanced Mode" option per-game digitall feature request normal Port: PalmOS
#7609 FOTAQ: dialog skipping using "." fingolfin feature request normal Engine: Queen
#7610 DIG details are missing sev- feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7611 BS1 details are missing sev- feature request normal Engine: Sword1
#7612 BS2 details are missing sev- feature request normal Engine: Sword2
#7613 LURE: scroll lists using mouse scrollwheel dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Lure
#7614 Implementing a 4x and 5x scaler sev- feature request normal Graphics: Scalers
#7615 TOOLS (compress_queen): add --best to FLAC parameters fingolfin feature request normal Tools
#7616 Get new bytecode decompiler from GSoC 2007 ready sev- feature request normal Tools
#7617 Merge revised tools & tools GUI from GSoC 2007 into trunk SF/knakos feature request normal Tools
#7618 Remove all files in the /engine-data folder sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7619 Remove the /dists/msvc6 folder fingolfin feature request normal Port: Win32
#7620 AGI detecting agi mouse sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7621 PSP: Analog movement resetting full brightness to screen sev- feature request normal Port: PSP
#7622 WINCE: Disable mouse, menu, keyboard ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: WinCE
#7623 Creating a Desktop Icon When You Add a Game sev- feature request normal Port: Win32
#7624 PS2: HDD Partition, QUIT button and misc. ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: PS2
#7625 PS2 Port: Screen Centering ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: PS2
#7626 MANIAC: Add support for fan translation of demo fingolfin feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7627 AGI: MIDI support sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7628 GUI: Change mass detector to add all game (variants) it sees fingolfin feature request normal GUI
#7629 Synchronisation of Save Files Between Devices sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7630 GP2X F200: No F10 keymap sev- feature request normal Port: GP2X
#7631 NDS: Alternate mouse emulation agent-q feature request normal Port: NDS
#7632 NDS: Different zoom settings agent-q feature request normal Port: NDS
#7633 GUI: make it possible to revert to "default" savepath feature request normal GUI
#7634 LAUNCHER: Add "quick search" input field like in iTunes sev- feature request normal GUI
#7635 Daily svn snapshots for OSX fingolfin feature request normal Port: Mac OS X
#7636 PSP: map D-pad for arrow keys for AGI joostp feature request normal Port: PSP
#7637 KYRA3: Add support for Spanish fan translation lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7638 Support for another series Kirben feature request normal --Other--
#7639 WII: A way to save debug output to a file dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
#7640 Interpolation feature request normal Graphics: Scalers
#7641 U3 gaming csnover feature request normal Port: Win32
#7642 KYRA: add support for Italian version of Kyrandia 2&3 lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7643 DOTT: Running MM from Ed's room. eriktorbjorn feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7644 PSP: Add support for sleep/suspend more joostp feature request normal Port: PSP
#7645 Hi res vector graphics mixed with scaled bitmaps? sev- feature request low Graphics
#7646 Scalers cleanup sev- feature request low Graphics: Scalers
#7648 TINSEL: Add support for Discworld demo dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Tinsel
#7650 DS: Add support for "swap space" to support COMI etc. agent-q feature request normal Port: NDS
#7651 KYRA (and others?): give full path when wrong datafile ver. lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7652 LAUNCHER: iTunes like interface SF/tanoku feature request normal GUI
#7653 CMD: Loading a non-existent save with -x continues normally digitall feature request normal --Other--
#7654 GUI: RTL should focus game list on the last game played sev- feature request normal GUI
#7655 GUI: In Load dialog, move 'Delete' button away from 'Load' feature request normal GUI
#7656 AGI sound volume sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7657 Drascula: Choose spoken language sev- feature request normal Engine: Drascula
#7658 PS2: Map R2 button as dot key and turn of interlacing ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: PS2
#7659 PS2: Add stamp to savegame names ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: PS2
#7660 PC: Button assignments (ie. Mouse 3 for "." - skip dialogue) sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7661 PC-ALL: Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, maybe even Saturation. sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7662 V-Sync sev- feature request normal Graphics
#7663 Inclusion of scummvm-tools into gui & copying from CD feature request normal Tools
#7664 PS2: Wavetable MIDI support ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: PS2
#7665 PS3 version fingolfin feature request normal Port: PS3
#7666 KYRA2: Add support for Polish floppy version sev- feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7667 MANIAC: Apple II not recognized sev- feature request low Engine: SCUMM
#7668 WINCE: Support portrait mode on Dell x51v (VGA screen) ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: WinCE
#7669 T-Mobile G1 Support fingolfin feature request normal Port: Android
#7670 DRASCULA: MP3 audio tracks sev- feature request normal Engine: Drascula
#7671 WinCE: 640x240 Full Screen (Jornada 720) ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: WinCE
#7672 Add smk (smacker) decoding support sev- feature request normal Video
#7673 WII/GC: Possibility to play games at native resolution dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
#7674 Tools Snapshot Installer - do not add start menu Kirben feature request normal Tools
#7675 FT: Enable F1 game menu in Full Throttle lordhoto feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7676 TUCKER : add compression of AUDIO folder cyxx feature request normal Engine: Tucker
#7677 SCUMMVM on Symbian S60 v5 Touch phones csnover feature request high Port: Symbian
#7678 KYRA2: Add support for Spanish floppy version athrxx feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7679 GUI: Improve PopupWidget rendering / theme layouting sev- feature request normal GUI
#7680 DC: Disabling or changing the auto-save options zeldin feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#7681 Load Lure saved games from Launcher feature request normal Engine: Lure
#7682 KYRA3: Add support for English/CD/DOS/Windows lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7683 Key Mapper sev- feature request normal Engine: AGOS
#7684 DS: Change options dialog to use popup widget for zoom level ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: NDS
#7685 SYMBIAN: Port to UIQ 2.1 sev- feature request normal Port: Symbian
#7686 ALL: Display errors in graphic display before exiting sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7687 SCUMM: Smooth Scrolling sev- feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7688 GUI: Scrolling TextWidget for displaying Help texts etc. sev- feature request normal GUI
#7689 GUI: Improve Mass Add dialog sev- feature request normal GUI
#7690 Use enviroment variables in scummvm.ini sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7691 SCI: Colonel's Bequest Amiga Floppy Version SF/mthreepwood feature request normal Engine: SCI
#7692 mobile java version feature request normal Ports
#7693 Down Scaler feature request normal Graphics: Scalers
#7694 Check the version of fluidsynth in configure script Kirben feature request normal Port: Win32
#7695 KYRA1: Add support for Macintosh CD lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7696 Hollywood Monsters fingolfin feature request normal --Other--
#7697 Buildbot for WinCE ARM build lordhoto feature request normal Port: WinCE
#7698 Merge F5-menu with GMM fingolfin feature request normal GUI
#7699 Wii: Virtual Keyboard dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
#7701 Wii: Support Nunchuk dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
#7702 Wii: Support keymapper sev- feature request normal Port: Wii
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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