Opened 16 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#7658 closed feature request (outdated)

PS2: Map R2 button as dot key and turn of interlacing

Reported by: SF/sd-snatcher Owned by: ccawley2011
Priority: normal Component: Port: PS2
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


1) In scummvm games, the "." (dot) key is used to skip dialogs you already know. On the PS2 port this key is not available on the joystick, so frequently you have to go through many dialogs that can't be skipped using the TRIANGLE (Esc) button. Since the R2 button is still not used, could you please map it to the dot key?

2) Currently the scummvm seems aways to be using "high resolution" (640x480) on the TV set, since the interlace is on. Since scaler options (scale2x, hq2x) are not available, it would be interesting to have an option to run the low-resolution (320x240) games at low-resolution on TV, by turning the interlace off. The result will be that the hardware scanlines of the CRT TV will appear, improving the image quality. Also, by disabling the interlace there will be no artifacts on scrolling scenes as it happens today.

Ticket imported from: #2107786. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/474.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 16 years ago

Owner: set to sunmax

comment:2 by sunmax, 15 years ago

Hi sd-snatcher,

added "." as R2.

We will work later this year on the redesign of ScummVM / PS2 gfx subsystem.

We will keep in mind your suggestion to disable interlace as one of the options.

Progressive will be there too.

comment:3 by csnover, 7 years ago

Component: Ports

comment:4 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: PortsPort: PS2

comment:5 by ccawley2011, 4 years ago

The PS2 port was removed in ScummVM v2.2.0.

comment:6 by ccawley2011, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from sunmax to ccawley2011
Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed
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