Custom Query (492 matches)


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Results (401 - 492 of 492)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3988 COMI: RTL not supported (screen size) SF/cpage88 defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#2304 COMI: Part III song hangup Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#2208 COMI: Graphical bug in chicken restaurant defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#8162 COMI lip sync patch (experimental) aquadran patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#5578 COMI Subtitles bug Kirben defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#8179 CMI: The actor placement bug (don't apply) fingolfin patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#8168 CMI: Smush experiment (don't apply) patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#8188 CMI: Possible fix for recent conversation regression aquadran patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#8170 CMI: Possible fix for missing talk sounds regression SF/khalek patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#958 CMI: Crash at Plunder Island Fort fingolfin defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#8182 CMI: Actor scale experiment (don't apply) fingolfin patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#7653 CMD: Loading a non-existent save with -x continues normally digitall feature request normal --Other--
#10673 Build: DWP fails when compiling bladerunner dafioram defect normal Engine: Bladerunner
#7830 Build for CycloDS iEvolution ccawley2011 feature request normal Port: NDS
#967 Bugs with BASS 0.0288 defect normal Engine: Sky
#7522 Broken Sword 1 & 2, add theora video support sev- feature request normal Engine: Sword1
#9863 Beavis and butthead video problems digitall defect normal Engine: BBVS
#7942 BeOS makefile patch SF/ender patch normal Port: BeOS
#59 BeOS compilation defect normal Port: BeOS
#1388 BS2: Warehouse crashes SF/ender defect high Engine: Sword2
#1906 BS2: Save failure with default Mac OS X savegame folder SF/khalek defect normal Engine: Sword2
#1350 BS1: Reproducable crash lavosspawn defect normal Engine: Sword1
#4730 BASS: core dump on OpenBSD PowerPC fingolfin defect normal Engine: Sky
#2519 BASS: Resets at Game Start (Palm TX) SF/chrilith defect normal Engine: Sky
#6021 BASS: Characters are stuck after load digitall defect normal Engine: Sky
#6265 BASS: ANDROID: in-game menu not reachable on Samsung Tablet dafioram defect normal Engine: Sky
#10652 BASE: Errors sev- defect normal --Other--
#4879 BACKENDS: iOS - iPad rotation lock not handled properly criezy defect normal Port: iOS
#5809 BACKENDS: iOS - Fullscreen Mode Cropped criezy defect normal Port: iOS
#6131 BACKENDS: iOS (> v7) - Cursor disappearing in landscape mode larsamannen defect low Port: iOS
#5752 BACKENDS: WinCE - Fascination: Multifuncion mapping sev- defect normal Port: WinCE
#7152 BACKENDS: Win32 - Strange Mouse Cursor Bug sev- defect normal Port: Win32
#10587 BACKENDS: WIN32 - Launching (Myst) via .cmd file with OpenGL and Fullscreen fails on HiDPI displays lotharsm defect normal Port: Win32
#10648 BACKENDS: NDS - Acekard 2i crash sev- defect normal Port: NDS
#10400 BACKENDS: Linux - Ubuntu port is missing FluidSynth lephilousophe defect normal Port: Linux
#13722 BACKENDS: LIBRETRO/Xbox One: MMansion Deluxe (AGS) Walking/interaction Glitch tag2015 defect normal Ports
#9991 BACKENDS: Gamecube - Wrong colors regression sev- defect normal Port: GameCube
#6738 BACKENDS: Dingux - Not possible to save in Simon 1 sev- defect normal Port: Dingux
#5861 BACKENDS: Dingux - LOL - Random Slowdowns Fighting Enemies sev- defect normal Port: Dingux
#6214 BACKENDS: Android - improve mouse pointer movement in touchpad mode antoniou79 defect normal Port: Android
#10004 BACKENDS: Android - Virt Keyboard modifier keys inconsistent after reopening keypad antoniou79 defect normal Port: Android
#11345 BACKENDS: Android - SDL: Not loading from assets directory by default lephilousophe defect normal Port: Android
#10428 BACKENDS: Android - SCUMMVM 2.0 does not start on ACER ICONIA TAB lephilousophe defect normal Port: Android
#10451 BACKENDS: Android - Crash when GUI language is set to certain languages defect blocker GUI
#6132 BACKENDS: ARM - USE_ARM_COSTUME_ASM is buggy sev- defect normal Ports
#6957 BACKENDS: ARM - ARM ASM sound code causes distorted audio on 32 bit armv6 lephilousophe defect normal Ports
#10962 BACKENDS: AMIGAOS: Configuring with -flto errors out on finding a suitable compiler (AmigaOS4) raziel- defect normal Common
#97 Atlantis (german) crash defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#5702 Assertion in Audio::Timestamp::addIntern() with MI1 CD digitall defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#8159 Aspect ratio (feature wish #654098) patch normal Graphics: Scalers
#8792 Arbitrary scale rate scaler sev- patch normal Graphics: Scalers
#6128 Android: Full Throttle Fcs when switching to ride sequence dafioram defect blocker Engine: SCUMM
#9622 Android functionality problems dafioram defect normal Port: Android
#13526 An issue while launching rare japanese "The Neverhood" sev- defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#7417 Allow return to Launcher from games feature request normal GUI
#8567 AdvMame4x and Normal4x patch normal Graphics: Scalers
#7761 AdLib emulation: Use new emulation core from DOSBox 0.73 lordhoto feature request normal Audio
#8187 Actor drawing hack fingolfin patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#7863 Accessibility for Blind Gamers sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7232 AUDIO: SFX/Music from Amiga files (SCUMM) athrxx feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#6242 AUDIO: Built-In MT-32 MUNT Produces Wrong Sounds csnover defect normal Audio: MT32
#13162 ASYLUM: Unknown game variant for asylum tag2015 defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13103 ASYLUM: Sanitarium - Intro with extreme sound dropouts alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13830 ASYLUM: Missing Detection Entry for Sanitarium GOG version Italian Patched tag2015 defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13142 ASYLUM: Flickering savegame thumbnails alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#8660 ARM: Inline assembly for saturated addition of sound SF/knakos patch normal Audio
#6792 ANDROID: ScummVM v1.7.0 fails to start on Android 5.0.2 / Nexus 10 defect normal Engine: ZVision
#6373 ANDROID: Black screen on startup dafioram defect normal Port: Android
#7820 ANDROID PORT: Xperia Play touchpad support sev- feature request normal Port: Android
#4889 AMIGA: Assertion on start SF/mthreepwood defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#382 ALL: mp3 bug when loading a save game defect normal Audio
#924 ALL: ScummVM sometimes crashes on exit eriktorbjorn defect normal --Other--
#5531 ALL: Link error bluegr defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#367 ALL: Enter key in save dialog fingolfin defect low GUI
#8250 ALL: Enabling different aspect ratio correction methods eriktorbjorn patch normal Graphics
#673 ALL: Bad -e Windows Midi emulation SF/jamieson630 defect low Port: Win32
#12655 AGS: Segfault during My Burden to Keep's cinematic after starting a new game dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12644 AGS: Maniac Mansion Deluxe detection dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12620 AGS: Error during intro in Time Gentlemen, Please dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#13292 AGS: Duplicate games in the Launcher scanner, or games confused by something else with mass add tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#12806 AGS: Crash on starting SQ IV.5 raziel- defect normal Engine: AGS
#12723 AGS: Captain Disaster in Death Has a Million Stomping Boots - Crash when talking to speeder saleswoman dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#13277 AGS: Al Emmo German DVD crash after intro tag2015 defect low Engine: AGS
#12914 AGS: 7 Days A Skeptic - Audio volume issues dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#14448 AGS unknown game: Gobliiins 5 criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#13505 AGI: Unknown game variant for agi: Manhunter 2 sluicebox defect normal Engine: AGI
#9707 AGI: PQ1 - Segfault during restore via GMM at cards game m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: AGI
#12744 AGI: Mouse cursor shifted to the bottom and right (Regression) defect normal Engine: AGI
#12746 AGI: Joulumaa - Foreign character not displayed in launcher title raziel- defect normal Engine: AGI
#7819 AGI: Better error handling for script bugs sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#8474 2xPM scaler patch normal Graphics: Scalers
#9621 1.9.0 android can't add games for non-rooted android systems dafioram defect normal Port: Android
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