Custom Query (8281 matches)


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Results (3201 - 3300 of 8281)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3317 TOUCHE: pathfinding problems cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3330 TOUCHE: MT32 Wrong instruments cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3409 TOUCHE: Polish/CD/Talkie crashes cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3453 COMI: Guybrush sprite too big at volcano if walk skipped cyxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#3456 TOUCHE: Crash cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3481 PUTTMOON: Crash on reading a sound file (3DO) cyxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#3525 FT: Crash/hangup at Corley Motor factory cyxx defect blocker Engine: SCUMM
#3536 FOTAQ: Jetty: "sign" at wrong position cyxx defect low Engine: Queen
#3590 FOTAQ: Low sample rate cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#3654 ELVIRA1: Amiga crashes (paula.h:108) cyxx defect normal Engine: AGOS
#3772 FOTAQ: Some effects have long delays cyxx defect high Engine: Queen
#3851 TOUCHE: Missing characters in the spanish version cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3852 TOUCHE: Graphic glitch with long answer options cyxx defect normal Engine: Touche
#3975 IRIX: Crash when starting ANY game from launcher cyxx defect normal Port: IRIX
#3983 COMI & DIG: Crash with trunk cyxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4031 TUCKER: Wrong detection for "Bud Tucker" German cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4033 "Add" ITE demo produces Tucker demo. cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4036 TUCKER: Polish version MD5 cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4038 TUCKER: Wrong file extensions associated in German Version cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4039 TUCKER: Czech version MD5 cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4040 TUCKER: Polish version crash cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4046 TUCKER: Game crashes when trying to perform action cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4095 TUCKER: Crash when .flc file not found cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4099 TUCKER: Major Graphic Bug in Seedy Street cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4100 TUCKER: Minor Bugs in Bud Tucker cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4127 TUCKER: Crash on Bud Tucker in Double Trouble cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4156 TUCKER: Sprite error cyxx defect high Engine: Tucker
#4157 TUCKER: Sprite glitch cyxx defect high Engine: Tucker
#4161 TUCKER: Sprite error in Part3 Tate's Manor. cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4166 WII/TUCKER: Problem saving/loading inventory cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4191 TUCKER: Brainroom/Information Room Graphics glitch cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4192 TUCKER: Slow Walking cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4193 TUCKER: Sprite glitch2 in Tate's Staff sleeping room cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4194 TUCKER: Text Dialogue is out of sync cyxx defect high Engine: Tucker
#4197 TUCKER: Invisible Raincoat bug cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4511 TUCKER: subtitles stay on screen cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4546 TUCKER: sprite not cleaned properly in cutscene cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4603 TUCKER: Bakers' sprite twin cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4614 TUCKER: crash when talking to old lady at the brain cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4637 TUCKER: SVN does not support compressed sound by SVN Tools cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4638 TUCKER: walk bug by switching places in museum cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4639 TUCKER: minor bugs - outro cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4641 TUCKER: Look at options cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#4642 TUCKER: Fish swims out of aquarium cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5504 TUCKER: Prison water drop leaves a line cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5505 TUCKER: Punk stuck (moving in background) cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5506 TUCKER : Ego drawn behind background cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5507 TUCKER: Curator cut off by own twin sprite cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5508 TUCKER: Wrong animation after TV off cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#5509 TUCKER: Bubbles in Plugs Shop too heavy cyxx defect normal Engine: Tucker
#7676 TUCKER : add compression of AUDIO folder cyxx feature request normal Engine: Tucker
#8380 Speech behaviour correction in FOTAQ cyxx patch normal Engine: Queen
#8458 Possible Kyra fix cyxx patch normal Engine: Kyra
#8724 TOUCHE: assertion from updateTalkFrames workaround cyxx patch normal Engine: Touche
#13926 BACKENDS: PSP VITA - No speech in Full Throttle with ScummVM 2.6.1 d00maz defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#9783 SCI: castlebrain: Crash in Wordsearch puzzle dafioram defect normal Engine: SCI
#9961 TITANIC: Incorrect movement locking 2nd and 3rd stars in starfield dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9977 SCI: PHANT1: Main Menu Cursor Not Red, Initially dafioram feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10008 IHNM: Saved game picture shows game paused dafioram feature request low Engine: SAGA
#10030 TITANIC: Screenshots dafioram patch normal Screenshots
#10051 TITANIC: Cannot load 99th saved game dafioram defect low Engine: Titanic
#10126 TITANIC: Star Puzzle, crash for unlocking 1st star after 2 locked dafioram defect low Engine: Titanic
#10147 TITANIC: Relocking onto a star without moving causes crash dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10148 TITANIC: Relocking onto locked stars does not lock axis dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10170 TITANIC: Unlocking while homing into the 2nd and 3rd star causes issues dafioram defect low Engine: Titanic
#10200 SCI: Shivers1: Sound Crash in Gods and Godessess Room dafioram defect high Engine: SCI
#10264 SCI: RAMA: Screenshots dafioram patch normal Screenshots
#10392 SCI: PQ4: stopping with debugging console in front of kitty club dafioram defect blocker Engine: SCI
#10536 MOHAWK: Riven: User can’t delete user-created save from Autosave slot via GUI. dafioram defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10572 MOHAWK: MYST: Planetarium day slider not shown going to bottom dafioram defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10619 LAB: Gui load crash dafioram defect high Engine: Lab
#10642 MOHAWK: Riven: Dome sliders differ from the original dafioram defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10675 RIVEN: Credits don't scroll all the way to black dafioram defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10683 MOHAWK: MYST: Assertion failure due to recent cos/sin table changes dafioram defect high Engine: Mohawk
#10709 SCI: LB2: Armor inset doesn't respond to events dafioram defect normal Engine: SCI
#14546 SCI: Crash in Island of Dr. Brain microscope puzzle deckarep defect normal Engine: SCI
#14652 SCI: Additional crash context when ScummVM errors deckarep feature request normal Engine: SCI
#7843 KYRA1: Is it possible to add support for fan-made Rus trans? dgladkov feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#11872 STARK/TLJ: Emma has no lipsync animation dgladkov defect normal Engine: Stark
#11874 STARK/TLJ: No sound effect when hovering usable item dgladkov defect normal Engine: Stark
#11875 STARK/TLJ: No sound effect when selecting the mouth symbol dgladkov defect normal Engine: Stark
#3781 WII: Save game overwriting and "Invalid Savegame" issues dhewg defect high Port: Wii
#4000 WII: Kyrandia doesn't start dhewg defect normal Engine: Kyra
#4005 FF: Crackling Audio (Mac version) on Wii and OSX dhewg defect normal Engine: AGOS
#4006 Wii: Simon1 crash dhewg defect normal Engine: AGOS
#4056 Wii: T7G Crash dhewg defect normal Engine: Groovie
#4217 MinGW32 build problems/errors dhewg defect normal Port: Win32
#4402 BUILD: MacOS X nightly build version number wrong dhewg defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#4800 WII: Loom PCE/TG16 US freeze dhewg defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#4861 "make" prints warnings if Subversion is not installed dhewg defect low --Other--
#4862 BUILDBOT: configure phase not handled well dhewg defect normal --Other--
#5563 ANDROID: Return key not working dhewg defect normal Port: Android
#5569 ANDROID: Game zooms partially out of screen during dialogue dhewg defect normal Port: Android
#5592 ANDROID: Various issues on Samsung Galaxy3, SCUMM games dhewg defect normal Port: Android
#5593 ANDROID: ScummVM seems to crash on resume from background dhewg defect normal Port: Android
#5612 QUEEN: speech doesn't work dhewg defect normal Engine: Queen
#5790 WII: Start ScummVM from hdd=crash dhewg defect normal Port: Wii
#5791 Wii: Virtual Keyboard doesnt show up dhewg defect normal Port: Wii
#6231 Wii: MotionPlus Motion Plus remotes don't work with SCUMMVM dhewg defect normal Port: Wii
#7699 Wii: Virtual Keyboard dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
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