Custom Query (15417 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 15417)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#1 Elayne climb down with no rope (1° room) SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#2 cant pickup stick in prison room 29 SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#3 MI2 freezes on Stan's office SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#4 wrong direction of actor's face SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#5 Strange actors movements SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#6 Game enters an infinite loop SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#7 Voodoo mage disappearing in a cutscene SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#8 Bad string pointer beeing returned SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#9 Fate of atlantis crashes SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#10 Day of the Tentacle SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#11 Day of the Tentacle (animateActor) SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#12 Atlantis and Monkey1 crash on startup SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#13 Saving crashes(Error: saveLoadArrayOf..) SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#14 Sam&Max: backgrounds SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#15 monkey2 stuck in endless loop at big tre SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#16 different games overwrite savegames SF/strigeus defect closed normal --Other--
#17 MI2 Dies at resurrection SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#18 Crash on LE CPUs with alignement issues defect closed normal Port: WinCE
#19 DOTT: sound SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#20 Fate of Atlantis demo crashes in intro SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#21 Invalid actor in indy4 SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#22 Still saving/loading problems (indy4) SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#23 MI1: crash after intro SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#24 dottdemo fails to startup SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#25 samnmax demo fails startup SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#26 can't save while talking in indy SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#27 DOTT: multiple sounds SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#28 scumm games with .lfl-files don't work SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#29 Monkey Island 1 crashes defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#30 F5 key crashes games SF/strigeus defect closed normal --Other--
#31 Indy4 crashing at the submarine SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#32 Strange slowness defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#33 Whooo! I am a spirit!!! (DOTT) defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#34 samnmax background problem (demo is ok!) defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#35 copy-protection shows in cd ver of mi2 defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#36 Protection?!? SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#37 Unaligned access in saveload.cpp SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#38 Strange slowness (repost) defect closed normal Port: BeOS
#39 Indy4 crashes late in the game vincenthamm defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#40 DOTT Crashes near the end of the game SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#41 Monkey 2 CD defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#42 No sound effect in latest CVS defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#43 DOTT:Crash at the talk with T. Jefferson SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#44 Copy protection defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#45 crash when picking up shovel in MI2 defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#46 Game dies after a few minutes SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#47 Object priorities bug defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#48 No cursor in atlantis fights defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#49 Weird AdLib->MIDI instrument mappings SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#50 Unbalanced crosshair cursor SF/strigeus defect closed normal --Other--
#51 Two Indies and a tentacle... SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#52 Sam and Max: Inventory Hack (FIXME) SF/ender defect closed low Engine: SCUMM
#53 Strange actors movement (2) SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#54 SDL: fullRedraw flag not reset SF/strigeus defect closed normal --Other--
#55 charachters walk backwards. SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#56 Two musics playing simultaneously SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#57 Edna keeps talking in a continual loop SF/strigeus defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#58 MI2 sprite bug SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#59 BeOS compilation defect closed normal Port: BeOS
#60 Full Screen Failed SF/strigeus defect closed normal Port: Win32
#61 ScummVM dies near end of Indy4 vincenthamm defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#62 French DOTT bug b4 copy protection vincenthamm defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#63 Wrong dependency in debian control file SF/strigeus defect closed normal Port: Linux
#64 INDY4 crash (dup bugs 481438 & 505938) vincenthamm defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#65 MI2 (German): Meeting Largo La Grande SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#66 F5 causes game to quit SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: AGI
#67 DOTT Music SF/ender defect closed low Engine: SCUMM
#68 Monkey Island Bug SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#69 patch for backward-compatbiliity with sdl 1.0.x SF/ender defect closed normal Ports
#70 Crash SF/ender defect closed normal --Other--
#71 DOTT: CD-talkie (english version) news-flash SF/strigeus defect closed high Engine: SCUMM
#72 DOTT: dialogue outline colour bug SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#73 Atlantis: problem using bead in necklace defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#74 Indy4: Orchalcum Necklace state bug SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#75 Monkey Island 2 savegame menu SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#76 Music is played too slow.... SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#77 Sam&Max passing the guard SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#78 MI2: Captain Dread's Map SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#79 Music speed problems SF/ender defect closed high Engine: SCUMM
#80 Loom CD: character walking backwards SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#81 Mouse cursor is not updated SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#82 Music bugs after loading savegame SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#83 another adlib music bug SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#84 indy4: transition error leaving canal SF/ender defect closed low Engine: SCUMM
#85 Filename problem SF/ender defect closed normal --Other--
#86 Filename bug with MI1 CD SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#87 Monkey 2 missing musics and sounds... vincenthamm defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#88 Monkey1-VGA Disc SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#89 MI2 Bugs SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#90 Story problem with Indy 4 SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#91 MI2: Map SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#92 DOTT highlighting problems.... SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#93 Italian Monkey EGA crash at startup SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#94 S&M: Missing MIDI under ADLIB defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#95 Indy4 - Monte Carlo bug. SF/ender defect closed high Engine: SCUMM
#96 MI2 dies when pressing F5 defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#97 Atlantis (german) crash defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#98 DOTT: Text Glitches SF/ender defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#99 sam&max bug defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
#100 Sam and Max CD version exits game unexpe defect closed normal Engine: SCUMM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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