Opened 23 years ago

Closed 23 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#30 closed defect (fixed)

F5 key crashes games

Reported by: SF/jsaathof Owned by: SF/strigeus
Priority: normal Component: --Other--
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Version: CVS dated 09/11/2001

Pressing the F5 key to save and load games crashes the following games: MI1, MI2 and FOA. DOTT and S&M seem to work with saving/loading games

Error: 134673916 Illegal Glob type 7 num 101! Press a key to quit.

Ticket imported from: #480251. Ticket imported from: bugs/30.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by SF/jackburton, 23 years ago

Same thing on my pc, just that the error is:

Error: -2147259940 Illegal Glob type 7 num 101!

comment:2 by SF/japj, 23 years ago

this seems to work fine for me (using latest cvs) - at least for MI2 and FOA.

comment:3 by SF/jsaathof, 23 years ago

The following error occurs during compiling:

gcc -g -Wno-multichar -DUNIX `sdl-config --cflags` -c gui.cpp gui.cpp:251: warning: converting NULL to non-pointer type gui.cpp: In method `void Gui::addLetter(char)': gui.cpp:411: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type

comment:4 by SF/japj, 23 years ago

errors or warnings? has it to do with the F5 bug?

btw.. F5 works ok using Visual C++ in windows

comment:5 by SF/jackburton, 23 years ago

Warnings. Now they aren't anymore, but F5 still crashes the same way.

comment:6 by SF/chuzwuzza, 23 years ago

I get an error almost the same

Error: 134701884 Illegal Glob type 7 num 93! Press a key to quit.

and then it crashes. This is on linux with gcc 2.95.3 with glibc 2.2.4 in Monkey Island 2. it works fine on samnmax and dott however

comment:7 by SF/jsaathof, 23 years ago

I found out that FOA, MI1 and MI2 are SCUMM V5 games and DOTT and S&M are SCUMM V6 games. Maybe it has to be found in this direction... The F5 key in V6 games does work, and in V5 games not.

Linux 2.4.14, gcc 2.95.2 and glibc 2.1.3

comment:8 by SF/jsaathof, 23 years ago

I found out that FOA, MI1 and MI2 are SCUMM V5 games and DOTT and S&M are SCUMM V6 games. Maybe it has to be found in this direction... The F5 key in V6 games does work, and in V5 games not.

Linux 2.4.14, gcc 2.95.2 and glibc 2.1.3

comment:9 by (none), 23 years ago

Logged In: NO

I get the following error message upon hitting F5 in Monkey Island 2, under Linux:

"Error: 134731528 Illegal Glob type 7 num 93!"

Upon changing line 593, in resource.cpp, from:

error("%d Illegal Glob type %d num %d", str, type, index);


error("%s Illegal Glob type %d num %d", str, type, index);

I get a less cryptic error message:

"Error: getResourceAddress Illegal Glob type 7 num 93!"

Thanks to nnooiissee for that code change. Perhaps this will make it eaiser to debug for you developer folk. :)

Also, I'm running Linux 2.4.8, gcc 2.96.

Hope this helps.

comment:10 by SF/strigeus, 23 years ago

Owner: set to SF/strigeus

comment:11 by SF/strigeus, 23 years ago

I have no idea what's causing this. Everything works for me in both version 5 and version 6 games, with MSVC as the development environment.

comment:12 by SF/jackburton, 23 years ago

Good work Strigeus: latest changes fixed this bug.

comment:13 by SF/strigeus, 23 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:14 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Other--
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