Custom Query (8307 matches)


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Results (4701 - 4800 of 8307)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#9841 SCI: KQ6: No credits music sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9844 SCI: PQ4: kIsOnMe out of bounds read csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9845 SCI: PQ4: kPalVary(SetStart): signature mismatch csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9847 SCI: PQ4: Moving too quickly causes crash during Emo shootout csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9848 SCI: PQ4: Clicking 2nd Impound car causes crash csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9850 SCI: PQ4: kIsOnMe Crash at Yo Money's Cigarette holder csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9851 SCI: PQ4: kIsOnMe Crash at Parker Center giving Hal forms csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9854 SCI Testing Page Edits csnover feature request normal Web
#9861 WME: Oknytt 1.13. Sliders in preferences don't work lolbot-iichan defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9862 SCI: Police Quest 3: Missing 10 points when you give Marie the locket at the hospital m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#9869 Titanic: Starship Titanic: Reloading Save repeats bot dialogue dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9870 SCI: LB1: Game hangs when opening passage if walking in wrong spot sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9873 MOHAWK: Riven: Could not find sound 2 in card 11! bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9875 TITANIC: Wrong music when using elevators dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9876 TITANIC: Slowness of mouse cursor dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9878 TITANIC: Clipped ship announcements dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9879 TITANIC: Incorrect Doorbot timing dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9881 TITANIC: Brief freeze during intro credits cutscene dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9882 TITANIC: Possible inconsistency with saved chevrons dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9884 TITANIC: Possible incorrect animation of starlings being mulched dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9885 TITANIC: Incorrect music in music room dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9886 TITANIC: Incorrect MaitreD comment about music dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9889 Titanic: Click Login on Computer Crash dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9891 MOHAWK: Riven: Sound issue in Temple Island bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9892 MOHAWK: Riven: Game crashes in Plateau Island bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9894 QFG4: Thieves guild secret passage isn't immediately walkable bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#9895 TITANIC: GMM Saves shouldn't be allowed in the prologue elevator scene dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9897 TITANIC: Parrot accepts cold chicken dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9902 TITANIC: Final Video Last Part No Sound dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9904 TITANIC: Ending Puzzle Solvable with 2 Stars dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9906 SCI: LB1: Game hangs when examining bottle if walking in wrong spot sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9907 SCI: LB1: Sound effect not playing when discovering corpse ZvikaZ defect normal Engine: SCI
#9910 SCI: Phant1: Unrecognized game version csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9911 MOHAWK: Riven: Trapbook ending doesn't display video, just plays soundtrack. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9924 TITANIC: Issues with gondola dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9925 TITANIC: Nose puzzle not working when done in reverse dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9926 TITANIC: Most inventory items aren't properly animating when selected dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9928 MOHAWK: Riven: Prison Island Save Game Crash bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9936 MOHAWK: Riven: Black Video for Released Ghen in Riven Ending bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9938 MOHAWK: Riven: Can't change volume levels bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9939 MOHAWK: Riven: Screenshots bgK patch normal Screenshots
#9943 MOHAWK: Riven: 'confirm_exit' option displays dialog when game ends. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9945 OPENGL: Alt+Enter misbehaves in OpenGL mode on MacOS criezy defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#9946 OPENGL: Entering fullscreen mode in GUI misbehaves in OpenGL mode on MacOS criezy defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#9949 SCI: LB1: Game hangs when walking diagonal up attic stairs sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9952 SCI: LB2: Can get into the storage room early sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9958 MOHAWK: Riven: Prison Island Close Dome Crash bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9959 Discworld 2: Bug in the showing of "string sets" dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#9961 TITANIC: Incorrect movement locking 2nd and 3rd stars in starfield dafioram defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9962 TITANIC: Transition videos sometimes appear in a corner of the screen dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9963 TITANIC: Incorrect Doorbot rendering during prologue dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9964 TITANIC: Loading Titanic after returning to Launcher Causes Crash dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9969 MOHAWK: Riven: Closing credits interrupted by repeat of trapbook end game. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9971 SDL2: Fullscreen to RTL launcher resolution criezy defect normal Ports
#9977 SCI: PHANT1: Main Menu Cursor Not Red, Initially dafioram feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9980 SCI: PHANT1: Loading Cancelled Chase Save Causes Crash sluicebox feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9985 TITANIC: Previous Image persists when loading using in-game load dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9988 SCI: SQ5: Weird Glitch on Kiz sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9990 TITANIC: Suspicious fall-through cases dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9992 MOHAWK: MYST: Build Failure for x86_64-linux-gnu wjp defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9993 TITANIC: Liftbot Doesn't want to talk after facing floor Level dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9996 TITANIC: Mother doesn't return items dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9997 TITANIC: No background music in common areas dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#9998 TITANIC: Promenade Missing Sound Effects dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10000 SCI: LB1: Notebook rendering "INCOMPLETE" wrong sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10006 SHERLOCK: Add details to saved game data bonki feature request normal Engine: Sherlock
#10007 SHERLOCK: Rose Tattoo Add details to saved game data bonki feature request normal Engine: Sherlock
#10009 IHNM: Gorrister invisible and stuck when reloading at mooring ring bluegr defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10016 TITANIC: Parrot Freeze dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10017 TITANIC: Floating Chicken dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10018 TITANIC: Star Puzzle Different Keyboard functions dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10019 TITANIC: Bomb ending doesn't finish dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10021 TITANIC: Bomb Narration Audio quality drops off after finishing Titania dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10022 TITANIC: Crash if open house view for star puzzle before inserting picture in dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10025 TITANIC: in fullscreen mode the desktop wallpaper shines through bgK defect normal Ports
#10026 TITANIC: segmentation fault when talking to the deskbot dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10027 TITANIC: after moving cursor isnt updated dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10030 TITANIC: Screenshots dafioram patch normal Screenshots
#10034 SCI: PHANT2: Using Computers: Shift File name and Note name text up a bit m-kiewitz feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10048 SCUMMVM: opengl window mode bug, no resize csnover defect normal Graphics
#10049 SCI: PHANT2: French version - missing or corrupt resources csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#10050 TITANIC: make it possible to move with cursor keys dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Titanic
#10055 TITANIC: Can Arrow-key forward through locked-bridge door dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10056 TITANIC: Arrow-key forward through arborteum changes season to winter dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10059 TITANIC: Elevator exiting issues with up arrow key dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10060 TITANIC: Movement with arrow keys unexpected behavior dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10061 VOYEUR: crash if you play certain recorded audio scenes at the VCR dreammaster defect normal Engine: Voyeur
#10062 VOYEUR: note Reed to Chantal about Jessica agreed too early dreammaster defect normal Engine: Voyeur
#10063 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics glitch when panning left on Prison Island. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10066 SCI: LSL7 PL: voice missing, text only english sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#10067 TITANIC: Lift1 always on floor 1 when taking lift2 up dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10071 TITANIC: Some numbers entered via numpad get duplicated dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10072 TITANIC: Can get stuck in headless liftbot elevator dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10076 TITANIC: unexpected results using keyboard movement dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10077 TITANIC: bots seem to have lost most of their animation when talking dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10078 SCI: SHIVERS1: Off colors when loading using GMM in-game bluegr defect normal Engine: SCI
#10081 MOHAWK: Myst: Tower rotation map changes position slightly when rotating the tower bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10083 TITANIC: Crash when playing with original game volume controls dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10088 TITANIC: Audio gap when music playback loops dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Titanic
#10089 TITANIC: Arrows visible in settings panel dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
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