Custom Query (1027 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1027)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#7546 SCUMM: Keymapper support for Sam and Max new agent-q feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7554 GOB: Gob2 (Mac): Add support for Mac music new DrMcCoy feature request normal Engine: Gob
#7569 AGI: Add the function keys to the keymap new feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7597 ITE: Add support for Inherit the Earth OS X bundle new sev- feature request normal Engine: SAGA
#7602 Expose game hotspots to backend new feature request normal --Other--
#7603 iPhone: Pie menu for keyboard input? new vinterstum feature request normal Port: iOS
#7605 Different game description according to language new feature request normal GUI
#7647 KYRA3: add subtitles in VQA videos new feature request low Engine: Kyra
#7649 ALL: visible warning when CD music missing new bluegr feature request normal --Other--
#7700 Wii: Support Sound Settings new dhewg feature request normal Port: Wii
#7720 GUI: default option new sev- feature request normal GUI
#7722 GUI: volume and subtitles speed sliders new feature request normal GUI
#7762 OPL: Real OPL support for AdLib audio new feature request low Audio
#7793 AGI: Better mapping for mouse buttons new feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7810 TEENAGENT: Polish Talkie has no voiceovers new defect normal Engine: TeenAgent
#7813 Dreamcast SD card support new feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#7818 LOL: Support subtitles in "Lore of the Lands" new feature request low Engine: Kyra
#7839 AGI: Add three voice MIDI with AGI games. new feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7853 CRUISE: Add MT-32 emu support to Cruise for a Corpse new feature request normal Engine: Cruise
#9589 SCI: SQ6: Pathfinding failure allows clipping through scenery new defect normal Engine: SCI
#9593 SCI: LSL5 (and others): port drawing issues new defect normal Engine: SCI
#9629 AGOS: StS - Hebrew version ignores subtitle speed setting new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#9664 BACKENDS: Win64 - Conf parameter still creates files in %appdata% thus breaking portability (create portable mode) new feature request normal Port: Win64
#9671 FULLPIPE: Assorted graphical glitches new defect normal Engine: NGI
#9683 WME: Helga Deep in Trouble - Graphic mistake new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9697 BACKENDS: RPi3 - mouse / desktop capture issue new defect low Ports
#9720 WME: The Shine of a Star - Problems at shovel puzzle scene new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9725 AGI IIgs: shift key commands don't work new m-kiewitz defect low Engine: AGI
#9726 AGI IIgs: implement inventory/see object screen new defect low Engine: AGI
#9749 SCI: SQ6: Shuttle Bay Entrance bug new defect normal Engine: SCI
#9787 SCI: KQ7: Rosella walks through walls new defect normal Engine: SCI
#9818 SCI: Torin: ASTHENIA path finding issues new defect normal Engine: SCI
#9846 SCI: PQ4: Can't leave morgue by clicking on car new defect low Engine: SCI
#9852 SCI: PQ4: Repeated speech outside of morgue new defect low Engine: SCI
#9866 PRINCE: Original game keyboard shortcuts not working (F1-F5) new defect low Engine: Prince
#9872 SKY: BASS - Save game MetaInfo is missing new defect low Engine: Sky
#10010 SAGA: IHNM (Ellen) - Anubis problems at end new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10012 SAGA: IHNM - End game area easy to get stuck near beginning new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10135 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics glitch after Gehn leaves office. new defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10176 TINSEL: DW2 (German) - displaced pixels in Intro new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#10286 BACKENDS: SDL - GMM and game resolution doesn't scale together for enhanced graphics on small screens new defect normal GUI
#10300 BACKENDS: SDL: ScummVM-gui can resize weird when changing graphics and fullscreen toggle new defect normal Ports
#10305 TITANIC: Border lines showing for face slot components in Titania close-up new defect normal Engine: Titanic
#10309 SHERLOCK: MIDI - Broken (in-program) sound driver handling new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#10311 AGOS: Waxworks: Add hotkey for switching to fighting new feature request low Engine: AGOS
#10329 FULLPIPE: Pathfinding loop when giving coin to ball eating creature new defect normal Engine: NGI
#10348 SHERLOCK: Music setting by in-game option is not respected new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#10356 TSAGE: RtR - Error when you don't use Quinn new dreammaster defect normal Engine: TsAGE
#10363 GUI: Ability to hightlight ScummVM version # in GUI and copy to clipboard new feature request low GUI
#10397 FULLPIPE: Memory leak when loading a saved game new defect normal Engine: NGI
#10404 SCI: LSL7: parser behavior improvement new feature request normal Engine: SCI
#10408 BACKENDS: Wii - Static sound in Discworld new defect normal Port: Wii
#10410 BACKENDS: Dreamcast - Riven: List for loading saved games is empty new defect normal Port: Dreamcast
#10411 BACKENDS: SDL: 720x400 fullscreen doesn't have the correct aspect ratio new defect normal --Other--
#10439 SKY: BASS - vkeybd only allows 1 keyboard input at a time new defect low Engine: Sky
#10444 AGI: Graphics glitch when reloading a savegame after dying new defect low Engine: AGI
#10464 BACKENDS: MacOSX - Localised documentation resources are not bundled/used new defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#10476 XEEN: Clouds/Darkside flag not properly saved when restarting a new game new dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#10477 AGOS: Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2 - Voice cut off new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#10523 TITANIC: SGT Room Transition video has black spots new defect low Engine: Titanic
#10547 MM: XEEN: Hanging notes in AdLib music new defect low Engine: MM: Xeen
#10574 MOHAWK: MYST ME: Held pages look off in a few ages new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10578 MOHAWK: MYST: Matches and Held pages new defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10593 MOHAWK: RIVEN: Riven25 can't view saved games as thumbnail list new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10657 TINSEL: DW1: Actor goes invisible when shooting dragon new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10658 TINSEL: DW1: ACT3 Guard floating equals new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10659 TINSEL: DW1: Act4 hidden city guards crash new defect high Engine: Tinsel
#10661 TINSEL: DW1: Dark world barman can't leave via dialogue new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10714 GOB: Woodruff - Couldn't talk to the Beast new defect high Engine: Gob
#10728 MOHAWK: MYST: ES: Marker instructions wrong new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10803 AGOS: SIMON2: Subtitle support is missing. Amiga and Mac CDs new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#10821 ZVISION: ZGI - Getting stuck after knocking at door (location 'qe1e') & after freeing Jack (location 'ej3x') new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#10831 SCI: QFG3 - Harami escape speed uncapped new defect low Engine: SCI
#10867 GLK: ZCODE: Beyond Zork graphics font gets downscaled, losing detail new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#10957 TINSEL: DW1 - Psy office event not triggered new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10979 Feature Request: Text box above virtual keyboard for Starship Titanic and other games new feature request normal Engine: Titanic
#11007 WME: 1 1/2 Ritter - Menu font problem new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#11075 BACKENDS: Get rid of the hideous and slow stretch200To240 function for surface SDL backend new feature request normal Graphics
#11076 BACKENDS: SDL1/2 - Aspect ratio correction doesn't work in Dreamweb new defect normal Graphics
#11181 ZVISION Audio is clipping new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#11182 GUI Dialog for missing Roland MT-32 support new feature request normal Audio: MT32
#11199 BACKENDS: SWITCH: Cloud saves feature is not connecting new defect normal Ports
#11201 BACKENDS: PSP Vita (3.72) - "add game" (Duckman) freezes scummvm new defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#11223 Handle surround sound-encoded OGG and FLAC files more gracefully new feature request normal Audio
#11245 CLOUD: Saves sync triggered twice in a row after saving new defect normal Cloud
#11257 CLOUD: Issue with case sensitive filesystems new defect normal Cloud
#11267 TOLTECS: Sprite residues left behind on ego walking new defect normal Engine: Toltecs
#11274 SCI: LSL7: Cannot input regional Polish characters, thus cannot finish the game new sev- defect normal Engine: SCI
#11286 NEVERHOOD: Is the game running slower than it should? new defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#11287 WME: Some games are using same fonts for selected and normal text new defect low Engine: Wintermute
#11295 BLADERUNNER: save games may not work on macOS Catalina new defect normal Engine: Bladerunner
#11324 MADE: Return to Zork - ReelMagic / MPEG game variant new defect normal Engine: MADE
#11344 BLADERUNNER: In Act 4 police officers may run to flee waypoints and clip into scenery new defect normal Engine: Bladerunner
#11353 SCI: Hangs on Load of GK2 with subtitles patch on 3DS new defect normal Engine: SCI
#11354 SCI: CASTLEBRAIN - Stereo audio flipped in hourglass puzzle new defect normal Engine: SCI
#11355 PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes (Amiga/DOS) - intro reset new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#11356 SCI: LSL6 Mac (floppy) requires native Mac menubar new defect normal Engine: SCI
#11358 BACKENDS: 3DS - Blurry text in KQ6 new defect normal Port: 3DS
#11360 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - scrolling should be smooth (also a special cursor while loading data) new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#11365 BACKENDS: PSP Vita - LB2: Missing or corrupt game resources (GOG version) on PS Vita new defect normal Port: PSP Vita
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