Opened 9 years ago

Closed 3 months ago

#6953 closed defect (wontfix)

GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when clicking on stairs

Reported by: SF/deejaydiabolik Owned by: bluegr
Priority: low Component: Engine: Gob
Version: Keywords: original
Cc: Game: Gobliins 2


ScummVM version: Daily build Language of Game : Italian Version of Game: 2.01 CD Picked from GOG archive pack buyed

Load the savegame......... pick Winkle or Fingus and click on stair..... switch caracters and after that we can anymore possible to select back and stay blocked upper stair!!! At this point i can only reload this savegames before appened.......................

It's like similar this bug:

But i can try it because i thinks this is the floppy version............

Ticket imported from: bugs/6953.

Attachments (2)

gob2cd-it.s05 (2.8 KB ) - added by SF/deejaydiabolik 9 years ago. (36.0 KB ) - added by digitall 3 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

by SF/deejaydiabolik, 9 years ago

Attachment: gob2cd-it.s05 added

comment:1 by SF/deejaydiabolik, 9 years ago

Ah.. very important... the stair whit bug it's on right.... the smalled whit only 4 steps.... (on left it's present a bigger stair....)

comment:2 by SF/deejaydiabolik, 9 years ago

OH OH Very interesting..... from the same savestate go on next room (Throne rooms) and appening the same still STALL (we can select a caracter back) on WALL stair on left of the screen.......

comment:3 by DrMcCoy, 9 years ago

Owner: set to DrMcCoy
Priority: normallow

comment:4 by DrMcCoy, 9 years ago

Yeah, things like that are bugs in the original scripts. They're quite hard to trace and fix, unfortunately.

comment:5 by SF/deejaydiabolik, 9 years ago

mmmmmmmmmmm.... interesting... otherwise simply swap the rooms and you can back to use all caracter :)

comment:6 by SF/deejaydiabolik, 9 years ago

I'm finished the games.... now tryed to re-finish the third capitols on series...

comment:7 by digitall, 6 years ago

Keywords: original added

comment:8 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: Can select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!!GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!!

comment:9 by digitall, 3 months ago

Have loaded attached savegame into my copy of Gobliiins and this confirms that the problematic room referred to is the Castle Kitchen i.e. screen with cook, swordfish, meatballs etc. The Throne room is through the left exit of this room.

I have played through the game to the same room in the original interpreter with my copy of Gob 2 from "Adi Year 10" compilation i.e. Adibou CDs. These have full file MD5SUMS as follows:
a57055c9c51eb1ad44b368d35bae3baa *DISK2.STK
ea651fd1616ee79f7d58ead8a7a4062c *DISK3.STK
6b059cce32712903a2aa87f4e85365a2 *GOB2UK.HLP
805ee6b6551e7715f615f65ce6a42e58 *INSTALL.ASK
c2b050756a3f192d62ae99e1d2014e7e *INTRO.STK
448d02b93f9ccedc789fdc797fc38641 *MDO.DEF
9a8d74a105055ccb4dd6fdefd67c2913 *MUSMAC1.MID
9bbbdb661b7aca11eb65ec901f2810ac *MUSMAC2.MID
318332f3f7acd3fb5f99e10024a340d3 *MUSMAC3.MID
e2bc33efce12cdf2d69ed94eddf4c125 *MUSMAC4.MID
c8506b20f20c421d2c788d600c5ed5f9 *MUSMAC5.MID
46b5c112e8b444100ccdafd89ea8edbb *SOUNDDLL.DLL
d31e7619240f78daace27ee3a689506f *SOUNDLIB.DLL
7ce5db815410c85c1b39843c7e0be734 *WGOB2.EXE

The original interpreter, WGOB2.EXE is designed to run under Windows 3.1 which can be installed inside DOSBox to run this. It should be noted that an extra command line parameters will be required to allow this to run and set load/save directory.
You need to setup a PIF or call the WGOB2.EXE as follows:

The first parameter, 290869 is necessary to run this without doing so via the ADI package (some kind of key / startup code) and the second parameter seems to be the LOAD/SAVE folder under the working folder. Without that, SAVE / LOAD will fail silently.

Will attach my original savegame data i.e. INF files to be placed in that folder. The last three saves i.e. D15 to D18-Bad / Alt demonstrate the various stuck conditions in the kitchen. These seems to be triggered by entering the throne room and back and/or picking up the pepper.

In either case, this appears to be confirmed as a bug in the original.

Last edited 3 months ago by digitall (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by bluegr, 3 months ago

Owner: changed from DrMcCoy to bluegr
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Summary: GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!!GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when clicking on stairs

Thanks for the confirmation @digitall!

Moved to the known gob bugs page which also occur in the original:


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