Opened 10 years ago

Closed 2 months ago

#6804 closed feature request (fixed)

SWORD25: add option to choose language speech

Reported by: SF/legluondunet Owned by: sev-
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Sword25
Version: Keywords:
Cc: joerg-nafcom Game: Broken Sword 2.5



it would be great if we could choose the language speech in BS2.5. Could you add an option to use german or english speech?

Thank you.

Ticket imported from: bugs/6804.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by criezy, 10 years ago

You mean an option that control the speech language independently of the subtitles language?

There is already an option in the game to select the language, but it controls both subtitles and speech at the same time. If you select English language you get both subtitles and speech in English. If you select anything else you get German speech with subtitles in whichever language you choose.

comment:2 by wjp, 10 years ago

Summary: add option to choose language speechSWORD25: add option to choose language speech

comment:3 by SF/legluondunet, 10 years ago

Thierry said "You mean an option that control the speech language independently of the subtitles language?" That exactly what I mean. We can not choose the speech language independently of the subtitles/interface language in the original game, it's a bug wich ScummVM inherit from the original game: I'm french, I would like to have french subtitles with english speech I understand better that german ones, why I can not choose that option? Is it possible to add this option in ScummVM?

comment:4 by criezy, 9 years ago

I added an option in ScummVM to use English voices instead of German ones when selecting a language other than those two in the game. This does not allow using German voices with English text or English voices with German text. But this for example allow using English voices with French text.

This is not perfect and idealy I would have liked to add a voice language option separate from the UI and subtitle language selection. Such ash option would allow using for example English voices with German text. But while hacking the engine to allow this would be easy (that is actually what I initially implemented), displaying such an option in the user interface would be much more work. In a perfect world we would modify the game lua script to add the language selection to the user interface in the game. Maybe one day this will get implemented. I am keeping this bug open until then. In the meantime the implemented solution will at least help in some cases.

comment:5 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Type: defectenhancement

comment:6 by joerg-nafcom, 3 months ago

Cc: joerg-nafcom added

comment:7 by sev-, 2 months ago

Owner: set to sev-
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This now could be closed as fixed.

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