Custom Query (8278 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 8278)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#13096 GUI: Wrong list items are disabled in the SCUMM launcher sev- defect high GUI
#13095 SCI detection routine overruled by director detection sluicebox defect normal Engine: Director
#13094 DIRECTOR: Spaceship Warlock menu dropshadow is green where it should be transparent sev- defect normal Engine: Director
#13091 ScummVM 2.5.0 installer for WinXP: "Entry point _difftime64 not found in msvcrt.dll" rootfather defect normal Ports
#13090 SYMBIAN: Build Failure Due to Certain Array Declaration Formats fedor4ever defect normal Engine: Ultima
#13089 ASYLUM: Interface freezes after climbing the stairs in first scene alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13088 AGS: Gemini Rue - Character Voice Text does not display above certain GUIs criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#13087 Unknown game variant for asylum alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13086 GRAPHICS: OpenGL scaler - Normal 2x-5x break FMTowns games ccawley2011 defect normal Graphics: Scalers
#13085 Unknown game variant for asylum alxpnv patch normal Engine: Asylum
#13084 SCUMM: COMI: Voice panning differs in subsequent lines AndywinXp defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13083 DIRECTOR: Unknown game variant for director game Jewels of the Oracle english aquadran defect normal Engine: Director
#13082 ULTIMA: CRUSADER: Crusader No Remorse: No keymap to drop weapon? mduggan feature request low Engine: Ultima
#13081 ASYLUM: Sanitarium errors after the intro alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13080 AUDIO: DiMuse - Stuttering sound when manually changing audio_buffer_size AndywinXp defect normal Audio
#13078 GLK: alan - Unknown game variant dreammaster feature request normal Engine: GLK: Alan3
#13072 BLADERUNNER: Broken Officer Leary talk animations antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Bladerunner
#13071 NGI: Full Pipe - Constant (huge) memory loss on switching rooms bluegr defect normal Engine: NGI
#13070 BBVS: Loogie - No updates to the play field (Sprites not erased?) bluegr defect normal Engine: BBVS
#13069 ASYLUM: Add Detection for French Game Variant alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13068 BBVS: Loogie - Unknown demo variant aquadran defect normal Engine: BBVS
#13067 PORTS: ANDROID: Crash in startup (or drop 4.1.x support) lephilousophe defect normal Port: Android
#13066 TWINE: Game is slow when VSYNC is ON mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13065 SCUMM: Incorrect screen shaking athrxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13064 TWINE: Unknown game variant for twine mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13063 TWINE: Game crash when any video must be displayed if crossfade=true mgerhardy defect high Engine: TwinE
#13062 IRC Logs Timestamp Issue CTxCB defect normal Web
#13060 BMP regression: QFG4 AVI files play upside down sluicebox defect normal Graphics
#13058 SCUMM: DIG: Music stops playing after some time AndywinXp defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13055 DIRECTOR: Unknown game variant for director : MOBICLIC aquadran defect normal Engine: Director
#13053 DIRECTOR: Add detection for 10 Pixeline games tag2015 feature request low Engine: Director
#13049 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect low Engine: AGS
#13048 AGOS: Waxworks soundblaster sound doesn't work eriktorbjorn defect high Engine: AGOS
#13046 Quest for Glory III: Wages of War warning message sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#13045 Quest for Glory III: Wages of War crashes if i press the Enter key in the main menu sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#13044 KYRA: Graphic glitch in Legend of Kyrandia 3 athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#13038 GUI: Enabling autosave crashes if any games don't have "engineid" sluicebox defect normal GUI
#13037 MOHAWK: Unknown game variants for mohawk tag2015 defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#13034 MOHAWK: Unknown game variant for mohawk sev- defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#13033 DIRECTOR: Line continuation is misparsed in Lingo in non-MacRoman Director games sev- defect normal Engine: Director
#13026 ScummVM: Compiling error with fribidi v1.0.10 and fribidi v1.0.11 ctoroman defect normal Common
#13021 patch: Some renames in AGS detected games dreammaster patch normal Engine: AGS
#13020 MACOS: ScummVM on M1 has Dock Extra in x86 criezy defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#13017 Support Voyeur (german patch) Strangerke defect normal Engine: Voyeur
#13013 BACKENDS: SDL: Cursor is sticky around the edges on WAYLAND ccawley2011 defect normal Port: Linux
#13012 TONY: Speech no longer plays antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Tony
#13010 XEEN: Monster Reset after entering Character Creation dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#13009 XEEN: Behavior when exiting a shop dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#13008 TWINE: Add support for Asian release of Little Big Adventure. mgerhardy feature request normal Engine: TwinE
#13007 SCI: Hoyle Classic Card Games - overriding global audio settings disables digital voice samples sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#13005 Web: Adventure Game Studio is missing from 2.5.0's compatibility table sev- defect normal Web
#13003 Unknown game variant for ultima 8 - FR VERSION mduggan defect normal Engine: Ultima
#13002 Unknown game variant for ags (Murder Dog IV: Trial of the Murder Dog) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#13001 MD5: TOON: Unknown game variant for toon sev- defect high Engine: Toon
#13000 XEEN: Outright crash when starting game dreammaster defect high Engine: MM: Xeen
#12999 PETKA: Red Comrades 1 - corrupted graphics after looking at game credits in main menu whiterandrek defect normal Engine: Petka
#12998 AGS: Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire Remake - Toolbar icons often glitch on click tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#12997 Crashes when LAN server is scanned with nmap sluicebox defect normal Cloud
#12995 ULTIMA 8: Pressing Esc to skip intro movie opens menu instead mduggan defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12993 GUI: Segmentation fault when clicking on Options in the ScummVM GMM antoniou79 defect normal Common
#12992 SHERLOCK: Unknown game variant for Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (GERMAN) aquadran defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#12990 AGS: Some corrected/improved titles dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12989 Unknown game variant for ags (Quest for Infamy v1.2 for Windows from dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12988 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12987 KYRA: Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (Multi) athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#12986 With Graphics mode OpenGL Scalers are hidden but popup can still be triggered ccawley2011 defect normal GUI
#12985 Launching world of xeen with scummvm 2.5.0 fails with missing file CONSTANTS_5 dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#12983 INDY3: Macintosh version uses PC verb GUI with high-res fonts rather than proper Mac GUI eriktorbjorn defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#12982 AGS: Issue with pop-up graphics and texts (multiple games affected) defect normal Engine: AGS
#12981 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12980 AGS: Puzzle in Featherweight can't be solved tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#12979 MOHAWK: Unknown game variant: Tortoise & The Hare sev- defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#12977 Engines: Incorrect MetaEngine::getSavegameFile implementations orgads defect normal Common
#12976 Unknown game variant for ags "Bruises" dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12974 AGS: Disable scummvm save/load feature and autosave for Dustbowl tag2015 feature request normal Engine: AGS
#12972 AGS: Text outline does not work for accented/special characters defect normal Engine: AGS
#12971 AGS: Some typos in detection criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#12968 QFG3: The entire program crashes if you try to take another Gem of the Guardian sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#12967 STARK: Cortez says "no", but subtitles say "si" antoniou79 defect low Engine: Stark
#12964 AGS: Wrong font used for police report in Kathy Rain criezy defect normal Engine: AGS
#12963 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12962 AGS: Missing fade_interpolate effect causes glitchy screen dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12961 AGS: Some typos in detected games dreammaster defect normal --Unset--
#12958 BURIED: Unknown game variant for buried bluegr defect normal Engine: Buried
#12957 STARK: "Could not copy the savegame to a new slot" when trying to move save to make room for autosave aquadran defect normal Engine: Stark
#12956 STARK: "Unable to load sound '00000100.ssn'!" when outside the East Venice subway antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Stark
#12954 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Stargate Solitaire) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12953 AGS: Unknown game variant for ags (Stargate SGC) dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12952 AGS: Stargate Advenure - Crash during intro dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12950 TITANIC: Asking "what should I do?" will cause a crash dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#12949 AGS: Whispers of a Machine - Smart Scan text is off the screen criezy defect low Engine: AGS
#12948 AGS: Segfault when picking up at police report (Kathy Rain) criezy defect high Engine: AGS
#12947 NSInternalInconsistencyException in PQ2 and SQ3 when using external MT-32 device sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#12946 GUI: Achievements do not take full width of screen tag2015 defect normal GUI
#12944 Starship Titanic: asking gossipy DeskBot to continue yields "I don't understand" responses or crashes the game dreammaster defect normal Engine: Titanic
#12943 WEB: The Lost File of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel is listed as both supported an not supported lotharsm defect normal Web
#12942 PORTS: IOS: Apple keyboard cursor keys don't work, accessibility bar covers bottom of screen criezy defect normal Port: iOS
#12940 AGS: Texts render incorrectly in some games tag2015 defect normal Engine: AGS
#12939 Unknown game variant for ags dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGS
#12938 GRIM: Cutscene subtitles remain after the cutscene has ended aquadran defect normal Engine: Grim
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