Custom Query (145 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 145)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Component Priority
#3070 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Actor drawing glitch: standing next to fence new defect Engine: SCUMM low
#3494 SCUMM: Zak McKracken - PCJR/Tandy emulation differs from actual Tandy 1000 new defect Engine: SCUMM low
#3757 AGOS: StS1 - Bad sync in Italian CD version new defect Engine: AGOS low
#3769 GOB: WOODRUFF - Pathfinding bug new DrMcCoy defect Engine: Gob low
#3838 GOB: LIT - palette issue with sprites new DrMcCoy defect Engine: Gob low
#3846 GOB: WOODRUFF - In-Game animation shifted(?) new DrMcCoy defect Engine: Gob low
#3848 GOB: WOODRUFF - Graphic glitches new DrMcCoy defect Engine: Gob low
#4129 SCUMM: MI2 (Original bug): Waterfall sound breaks up new defect Engine: SCUMM low
#5866 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Credits are drawn behind wall new peres defect Engine: Parallaction low
#6051 AGOS: SIMON1DOS French Text Glitch new Kirben defect Engine: AGOS low
#6203 WME: Dirty Split - Dialog coming out of wrong character (original bug) new lolbot-iichan defect Engine: Wintermute low
#6310 HOPKINS: Credits roll flickering new defect Engine: Hopkins low
#6674 SWORD1: Minor graphical glitch when knocked down by Goat new defect Engine: Sword1 low
#6721 WME: The Kite - Overlapping bug new lolbot-iichan defect Engine: Wintermute low
#6970 ACCESS: AMAZON - Climb up/down animation breaks after one animation new defect Engine: Access low
#7283 ALL: Favor Adlib over MT32 for SFX tracks new feature request Audio low
#7647 KYRA3: add subtitles in VQA videos new feature request Engine: Kyra low
#7762 OPL: Real OPL support for AdLib audio new feature request Audio low
#7818 LOL: Support subtitles in "Lore of the Lands" new feature request Engine: Kyra low
#9697 BACKENDS: RPi3 - mouse / desktop capture issue new defect Ports low
#9725 AGI IIgs: shift key commands don't work new m-kiewitz defect Engine: AGI low
#9726 AGI IIgs: implement inventory/see object screen new defect Engine: AGI low
#9846 SCI: PQ4: Can't leave morgue by clicking on car new defect Engine: SCI low
#9852 SCI: PQ4: Repeated speech outside of morgue new defect Engine: SCI low
#9866 PRINCE: Original game keyboard shortcuts not working (F1-F5) new defect Engine: Prince low
#9872 SKY: BASS - Save game MetaInfo is missing new defect Engine: Sky low
#10135 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics glitch after Gehn leaves office. new defect Engine: Mohawk low
#10311 AGOS: Waxworks: Add hotkey for switching to fighting new feature request Engine: AGOS low
#10363 GUI: Ability to hightlight ScummVM version # in GUI and copy to clipboard new feature request GUI low
#10439 SKY: BASS - vkeybd only allows 1 keyboard input at a time new defect Engine: Sky low
#10444 AGI: Graphics glitch when reloading a savegame after dying new defect Engine: AGI low
#10523 TITANIC: SGT Room Transition video has black spots new defect Engine: Titanic low
#10547 MM: XEEN: Hanging notes in AdLib music new defect Engine: MM: Xeen low
#10578 MOHAWK: MYST: Matches and Held pages new defect Engine: Mohawk low
#10657 TINSEL: DW1: Actor goes invisible when shooting dragon new defect Engine: Tinsel low
#10658 TINSEL: DW1: ACT3 Guard floating equals new defect Engine: Tinsel low
#10661 TINSEL: DW1: Dark world barman can't leave via dialogue new defect Engine: Tinsel low
#10831 SCI: QFG3 - Harami escape speed uncapped new defect Engine: SCI low
#10957 TINSEL: DW1 - Psy office event not triggered new defect Engine: Tinsel low
#11287 WME: Some games are using same fonts for selected and normal text new defect Engine: Wintermute low
#11368 Unknown game variant for tinsel - Discworld (PSX, Japanese) new dreammaster feature request Engine: Tinsel low
#11373 SCI: Quest for Glory 3 game script bugs new defect Engine: SCI low
#11637 GUI: STRETCH MODE: Popup Menu displays redundant 'Normal' setting. new defect GUI low
#11693 DRAGONS: dust cloud in library new defect Engine: Dragons low
#11694 DRAGONS: pre tournament cutscene few frames too long new defect Engine: Dragons low
#11695 DRAGONS: Flicker misplaced after bunny game new defect Engine: Dragons low
#11766 GRIM: EMI - french version shows english subtitles new defect Engine: Grim low
#11790 EMI: Some text is split incorrectly new defect Engine: Grim low
#11794 EMI: Lever of the stove in LUA bar misplaced new defect Engine: Grim low
#11798 EMI: When using grease on mat at pegleg petes you have to face it from the right to be able to activate the use grease line new defect Engine: Grim low
#11801 GRIM: Stuck in animaton - Second Year new defect Engine: Grim low
#11810 GRIM: Manny gets put into wrong animation state after giving glottis the vip ticket new defect Engine: Grim low
#11822 EMI: Guybrush walks through tourist body new defect Engine: Grim low
#11828 EMI: Missing subtitles by default in demo (french/german) new defect Engine: Grim low
#11847 EMI: Animated sea surface texture looks clamped instead of repeated in set "shi" with TinyGL new defect Engine: Grim low
#11881 MYST3: wrong texts on letters in Polish version new defect Engine: Myst3 low
#11889 STARK: No dedicated "listKnowledges" command new defect Engine: Stark low
#11890 STARK: listLocations debug command should print actual location numbers, not file paths new defect Engine: Stark low
#12007 SWORD2DEMO: Missing songs in Spanish Windows demo? new defect Engine: Sword2 low
#12019 ULTIMA8: Bentic talks to himself during conversation new defect Engine: Ultima low
#12062 PETKA: Wrong fonts in subtitles/inventory pending whiterandrek defect Engine: Petka low
#12178 EMI: Slight movement of the analogue joystick for short moment causes Guybrush to move indefinitely new defect Engine: Grim low
#12302 ULTIMA4: Moongate remains on screen new defect Engine: Ultima low
#12304 ULTIMA4: 2nd combat instance applies Quickness to all party members new dreammaster defect Engine: Ultima low
#12316 Configurable quick buttons for the Android and IOS ports new feature request GUI low
#12480 ULTIMA4:: sound FX loops new defect Engine: Ultima low
#12481 ULTIMA4: Text Colorization does not work new defect Engine: Ultima low
#12484 ULTIMA4: Dungeon Combat always skips the first character new defect Engine: Ultima low
#12537 AUDIO: Support hardware OPL on Windows new feature request Audio low
#12554 SCUMM: MM Amiga: Volume not changeable new defect Engine: SCUMM low
#12565 PRIVATE: Casebook inaccesible new neuromancer feature request Engine: Private low
#12604 AGS: Maniac Mansion Mania (MMM) series keyboard shortcuts issues new defect Engine: AGS low
#12674 CGE: Soltys demos are missing new defect Engine: CGE low
#12778 Crusader: No Remorse - Num Pad Keys do not change with capslock new feature request Engine: Ultima low
#12875 TWINE: rendering issues on the left side in 1920x1200 new defect Engine: TwinE low
#12890 CLOUD: NextCloud Support new feature request Cloud low
#12966 STARK: April spins around on right side of Mercury Theatre entrance scene new defect Engine: Stark low
#12969 GRIM: Rendering difference with OpenGL with shaders new defect Engine: Grim low
#13016 AGS: text appears in german Gemini Rue version that shouldn't be there new defect Engine: AGS low
#13127 GRIM: Grim Fandango - change default controller keys new feature request Engine: Grim low
#13134 TWINE: LBA1 Credits screen in high resolution mode shows hidden character models to the side new defect Engine: TwinE low
#13140 GRIM: Grim Fandango, year 3 chain foreground new defect Engine: Grim low
#13149 GRIM: Grim Fandango % year 4 sewer transparency new defect Engine: Grim low
#13232 Use scaler to mouse cursor new feature request Graphics: Scalers low
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - (Original bug) Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin new feature request Engine: SCUMM low
#13412 AGS: Zniw Adventure - Sprites in ScummVM appear less sharp/fuzzier new defect Engine: AGS low
#13441 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Flickering objects new defect Engine: Parallaction low
#13570 TWINE: The Red Magnetic Card Bug (only CD-ROM version) (original bug) new defect Engine: TwinE low
#13592 HYPNO: Menu button visible for too long (Spider-Man: The Sinister Six) new neuromancer defect Engine: Hypno low
#13611 Retrowave is not enabled on 2.6 Windows Build new feature request Audio low
#13618 SCUMM: MM (NES) - No start splash screen nor LFG-logo new feature request Engine: SCUMM low
#13637 CHEWY: Sprite of Chewy and Howard in train placed wrong new bluegr defect Engine: Chewy low
#13677 TWINE: pressing enter to choose an item in the inventory also recenters the camera new defect Engine: TwinE low
#13680 CHEWY: Cinema mode buggy new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13681 CHEWY: Intro is missing black screen at end new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13685 CHEWY: Videos are glitching in and out new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13686 CHEWY: Music during many videos missing new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13689 CHEWY: No machine noise in hidden base new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13691 CHEWY: Howard is missing his helmet in Big City 2 new defect Engine: Chewy low
#13741 [Homepage] Please add a sub-URL, called "/statistics" and/or "/stats" new feature request Web low
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