All open tickets by descending modification date (1147 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1147)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Created Modified Game
#11344 BLADERUNNER: In Act 4 police officers may run to flee waypoints and clip into scenery new defect normal Engine: Bladerunner 4 years 4 years Blade Runner
#11369 GNAP: Can't move car new defect normal Engine: GNAP 4 years 4 years
#11353 SCI: Hangs on Load of GK2 with subtitles patch on 3DS new defect normal Engine: SCI 4 years 4 years Gabriel Knight 2
#7569 AGI: Add the function keys to the keymap new feature request normal Engine: AGI 17 years 4 years
#11007 WME: 1 1/2 Ritter - Menu font problem new defect normal Engine: Wintermute 5 years 4 years Wintermute
#6395 TINSEL: Discworld (PSX) - "Eye of Offla" scene stays fully lit new defect normal Engine: Tinsel 11 years 4 years Discworld
#11535 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Head of ego partly vanishes new defect normal Engine: Gob 4 years 4 years Goblins 3
#11536 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Piggy Bank door is drawn over Othello on scene reload new defect normal Engine: Gob 4 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6333 TONY: Flickering sprites at Shack's Door left of Lorenz new defect normal Engine: Tony 11 years 4 years Tony Tough
#6356 AGOS: Simon1 Crash in Dwarf Cave new defect normal Engine: AGOS 11 years 4 years Simon the Sorcerer 1
#6804 SWORD25: add option to choose language speech new feature request normal Engine: Sword25 9 years 4 years Broken Sword 2.5
#6716 Implement descriptive error message on save failure new feature request normal --Other-- 10 years 4 years
#6953 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!! new defect low Engine: Gob 8 years 4 years Gobliins 2
#7175 SCUMM: Sam and Max - Wrong music cue at bigfoot party new defect normal Engine: SCUMM 8 years 4 years Sam and Max
#10010 SAGA: IHNM (Ellen) - Anubis problems at end new defect normal Engine: SAGA 7 years 4 years I Have No Mouth
#10012 SAGA: IHNM - End game area easy to get stuck near beginning new defect normal Engine: SAGA 7 years 4 years I Have No Mouth
#10176 TINSEL: DW2 (German) - displaced pixels in Intro new defect normal Engine: Tinsel 7 years 4 years Discworld II
#10286 BACKENDS: SDL - GMM and game resolution doesn't scale together for enhanced graphics on small screens new defect normal GUI 7 years 4 years
#10408 BACKENDS: Wii - Static sound in Discworld new defect normal Port: Wii 6 years 4 years Discworld
#10464 BACKENDS: MacOSX - Localised documentation resources are not bundled/used new defect normal Port: Mac OS X 6 years 4 years
#10356 TSAGE: RtR - Error when you don't use Quinn new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 6 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#10439 SKY: BASS - vkeybd only allows 1 keyboard input at a time new defect low Engine: Sky 6 years 4 years Beneath a Steel Sky
#10691 BACKENDS: MacOSX - sRGB game graphics are overly saturated on Display P3 wide-gamut iMac displays new defect normal Port: Mac OS X 6 years 4 years
#10779 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Baba's pestle hovers above mortar new defect low Engine: SCI 6 years 4 years Quest for Glory 4
#10785 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Berries item, icon color is wrong new defect low Engine: SCI 6 years 4 years Quest for Glory 4
#10786 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Note 'left on chest' appears on the floor new defect low Engine: SCI 6 years 4 years Quest for Glory 4
#10821 ZVISION: ZGI - Getting stuck after knocking at door (location 'qe1e') & after freeing Jack (location 'ej3x') new defect normal Engine: ZVision 5 years 4 years Zork Grand Inquisitor
#10831 SCI: QFG3 - Harami escape speed uncapped new defect low Engine: SCI 5 years 4 years Quest for Glory 3
#10957 TINSEL: DW1 - Psy office event not triggered new defect low Engine: Tinsel 5 years 4 years Discworld
#11201 BACKENDS: PSP Vita (3.72) - "add game" (Duckman) freezes scummvm new defect normal Port: PSP Vita 5 years 4 years
#1946 SCUMM: Adlib Emulation doesn't Respect Volume Settings new defect low Engine: SCUMM 19 years 4 years
#2226 SKY: BASS - "game frozen" / "actor stuck" / "Invalid Mode(16)" new defect low Engine: Sky 19 years 4 years Beneath a Steel Sky
#3070 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Actor drawing glitch: standing next to fence new defect low Engine: SCUMM 17 years 4 years Maniac Mansion
#3494 SCUMM: Zak McKracken - PCJR/Tandy emulation differs from actual Tandy 1000 new defect low Engine: SCUMM 16 years 4 years Zak McKracken
#3838 GOB: LIT - palette issue with sprites new defect low Engine: Gob 16 years 4 years Lost in Time
#4078 AGOS: StS2 - Cat disappears and doesn't reappear new defect normal Engine: AGOS 15 years 4 years Simon the Sorcerer 2
#4480 SAGA: ITE - Graphics glitches in rat cave new defect normal Engine: SAGA 15 years 4 years Inherit the Earth
#4499 SCUMM: MI2 - MIXER: bad wiring in adlib and mixed midi modes new defect normal Engine: SCUMM 15 years 4 years Monkey Island 2
#4618 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Actor animation is stuck or something new defect normal Engine: Gob 15 years 4 years Goblins 3
#4647 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Ooya can walk in the air new defect normal Engine: Gob 15 years 4 years Goblins 3
#4649 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Divinity (last) level: left doorbell dissapeared new defect normal Engine: Gob 15 years 4 years Goblins 3
#4775 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Machine hotspot disappears in armor room new defect normal Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Gobliins 2
#4926 TOOLS: descumm "} else {" blocks new defect normal Tools 14 years 4 years Monkey Island 1
#4935 AGOS: Elvira2 - Gameplay issue / Fighting bugs new defect normal Engine: AGOS 14 years 4 years Elvira 2
#5320 BACKENDS: MacOSX - MT-32 MIDI broken between 1.0 and 1.1 releases new defect normal Port: Mac OS X 14 years 4 years Monkey Island 1
#5380 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Non-cinematic level "introductions" always play new defect low Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Goblins 3
#5381 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Flickering cursor in "semi-cinematics" new defect low Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Goblins 3
#5406 GOB: Woodruff - Menu Graphics Glitch In High Morals Club new defect normal Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Woodruff
#5409 GOB: Woodruff - Annoying scrolling behaviour in windowed mode new defect normal Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Woodruff
#5413 GOB: Woodruff - Possible lockup in the prison tower new defect normal Engine: Gob 14 years 4 years Woodruff
#5638 SAGA: IHNM - Animations speed/sequence is off new defect normal Engine: SAGA 13 years 4 years I Have No Mouth
#5732 BACKENDS: Dreamcast - Toonstruck (demo) launch error new defect normal Port: Dreamcast 13 years 4 years Toonstruck
#5745 SAGA: ITE (Floppy) - Audio loops and game stops responding new defect normal Engine: SAGA 13 years 4 years Inherit the Earth
#5760 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Cannot move Blount in the Brain level new defect normal Engine: Gob 13 years 4 years Goblins 3
#5828 SAGA: IHNM - Character selection animations often miss a frame new defect normal Engine: SAGA 13 years 4 years I Have No Mouth
#4821 PARALLACTION: Nippon - "Push the button" verb appears when it shouldn't new defect normal Engine: Parallaction 14 years 4 years Nippon Safes
#5866 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Credits are drawn behind wall new defect low Engine: Parallaction 13 years 4 years Nippon Safes
#5901 GOB: Woodruff - Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk new defect normal Engine: Gob 12 years 4 years Woodruff
#5950 BACKENDS: iOS - Airplay Mirroring not working correctly new defect normal Port: iOS 12 years 4 years
#6018 BACKENDS: Touchscreen Tablets - Fullscreen mode unusable new defect normal Ports 12 years 4 years
#6266 MOHAWK: LB - Extended Characters in Living Books Outline File new defect normal Engine: Mohawk 11 years 4 years
#6271 TINSEL: DW1 - Can't take custard book new defect normal Engine: Tinsel 11 years 4 years Discworld
#6329 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Spectacles hotspot active after taking spectacles new defect normal Engine: Gob 11 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6330 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Incorrect Name of Coin in Chessboard new defect normal Engine: Gob 11 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6331 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Moving figure onto occupied square on the chessboard new defect normal Engine: Gob 11 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6380 MOHAWK: LB - Bad config file causes engine abort in Sheila Rae French new defect normal Engine: Mohawk 11 years 4 years
#6466 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - In-game menu different from the original new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6467 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Digitized percussion sounds slightly off new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6495 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - "Meanwhile..." intro screen looks wrong new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6502 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Graphics glitches when going to Ringworld new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6518 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Seeker never gives up trying to open the wrong elevator door new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6609 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Inventory messed up in FACE scene when using in-game menus new defect normal Engine: Gob 10 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6617 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when using the flute new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6627 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Missing sounds when ship is landing/taking off new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6628 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when walking through doorways in vampire lair new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6633 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Cursor doesn't always update properly new defect normal Engine: TsAGE 10 years 4 years Return to Ringworld
#6673 BACKENDS: IRIX - build and runtime failures when building with MIPSPro compiler new defect normal Port: IRIX 10 years 4 years
#6685 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Hebrew) - Right Hand doesn't respond to click new defect normal Engine: Gob 10 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6809 BASE: FSNode's getParent()->getName() is inconsistent. new defect normal --Other-- 9 years 4 years
#4620 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Duplicate main character sprite new defect normal Engine: Gob 15 years 4 years Goblins 3
#6945 BACKENDS: Android - SCUMM: Subtitle speed settings being disregarded new defect normal Port: Android 9 years 4 years Monkey Island 1
#6949 TOUCHE: General MIDI: note hangs in 'Rouen' music track of Touché new defect normal Engine: Touche 8 years 4 years Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer
#7048 MADE: RTZ - Second menu on rotten meat for vultures. new defect normal Engine: MADE 8 years 4 years Return to Zork
#7049 AGI: KQ2 - Bell Sound for PC Speaker Is Off new defect normal Engine: AGI 8 years 4 years King's Quest 2
#7182 LURE: DOS/ITALIAN - stuck characters new defect normal Engine: Lure 8 years 4 years Lure of the Temptress
#9629 AGOS: StS - Hebrew version ignores subtitle speed setting new defect normal Engine: AGOS 8 years 4 years Simon the Sorcerer 1
#9697 BACKENDS: RPi3 - mouse / desktop capture issue new defect low Ports 7 years 4 years
#9710 GOB: LIT - Palette corruption new defect normal Engine: Gob 7 years 4 years Lost in Time
#11354 SCI: CASTLEBRAIN - Stereo audio flipped in hourglass puzzle new defect normal Engine: SCI 4 years 4 years Castle of Dr. Brain
#11358 BACKENDS: 3DS - Blurry text in KQ6 new defect normal Ports 4 years 4 years King's Quest 6
#11374 BACKENDS: MacOSX - sound output does not follow "active output" selected from audio applet new defect normal Port: Mac OS X 4 years 4 years
#11405 BACKENDS: RPi 3/4 - PulseAudio hoarse sound on any game new defect normal Ports 4 years 4 years
#11419 SCI: QfG3 - losing local money with the money exchanger new defect normal Engine: SCI 4 years 4 years Quest for Glory 3
#11427 BACKENDS: MACOSX - Multiple games crash or have other errors if the user doesn't allow ScummVM access to the Documents folder new defect normal Port: Mac OS X 4 years 4 years
#11461 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Amiga) - Catacombs (Act 3) is not dark anymore after loading a save game new defect normal Engine: Gob 4 years 4 years Goblins 3
#11513 AGI: SQ2 (AppleIIGS) - frame/audio sync issues new defect normal Engine: AGI 4 years 4 years Space Quest 2
#11517 GLK: ZCode - Layout errors in Z8 Anchorhead new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode 4 years 4 years
#11518 GLK: ZCode - status line has no left margin new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode 4 years 4 years
#11519 GLK: text is low resolution on macOS retina display new defect normal Engine: GLK 4 years 4 years
#11521 GLK: ZCode - loses scrollback from time to time new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode 4 years 4 years
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