Opened 15 years ago

Closed 3 months ago

#4647 closed defect (invalid)

GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Ooya can walk in the air

Reported by: SF/deif Owned by: bluegr
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Gob
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Goblins 3


In the cloud level, the character Ooya can walk in the air (and even the sun) after you return him to the meteorologist's island. Maybe he's in the wrong layer?

Using ScummVM 1.1.0svn42341 compiled from source in OpenSuSE 11.2 M8. Goblins 3 DOS/Spanish version.

Ticket imported from: #2873013. Ticket imported from: bugs/4647.

Attachments (2)

gob3-es.s10 (17.6 KB ) - added by SF/deif 15 years ago.
Savegame where Ooya is in the air.
gob3cd-us.s09 (17.4 KB ) - added by raziel- 5 years ago.
ScummVM2.2.0git save game

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by SF/deif, 15 years ago

Attachment: gob3-es.s10 added

Savegame where Ooya is in the air.

comment:1 by jvprat, 15 years ago

Owner: set to DrMcCoy
Summary: Ooya can walk in the airGOB3: Ooya can walk in the air

comment:2 by Strangerke, 15 years ago

Your savegame is indeed in a broken state, but I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior using my savegames. Could you provide us a savegame before the problem and a way to reproduce this ?

by raziel-, 5 years ago

Attachment: gob3cd-us.s09 added

ScummVM2.2.0git save game

comment:3 by raziel-, 5 years ago

ScummVM 2.2.0git (Jul 15 2020 10:24:49)
Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 Theora AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG cloud (servers, local)

I can not confirm this issue with above version of ScummVM.

Since OP never posted a followup or steps on how to reproduce i can only guess.
Neither spamming the island before entering the basket, nor after returning to it (when you got "Bizoo") triggers the issue.
Also, leaving the screen after the island was reached and returning to it (and the island once again, with the basket lowered) doesn't trigger it either.

Latest ScummVM version created save game added.
This is just before reaching the Meterologist's island.

Goblins Quest 3 CD (v1.000/DOS/English (US))

AmigaOS4 - PPC - BE - SDL

comment:4 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: GOB3: Ooya can walk in the airGOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Ooya can walk in the air

comment:5 by bluegr, 3 months ago

Owner: changed from DrMcCoy to bluegr
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Since this cannot be replicated, I'm closing it as invalid

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