Custom Query (820 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Version
#10659 TINSEL: DW1: Act4 hidden city guards crash new high Engine: Tinsel
#10714 GOB: Woodruff - Couldn't talk to the Beast new high Engine: Gob
#11483 ZVISION: ZGI: Music broke new high Engine: ZVision
#11841 GRIM: Game locks if the user opens the inventory while Manny is knocking at Glottis' door pending high Engine: Grim
#13141 GRIM: Grim Fandango ! year 3 end cutscene cuts early pending high Engine: Grim
#13445 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Scene initialization does not respect (save) state new high Engine: Parallaction
#14357 TETRAEDGE: Syberia (1/2) crash on startup with OpenGL ES 2 contexts new high Engine: Tetraedge
#14455 CLOUD: Cloud syncing wastes FPS due to excessive save game scanning/checking in Grim Fandango new high Cloud
#14462 STARK: Only actors are visible in OpenGL 1.3 rendering mode new dwatteau high Engine: Stark
#14594 TONY: Tony Tough issues/crash on MacOS new high Engine: Tony
#14633 AGS: AVX2 optimizations are not enabled in Win 2.8.0 release builds new fracturehill high Engine: AGS
#14645 CGE2: Sfinx crashes when talking to the tailor after the concert new high Engine: CGE2
#14698 TINSEL: When in act IV (final act), the dragon disappears from the square where it challenges rincewind and reappears at the end new high Engine: Tinsel
#14803 SWORD2: Error during intro cutscene (Spanish Playstation version) new high Engine: Sword2
#14828 HYPNO: Using alternative fire during missile sequences will trigger a large number of video playbacks new neuromancer high Engine: Hypno
#15086 GROOVIE: Clandestiny final cutscene crashes new high Engine: Groovie
#15157 SKY: BASS cursor disappeared new high Engine: Sky
#15190 CINE: Operation Stealth demo hangs on the DS new high Engine: Cine
#15197 HUGO: Icon bar gets stuck with the DS port new high Engine: Hugo
#15489 SAGA: IHNM fails to start on the 3DS new high Engine: SAGA
#15505 SCUMM HE MOONBASE: big endian problem (MORPHOS) pending AndywinXp high Engine: SCUMM
#15531 GRIM: Manny completely black in first demo room on MacBook Air M1 (OpenGL renderer) new high Engine: Grim
#15605 GRIM: Stuck on building view after cutscene that follows transplant of Glotti's heart new high Engine: Grim
#15621 REMORSE: Crusader: No Remorse hangs or crashes when jumping onto conveyor belts from certain angles new high Engine: Ultima
#15632 BAGEL: The Space Bar audio problem new dreammaster high Engine: BAGEL
#15657 AGS: It Takes Two To Tangle: Screen Scroll issues new high Engine: AGS
#15668 GRIM: Segfault and use-heap-after-free in the wine cellar moving around the forklift new high Engine: Grim
#15699 FREESCAPE: TinyGL stipple pattern implementation using textures is somehow broken new neuromancer high Engine: Freescape
#4078 AGOS: StS2 - Cat disappears and doesn't reappear new Kirben normal Engine: AGOS
#4388 AGI: Incorrect CGA palette new sev- normal Engine: AGI
#4480 SAGA: ITE - Graphics glitches in rat cave new normal Engine: SAGA
#4499 SCUMM: MI2 - MIXER: bad wiring in adlib and mixed midi modes new normal Engine: SCUMM
#4649 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Divinity (last) level: left doorbell dissapeared new DrMcCoy normal Engine: Gob
#4687 SAGA: ITE - Jail bug after speaking to Shiala new normal Engine: SAGA
#4719 SCUMM: MI2 Dancing Skeletons cause Game Loop new normal Engine: SCUMM
#4821 PARALLACTION: Nippon - "Push the button" verb appears when it shouldn't new peres normal Engine: Parallaction
#4935 AGOS: Elvira2 - Gameplay issue / Fighting bugs new Kirben normal Engine: AGOS
#5405 GOB: Woodruff - Can't Get Master's Powers new DrMcCoy normal Engine: Gob
#5406 GOB: Woodruff - Menu Graphics Glitch In High Morals Club new normal Engine: Gob
#5409 GOB: Woodruff - Annoying scrolling behaviour in windowed mode new DrMcCoy normal Engine: Gob
#5413 GOB: Woodruff - Possible lockup in the prison tower new DrMcCoy normal Engine: Gob
#5638 SAGA: IHNM - Animations speed/sequence is off new normal Engine: SAGA
#5667 HUGO: Whodunit? - Priority glitches in Main Hall new Strangerke normal Engine: Hugo
#5732 BACKENDS: Dreamcast - Toonstruck (demo) launch error new zeldin normal Port: Dreamcast
#5745 SAGA: ITE (Floppy) - Audio loops and game stops responding new sev- normal Engine: SAGA
#5828 SAGA: IHNM - Character selection animations often miss a frame new normal Engine: SAGA
#5856 AGOS: Simon 2 Hebrew - Pirate Dialogue Freezes new bluegr normal Engine: AGOS
#6013 TINSEL: DW1 - Act 2: Amazon dialog still skipping in GRA Versions new normal Engine: Tinsel
#6046 AGOS: SIMON1DOS French Barman Animation Glitch new normal Engine: AGOS
#6050 AGOS: SIMON1 DOS French Animation glitch new normal Engine: AGOS
#6054 HUGO: Whodunit? - Priority glitch with Parrot new Strangerke normal Engine: Hugo
#6143 AGOS: Simon 1 - Random Screen Fade Glitch new normal Engine: AGOS
#6149 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Clues Art Time is not completable new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6150 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Clues 123 Time Graphic Glitches new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6236 TOLTECS: Actor "vanishes" and won't be displayed any more new normal Engine: Toltecs
#6243 AGOS: The Feeble Files PL - wrong file used new Kirben normal Engine: AGOS
#6271 TINSEL: DW1 - Can't take custard book new bluegr normal Engine: Tinsel
#6293 TOON: Mouse isn't deactivated after being picked up new sylvaintv normal Engine: Toon
#6331 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Moving figure onto occupied square on the chessboard new normal Engine: Gob
#6333 TONY: Flickering sprites at Shack's Door left of Lorenz new fuzzie normal Engine: Tony
#6392 TSAGE: BF - Animation jitter after entering police station new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6395 TINSEL: Discworld (PSX) - "Eye of Offla" scene stays fully lit new normal Engine: Tinsel
#6403 DRACI: Troll Scene Glitches with Mouth and Bird new rspalek normal Engine: Draci
#6431 MADE: RTZ demo freezes new normal Engine: MADE
#6453 WME: Rosemary - Text glitch new somaen normal Engine: Wintermute
#6459 GROOVIE: T7G Enhanced Music Files Block CD Audio new normal Engine: Groovie
#6466 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - In-game menu different from the original new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6495 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - "Meanwhile..." intro screen looks wrong new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6502 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Graphics glitches when going to Ringworld new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6518 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Seeker never gives up trying to open the wrong elevator door new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6533 WME: Ghost in the Sheet - Freeze of final cutscenes new normal Engine: Wintermute
#6569 WME: Rhiannon - Animation freeze of the final outtro new normal Engine: Wintermute
#6617 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when using the flute new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6627 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Missing sounds when ship is landing/taking off new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6628 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Pathfinding glitch when walking through doorways in vampire lair new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6632 TOUCHE / IOS: Several Animations are missing new normal Engine: Touche
#6633 TSAGE: Ringworld2 - Cursor doesn't always update properly new normal Engine: TsAGE
#6649 WME: 5MA - wasps animation is too slow new somaen normal Engine: Wintermute
#6652 WME: white chamber - bot flickers when changing directions new somaen normal Engine: Wintermute
#6702 GOB: WOODRUFF - Double click to do fast scene change not implemented new normal Engine: Gob
#6722 WME: The Kite - Script runtime errors new somaen normal Engine: Wintermute
#6730 SCUMM/HE: Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon MIDI Music identified as MT-32, rather than GM new normal Engine: SCUMM
#6781 ZVISION: Animation glitch (position? scaling?) in Nemesis laboratory new normal Engine: ZVision
#6797 ZVISION: Brief glitch after solving air puzzle (constellations) new normal Engine: ZVision
#6808 ZVISION: Sound distortion in Zork Nemesis end credits new normal Engine: ZVision
#6831 MADS: User Interface gradually gets corrupted from background animations new dreammaster normal Engine: MADS
#6836 TONY: Pathfinding bug/Tony walking in place new normal Engine: Tony
#6840 AGOS: SIMON2 - Dog Glitch on Save Loading new normal Engine: AGOS
#6867 TOON: Missing Flux animation when asking him to open cupboard new normal Engine: Toon
#6869 TOON: Wrong talk animation after Jim's gym demonstration new normal Engine: Toon
#6949 TOUCHE: General MIDI: note hangs in 'Rouen' music track of Touché new normal Engine: Touche
#7003 TOON: Flux Glitch (Lab) new normal Engine: Toon
#7012 SHERLOCK: volume settings don't work new dreammaster normal Engine: Sherlock
#7047 TINSEL: DW - Graphic Glitch when opening inventory new normal Engine: Tinsel
#7048 MADE: RTZ - Second menu on rotten meat for vultures. new normal Engine: MADE
#7049 AGI: KQ2 - Bell Sound for PC Speaker Is Off new normal Engine: AGI
#7054 MADS: Flickering Doors new normal Engine: MADS
#7055 MADS: Intro: Annoying sond new normal Engine: MADS
#7056 MADS: Console: warnigs SFX new normal Engine: MADS
#7140 SCI: QFG3 - Incorrect Keyboard Movement new normal Engine: SCI
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