Custom Query (1201 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1201)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#13146 TINSEL: Discworld intro graphical glitch new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#13148 GRIM: Grim Fandango _ after end game credits cannot exit the game new defect low Engine: Grim
#13149 GRIM: Grim Fandango % year 4 sewer transparency new defect low Engine: Grim
#13153 SCI: Games begin lagging either at launch or after moving about outside of window new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13157 COMMON: EventManager's getMousePos() is not always reliable new defect normal Common
#13160 SHERLOCK: Glitch when loading savegame new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#13165 SCI: QFG1-JP crash on long messages with Japanese subtitles new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13169 MYST3: missing scene transition effect on PowerPC (big-endian) machines on all OSes new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13177 TWINE: Tank is stuck new mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13181 GLK: ADRIFT: ADRIFT Battle System is not fully supported new defect normal Engine: GLK: Adrift
#13187 AGS: Lancelot's Hangover (and others?) - Purple/magenta sprite color appears transparent new defect normal Engine: AGS
#13216 WEB: "Other" screenshots page is broken new defect normal Web
#13221 SCUMM: Monkey Island 2 Segfault (Midi related) new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13222 SCI: QFG3 - The music in the Main Menu doesn't restart after going back to it from character creation. new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13229 PSP: PS Vita Ultima 8: controls don´t work at all new defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#13231 TOLTECS: Demo fails to load adlib timbre file new defect normal Engine: Toltecs
#13241 GUI: Interface requires improvements for small resolutions. new defect normal GUI
#13250 TOON: Toonstruck hangs when entering air vent through staircase and bathroom new defect normal Engine: Toon
#13252 TRECISION: Dialogue Stuttering & Cut Scenes Cut Short new defect normal Engine: Trecision
#13261 SCUMM: LOOM (PC-Engine): Scrolling scenes show at a larger width than on DOS new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13264 HYPNO: Puzzle timer: Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six (German version) new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13268 HYPNO: Music stops playing when someone starts talking and starts again after the whole dialogue is finished new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13270 FULLPIPE: Left Handle vanishes on teleporting new defect normal Engine: NGI
#13276 AGS: Cannot open files with non-ASCII characters in their name new defect normal Engine: AGS
#13281 ULTIMA: Crusader No Regret, Crusader No Remorse, Ultima VIII are added by the Launcher twice in mass add new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#13285 MORTEVIELLE: Mortevielle Mansion was added thrice by the Launcher but one is duplicated with mass add new defect normal Engine: Mortevielle
#13287 TOON: Toonstruck is added twice by the launcher with mass add new defect normal Engine: Toon
#13289 ZVISION: Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (DOS/English) is added thrice with mass add new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#13294 PRINCE: Galador translation only being picked up in the game directory when adding game. new defect normal Engine: Prince
#13298 DIRECTOR: Nyle: Passage To Egypt - unknown variant(Macromedia Director) new defect normal Engine: Director
#13301 MD5: DIRECTOR: Unknown game: Kings of the Ice (D8) new jamie-marchant defect normal Engine: Director
#13325 DIRECTOR: Explore Space - Mars (D5) not starting new defect normal Engine: Director
#13331 DIRECTOR: Safecracker 1997 (Director 5) loading issue new defect normal Engine: Director
#13353 DIRECTOR: Fore Lift loop in Spaceship Warlock (Win) new defect normal Engine: Director
#13357 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Music notes sometimes left hanging new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#13358 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Glitch when removing the beam with the chain new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#13364 FluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup new defect normal Port: Linux
#13366 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Path finding or overlay issue at Dragon's caves pending athrxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin new defect low Engine: SCUMM
#13376 MYST3: Save Glitch new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13388 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Visual glitches with the forge bricks and actors new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13389 DRAGONS: Rendering is excessively slow on older devices new defect normal Engine: Dragons
#13393 DOCUMENTATION: ScummVM API docs (Doxygen) are unreadable on mobile new defect normal Documentation
#13396 MYST3: Gameplay duration issue with Myst III saves new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13412 AGS: Zniw Adventure - Sprites in ScummVM appear less sharp/fuzzier new defect low Engine: AGS
#13421 GUI: Version info should be right-aligned in list view new defect normal GUI
#13422 Bug tracker's main page has obsolete instructions and link new defect normal Web
#13423 PORTS: Tests do not compile with Visual Studio new defect normal Port: Win64
#13424 PETKA: Crashes on PSP new defect normal Engine: Petka
#13425 SCUMM: PAJAMA Multiple animation errors during Cheese & Crackers game during final cutscene new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13429 OpengGL with Shaders over OGLES2 cause visuall trash when we spawn a GUI of Launcher. new defect normal Graphics
#13432 GUI: Options dialog complains about non-existing saves in autosave slot new defect normal Common
#13440 PARALLACTION: Nippon - "Door keeper" hotspot still interactable until dialogue tree is empty new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13441 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Flickering objects new defect low Engine: Parallaction
#13442 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Donna vanishing when in disguise new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13443 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Dino vanishing after restarting new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13444 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Scene initialization bug new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13445 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Scene initialization does not respect (save) state new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13446 PARALLACTION: Nippon - Hotspot bug new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13449 STARK: Diary text scaled wrongly if going back and forwards between fullscreen and windowed new defect normal Engine: Stark
#13450 STARK: Videos and graphics don't match in tone, making transitions a tad jarring new defect normal Engine: Stark
#13453 BACKENDS: MACOSX - Entering fullscreen from "maximized" mode leads to crash when running 3D games new defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#13454 BACKENDS: MACOSX - alt-enter fullscreen isn't notch-aware. new defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#13456 SDL: No Mouse or Keyboard with SDL 2.20 new defect normal Common
#13459 EMI: Crashes during cutscenes with subtitles on new defect normal Engine: Grim
#13461 SDL: Stretched in full screen new defect normal Graphics
#13464 SDL: In-game menu for 3D games shows no cursor on some systems new defect normal Graphics
#13472 HYPNO: Some of the hotkeys detailed in the manual do not work yet with ScummVM new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13487 TUCKER: In-game quit doesn't respect "Ask for confirmation" on exit/quit new defect normal Engine: Tucker
#13502 TOON: Demo is missing a short animation from first screen new defect normal Engine: Toon
#13503 GUI: Add a way to delete saved games from the save/load game grid view new defect normal GUI
#13504 SWORD25: wrong shading in library new defect normal Engine: Sword25
#13521 CHEWY: Drone selection menu very hard to control new defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13528 GRIM: Grim Fandango crashes after loading a save (MAC) new defect normal Engine: Grim
#13533 CLOUD: Syncing breaks if "Add Game" dialogue comes up new defect normal Cloud
#13540 WME: Display shrunk and stuck in corner for Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#13544 TOON: Flux does not stop dancing when used on Cabinet new defect normal Engine: Toon
#13557 AGS: PS3: Fatal "Unhandled 64-bit pointer result from plugin method call" with some games new defect normal Engine: AGS
#13559 CHEWY: German demo crashes looking for a non-existing det0.taf file new defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13560 DIRECTOR: CASINO! (Beachware, 1995) (D4) - menu buttons not working new defect normal Engine: Director
#13564 CHEWY: Too slow auto scrolling in ventilation pit new defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13565 DIRECTOR: Maxis Sampler (D4) crashes in infoentry loading new defect normal Engine: Director
#13570 TWINE: The Red Magnetic Card Bug (only CD-ROM version) (original bug) new defect low Engine: TwinE
#13572 SCUMM: MI2: Main notes at beginning of Bone dance sequence not playing correctly in Ultimate Talkie Edition new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13575 GROOVIE: Uncle Henry's Playhouse: Extra text in Guestbook login new defect normal Engine: Groovie
#13577 ASYLUM: Chapter 2 - general trader door is open but shouldn't new defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13582 BACKENDS: ScummVM 2.5.1 on Nintendo DS with CycloDS is not launching; only white screens new defect normal Port: NDS
#13583 PEGASUS: Stun Gun usage teleport when re-visiting Sydney new defect normal Engine: Pegasus
#13585 PLUGINS: ELF memory manager doesn't work with dynamic detection new defect normal Ports
#13592 HYPNO: Menu button visible for too long (Spider-Man: The Sinister Six) new neuromancer defect low Engine: Hypno
#13594 CHEWY: Dialog canceled by subtitles pending bluegr defect high Engine: Chewy
#13599 PARALLACTION: Nippon Safes Inc. (Amiga) unavoidable duplicate items new defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#13613 RISC OS Scumm 2.6.0 fails to start on RISC OS Pyromaniac new defect normal Port: RISC OS
#13614 RISC OS Scumm 2.6.0 abuses user choices new defect normal Port: RISC OS
#13623 GLK: SCOTT: Unicode characters not shown new defect normal Engine: GLK: Scott
#13636 GROOVIE: Clandestiny: Original Save/Load Screen not drawn correctly new defect normal Engine: Groovie
#13637 CHEWY: Sprite of Chewy and Howard in train placed wrong new bluegr defect low Engine: Chewy
#13641 BACKENDS: Wii - MYST3: NEW GAME CRASHES new defect normal Port: Wii
#13656 CHEWY: Double sprites for animations new defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13659 AGS: Default "Game language" option in ScummVM does not override .cfg file new defect normal Engine: AGS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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