Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#13472 new defect

HYPNO: Some of the hotkeys detailed in the manual do not work yet with ScummVM

Reported by: antoniou79 Owned by: neuromancer
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Hypno
Version: Keywords: hotkeys, main menu
Cc: Game: Wetlands


This is tested with the Steam version of the game on Windows 10 x64 Pro (all updates) with a local development build of 2.6.0git from today's (May 9th, 2022) master HEAD.

The game is added and runs fine (English version). However some of the actions described in the manual as corresponding to certain keyboard keys are not yet possible with the ScummVM engine. The main example is "M" or "Esc" accessing the Main Options or Main Menu respectively at any point of the game. Another one is Ctrl+Q for aborting current missing.

I am adding the screenshot of the game's manual showing and describing the default keymaps of the game.

A relevant conversation from Discord starts here:

Attachments (3)

manual01.png (702.6 KB ) - added by antoniou79 3 years ago.
manual02.png (626.2 KB ) - added by antoniou79 3 years ago.
MainOptions.png (31.6 KB ) - added by antoniou79 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by antoniou79, 3 years ago

Attachment: manual01.png added

by antoniou79, 3 years ago

Attachment: manual02.png added

comment:1 by neuromancer, 3 years ago

Some comments on the keys:

C: is already working, when cheat mode is not enabled. The cheat code will be changed with another key to avoid the collision.

From the key list, the next ones to implement are:

  • Q/Ctrl+Q: right now, using Ctrl+Q quits scummvm so it should be easy to change.
  • H: this will be implemented when high score list is ready
  • ESC/R: ESC brings the scummvm menu, but it will be changed when the full main menu is implemented

The rest seems to be non-relevant:

  • J: joystick calibration makes no sense in scummvm
  • M: main options only contain some minor switches to control loading times and stuff like that.
  • P: play modes are already integrated into a single mode, where you can select an old mission or play the latest one. I will check if there is some other relevant difference.

comment:2 by antoniou79, 3 years ago

The only usable switch I can tell there's in main options (given than music can be muted from ScummVM's GMM), is the switch to invert Y(?) axis (Options are Normal: Up is Down and Flipped: Up is Up).

Attached image is from playing the game directly via Steam which uses Dropbox.

by antoniou79, 3 years ago

Attachment: MainOptions.png added

comment:3 by neuromancer, 3 years ago

Uhm, I wonder if the option to invert Y axis is useful when using the mouse. The current scummvm implementation do not support a joystick as the original game used, but it could be a nice feature if someone wants to play it like that (I don't think anyone could enjoy it but..)

comment:4 by neuromancer, 3 years ago

Cheat key was remapped to 's' in so it will no longer block the credits.

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