Custom Query (1193 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 1193)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#7832 LOL: version lordhoto feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#10967 [Lands of Lore DOS Floppy English] Crash on assertion on the herb shop athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#11459 LOL CD: could not load file FRE/GENERAL.PAK athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#12355 KYRA: Eye of the Beholder French Translation Not Detected digitall defect normal Engine: Kyra
#12702 Request: EOB AGA? athrxx feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#13553 Issue with Legend of Kyrandia Hand of Fate - MacBook Air M1 - Version athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#14760 Crash at Eye of the Beholder 2 Launch athrxx defect normal Engine: Kyra
#3527 LURE: Italian Floppy Version doesn't start... Kirben defect normal Engine: Lure
#9983 LURE: Lure of the Temptress - Russian translation support Corak667 feature request normal Engine: Lure
#13397 Unknown game variant for mads (Orinon Burger, German) dreammaster defect normal Engine: M4
#13398 Unknown game variant for mads (Orinon Burger, German) dreammaster defect normal Engine: M4
#3812 Unknown version of The Manhole Masterpiece Edition defect normal Engine: MADE
#4452 RTZ: music doesn't play during videos in town defect normal Engine: MADE
#4458 RTZ: Item disappears johndoe123 defect normal Engine: MADE
#4461 RTZ: Odd text wrapping defect normal Engine: MADE
#4462 RTZ: Uncompletable bluegr defect normal Engine: MADE
#5864 RTZ: Can't take egg from Canuk's shack bluegr defect normal Engine: MADE
#4232 DragonSphere bugs defect normal Engine: MADS
#6832 Rex Nebular Underwater Crab Cave - Crabs Disappear dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#6837 MADS: Rex Nebular Stack Smashing Detected dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#6844 Rex game problems Mainb, Ingame Menus dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#6845 Rex game Engine options disappear dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#6846 Rex game wont start in Main Menu dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#10581 MADS: Save game loading assertion bonki defect normal Engine: MADS
#14712 Unknown game variant - Dragonsphere - PC - English dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#15005 mads:nebular crash to debugger in scene 604 dreammaster defect normal Engine: MADS
#10649 XEEN: Assertion failed - World of Xeen dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#11154 XEEN: Might & Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen - support for Russian localization from Old-Games.RU Bureau dreammaster feature request normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#11155 XEEN: Might & Magic: World of Xeen - LudMeister mod dreammaster feature request normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#11208 Xeen Engine: Checksums dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#11763 XEEN: Wrong intro behavior in WoX dreammaster defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#14425 XEEN: game variant yarolig defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#14426 XEEN: can't launch. No mm.dat for World of Xeen dreammaster defect high Engine: MM: Xeen
#5401 Can't save game - Riven & Myst SF/mthreepwood defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#5989 MOHAWK: Global constructors degrades portability defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9565 MOHAWK: Flies are not displayed in Forest Island and Map Island bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9595 Myst: Crackling sound issue after short sounds are played rootfather defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9636 MOHAWK: Myst crashes sometimes csnover defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9914 MOHAWK: Myst: Solved Piano Puzzle Wrong Cursor dafioram defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9927 MOHAWK: Riven: Rebel Color Foreground vs. Background dafioram feature request low Engine: Mohawk
#9989 MOHAWK: Riven: Ambient sounds don't play after wood trolley reaches Jungle Island. macca8 defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10046 MOHAWK: MYST: Selentic Sound Radar sum order wrong and no button lights bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10052 Riven Cart Glitch bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10352 MOHAWK: Riven: Key mapping can't rattle locked gate on exit. bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10481 MOHAWK: MYST ME: Silence when picking up Sirrus/Achenar books in library bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10490 MOHAWK: MYST: No cursor highlight for mouse over Sirrus/Achenar book videos dafioram defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10520 MOHAWK: Riven: Cut Catherine leaving video short (spoiler) bgK feature request low Engine: Mohawk
#10539 MOHAWK: Just Me and My Mom support bonki feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#10592 MOHAWK: Riven: Riven25 menu load saved game text dafioram defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10602 MYST: Opening logos should be played after the menu, not before bgK feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#10603 MYST: replace red orb logo with Broderbund logo (GOG edition enhancement) bgK feature request low Engine: Mohawk
#10703 MOHAWK: RIVEN25: Missing last page in Ghens Journal? bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#11334 Myst ME crashes when dropping key in stoneship age bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#11434 MOHAWK: RIVEN: After recent changes to the engine, the Russian language stopped working bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#13286 MOHAWK: Riven is added twice by the Launcher with mass add tag2015 defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#14260 white rectangle around the mouse pointer lephilousophe defect high Engine: Mohawk
#14908 Is it possible to include WarBreeds? dreammaster feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#11950 MYST3: Unknown variant sev- defect high Engine: Myst3
#11952 MYST3: Unknown DVD Variant sev- defect high Engine: Myst3
#13028 MYST3: Unknown Game Variant of Myst 3 sev- defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13202 Unknown game variant for myst3 bluegr defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13350 Myst III: Unknown Variant jamie-marchant defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13945 Unknown game variant for myst3 feature request normal Engine: Myst3
#13979 Unknown game variant for myst3 tag2015 defect normal Engine: Myst3
#14015 Unknown game variant for myst3 tag2015 defect normal Engine: Myst3
#10955 FULLPIPE: Floating head bluegr defect low Engine: NGI
#6512 NEVERHOOD: Demo closes after pressing "ESC" key bluegr defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#7598 The Neverhood feature request normal Engine: Neverhood
#7868 NEVERHOOD closes after pressing "ESC" key feature request normal Engine: Neverhood
#3290 Nippon Safes: unknown md5s. Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#3337 parallaction: Run Multilingual sev- defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#3361 NIPPON: Dino disappearing (Amiga) peres defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4810 NIPPON: Weird guy graphics corrupted Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#4831 NIPPON: Mustard and HotDogs won't merge Kirben defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#5991 PARALLACTION: Global constructors degrade portability defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#6119 help me please defect normal Engine: Parallaction
#7711 big red adventure feature request normal Engine: Parallaction
#9035 big red adventure fingolfin patch normal Engine: Parallaction
#11016 Unknown game variant for Parallaction lotharsm feature request normal Engine: Parallaction
#12301 PARALLACTION: Unknown game variant for parallaction (Nippon Safes, Inc.) sev- defect high Engine: Parallaction
#10345 Pegasus: Support for the dvd mac version dafioram defect normal Engine: Pegasus
#11207 Prince Engine: Checksums dreammaster defect normal Engine: Prince
#15057 "Unknown Game Variant" reported when trying to add Private Eye digitall defect normal Engine: Private
#1599 FOTAQ: Saving Kirben defect normal Engine: Queen
#1627 FOTAQ: English-Italian CD version doesn't work cyxx defect normal Engine: Queen
#1853 FOTAQ: 'WARNING: Trying to queue an invalid song number' joostp defect normal Engine: Queen
#1866 FOTAQ: Switching to fullscreen mode crashed X fingolfin defect normal Engine: Queen
#1917 Scummvm can't find game defect normal Engine: Queen
#1980 FOTAQ: cannot pickup alcohol at trader bobs defect low Engine: Queen
#2189 FOTAQ CD version for download not supported by queenrebuild defect normal Engine: Queen
#3085 QUEEN: Crash wihtout any catchable error Kirben defect normal Engine: Queen
#5725 Application does not start lordhoto defect normal Engine: Queen
#2153 ITE: Question option is enabled before parent question asked sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#2433 ITE: Wrong speech in intro. defect normal Engine: SAGA
#3420 IHNM: md5 checksums, unsupported English version bluegr defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4179 I Have No Mouth - MD5 German Version bluegr defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4435 ITE: compressed sounds don't play defect high Engine: SAGA
#4865 REOPEN: Bug 1861129 sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#5639 IHNM: Pathfinding issues defect normal Engine: SAGA
#5696 MD5 hashs of "Inherit The Earth" digitall defect normal Engine: SAGA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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