Opened 17 months ago

Closed 17 months ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#14426 closed defect (invalid)

XEEN: can't launch. No mm.dat for World of Xeen

Reported by: yarolig Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: high Component: Engine: MM: Xeen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Might and Magic: World of Xeen


I getting error "Could not locate engine data mm.dat" when trying to launch World of Xeen with master branch.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by yarolig, 17 months ago

Priority: normalhigh

comment:2 by dreammaster, 17 months ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Apologies for the tardy reply; I'm currently spending a few weeks overseas and have had limited free time. TO answer your question, this is intentional. I'm currently in the process of finalizing support for Might and Magic Book 1, and as part of it, we merged both games into a single engine. The data file for this new engine won't be generated until near the time for the next release, to allow for frequent changes to the resources M&M1 needs as I finish it's development.

For now, if you want to play Xeen on a daily build, you can download the ScummVM source, and in the launcher, click Edit Game, go to the Paths tab, and select the /devtools/create_mm folder. This will allow ScummVM to use the uncompressed resource files for Xeen that will eventually be part of the mm.dat file.

comment:3 by yarolig, 17 months ago

Thank you for the instruction to launch mm4. Now I see there is a clear description of mm.dat in engines/mm/shared/utils/engine_data.h. I have not noticed it earlier.

I tried. It works. Now I can work with code in master branch.

By the way. You are doing a really astonishing job modernizing these Might and Magic games! Thank you!

I played these games and have noticed some things that can be improved. I'm making tickets for what I found.
I do not know the exact process of scummvm development. Not sure what branches are open for commits and what changes are allowed. I'm going to send PR to master and branch-2-7 (because I already finished mm4 with that branch).

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