Custom Query (1027 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 1027)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15555 KYRA: KYRA1 - misaligned options text and buttons new defect normal Engine: Kyra
#15561 DIRECTOR: Löwenzahn 1 [D5]: Test results new defect normal Engine: Director
#15567 DGDS: RotD. Incorrect inventory heading on the LAPD card new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15568 TEENAGENT: Music for village different between ScummVM and DosBox new defect normal Engine: TeenAgent
#15569 M4: Orion Burger: crash in Polly's room during language test new defect normal Engine: M4
#15570 HDB: PPC Game Variant - Lua Script Error When Talking to Mr Convert at Servadrones Inc. new defect normal Engine: HDB
#15575 FREESCAPE: Flat objects on the floor flicker in Total Eclipse (DOS) new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15578 FREESCAPE: Can't look and shoot at the same time using the mouse new neuromancer feature request low Engine: Freescape
#15582 FREESCAPE: Initial window size is too small new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15586 GRAPHICS: CRT-Royale shader does not work correctly new defect normal Graphics
#15587 GUI: reducing the volume of a channel manually to zero produces a zero division new defect normal GUI
#15589 SCUMM: Add support for demos found on "Pajama Sam: World's Youngest Super Hero!" new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15591 GOB: Goblins 3 - Latest save is not loaded new defect normal Engine: Gob
#15592 FREESCAPE: Unknown game variant for freescape (Dark Side / Amiga / WHDload version) new neuromancer defect low Engine: Freescape
#15593 TWINE: LBA: Adeline logo music jingle (MIDI) is almost inaudible new defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15595 SCUMM: HE: Crash / ThreadSanitizer data race when quitting 'Humongous Interactive Catalog' new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15597 SCUMM: DIG: Space bar glitch with vertical scrolling in Macintosh Demo new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15601 SCUMM: LOOM: Amiga version attempts to load MT-32 roms regardless of audio settings new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15602 SCUMM/HE: BASEBALL: Strike zone border overlaps message bubbles new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15605 GRIM: Stuck on building view after cutscene that follows transplant of Glotti's heart new defect high Engine: Grim
#15606 SCI: KQ6CD Strange audio/text behaviour in DUAL mode new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15607 SCUMM: Game Settings Volume Controls for Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken for Amiga are not honored whatsoever new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15608 STARK: Changing language to Czech does not correctly show the eastern european chars new defect normal Engine: Stark
#15609 NANCY: nancy2: Studio set swipe card is moody new defect low Engine: Nancy
#15611 SCUMM: HE: Unrecognized FREDDI4 Macintosh CD new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15613 MD5: GOB: The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (CD DOS, Multilanguage) variant new defect normal Engine: Gob
#15619 SCUMM: ZAK C64: Verbs not cleared properly new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15620 SCUMM: ZAK C64: Intro animations are too fast new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15621 REMORSE: Crusader: No Remorse hangs or crashes when jumping onto conveyor belts from certain angles new defect high Engine: Ultima
#15625 AGI MIDI Implementation - extra features suggestion (MT-32 mainly, but GM too) new feature request normal Engine: AGI
#15626 TWP: Phasing through objects new scemino feature request normal Engine: TWP
#15630 GROOVIE: T7G CD audio (flac) not in sync with intro animation new defect normal Engine: Groovie
#15632 BAGEL: The Space Bar audio problem new dreammaster defect high Engine: BAGEL
#15637 STARK: Unknown Language Variant of The Longest Journey new defect normal Engine: Stark
#15638 SCUMM: Monkey Island 1 and Passport to Adventure demo for DOS both don't honor overridden volume settings for Adlib new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15642 SCI: QFG1EGA: Fairy Music Kicks Out on Bringing Up ScummVM Save/Restore Screen new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15645 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15646 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15647 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15648 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15649 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15650 Unknown game variant for mohawk new defect normal Port: Win64
#15656 MIDI: Add support for Nuked SC-55 new feature request high Audio
#15657 AGS: It Takes Two To Tangle: Screen Scroll issues new defect high Engine: AGS
#15659 AGS: It Takes Two To Tangle: Cutscene Masking new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15663 DIRECTOR: Robinson Crusoe [D5] playtest results new defect normal Engine: Director
#15666 SCUMM: LOOM (FM-Towns) Finish trim_fmtowns_to_200_pixels integration new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15668 GRIM: Segfault and use-heap-after-free in the wine cellar moving around the forklift new defect high Engine: Grim
#15673 BACKENDS: PSP: Scumm/HE engine plugin crashes when adding or starting game new defect normal Port: PSP
#15675 MD5: CRUISE: Unknown game variant (Amiga/French) new defect normal Engine: Cruise
#15676 AGS: Trilby's Notes SE Display issues in the intro and ending new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15678 AGS: Strangeland fanmade spanish translation not showing "¡¿" new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15680 Neverhood: Missing subtitles for "Klaymen, up here!" in module 1100 new feature request normal Engine: Neverhood
#15681 NEVERHOOD: TV guy subtitle jitter in module 2400 new defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#15683 SCI: SQ5: Two more rooms with speed problems new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15685 Feature request for Quest for Glory I and II? new feature request normal Engine: SCI
#15686 TINSEL: Discworld II USA detected with wrong name new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#15687 AGI: KQ3: Pause on command textbox accepts fewer characters than required for spells new feature request normal Engine: AGI
#15689 NGI: DEMO: Full Pipe Russian 97 demo from the ScummVM demos page does not load new defect normal Engine: NGI
#15691 DIRECTOR: Indigo Rose AutoPlay Menu Studio [D?] - Not Being Detected by ScummVM new defect normal Engine: Director
#15695 PRINCE: Girl responding when using the cord, even when she's not there new defect normal Engine: Prince
#15699 FREESCAPE: TinyGL stipple pattern implementation using textures is somehow broken new neuromancer defect high Engine: Freescape
#15700 SCI: Phantasmagoria can delete current save during chapter 7 in some cases new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15702 MTROPOLIS: Video/Audio Glitches in Obsidian new defect normal Engine: MTROPOLIS
#15703 MD5: ICB: Unknown variant (PSX DEMO) new defect normal Engine: ICB
#15704 FREESCAPE: fix all the big endian issues new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15709 AGS: Old Skies (Steam Demo) significantly slower intro sequence compared to original game win build new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15710 AGS: Achievements not unlocking for A Golden Wake (goldenwake) new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15711 TWP: Twp::Shader::init() crash on OSX PPC and old GPUs new scemino defect normal Engine: TWP
#15714 PRINCE: Sprite duplication new defect normal Engine: Prince
#15717 SWORD1: Audio balance issue with the audio engine from the Windows executable option new defect normal Engine: Sword1
#15721 PRINCE: no ending credits new defect normal Engine: Prince
#15728 SCI: KQ5 (floppy): The text "What?!" goes by too quickly in the intro new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15729 DIRECTOR: Gadget: Past as Future [D5] crash and other issues new defect normal Engine: Director
#15731 MD5: DIRECTOR: LOEWE2 2.0 :Unknown game variant for director new defect normal Engine: Director
#15732 SCI: ECOQUEST1: Possible timing glitch when Flesh-Eater is first introduced new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15736 SCI: QFG1 EGA: Obscure Freeze in Brigand Fortress Entrance new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15737 TWP: Tap-to-click doesn't work for TWP with a Magic Trackpad 2 new scemino defect normal Engine: TWP
#15740 TWINE: Chapter Progression Bug (Original Bug) new defect low Engine: TwinE
#15744 MD5:SCUMM loom and indy3 FM-Towns unknown variants new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15745 Unknown game variant for sword2 new feature request normal --Unset--
#15747 Unknown game variant for glk new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#15748 Unknown game variant for glk new defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#15749 Paula games new feature request normal Engine: Director
#15750 FREESCAPE: Lighting effect missing in Castle Master new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15751 GOT: Chapter 2 : Thor's house back section is supposed to be pitch dark. new dreammaster defect normal Engine: GOT
#7564 FOTAQ code modifications (mostly for greek translation) pending sev- feature request normal Engine: Queen
#11367 WEB: I18N and punctuation improvements pending IlDucci feature request normal Web
#11841 GRIM: Game locks if the user opens the inventory while Manny is knocking at Glottis' door pending defect high Engine: Grim
#12062 PETKA: Wrong fonts in subtitles/inventory pending whiterandrek defect low Engine: Petka
#12074 TWINE: rendering of the holomap is broken pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#13141 GRIM: Grim Fandango ! year 3 end cutscene cuts early pending defect high Engine: Grim
#13145 ASYLUM: Corrupted magnifying glass pending alxpnv defect normal Engine: Asylum
#13366 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Path finding or overlay issue at Dragon's caves pending athrxx defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13461 BACKENDS: OPENGLSDL: Stretched in full screen pending sev- defect normal Graphics
#13594 CHEWY: Dialog canceled by subtitles pending bluegr defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13942 FREESCAPE: Add "Virtual Worlds" Atari ST support pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13954 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Driller pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13956 FREESCAPE: intro title sequences are not completely implemented in Driller pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13957 FREESCAPE: Demo mode does not match the original implementation in Driller pending neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
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