Opened 13 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#14843 closed defect (duplicate)

COMMON: MacResManager: don't look for files outside game folder

Reported by: mikrosk Owned by: sev-
Priority: normal Component: Common
Version: Keywords: macresman, mac
Cc: Game:


This has been shortly discussed in June 2023 when I was seeing hundreds of the "directory exists" messages related to "_ _MACOSX" handling. Then I found --disable-detection-full flag for ./configure which silenced them (because most of the Mac games aren't supported on Atari backend) and forgot about it.

However today I was reminded about the issue again when I had my games on one (faster) disk while scummmvm executable would be on another (slower) one and adding Dreamweb game with hundred files.

Back then, @criezy commented:

Because it uses SearchMan by default, which include the path provided by the backend through OSystem::addSysArchivesToSearchSet(). This allows finding files that may not be in the game dirs (for example the engines data files provided with scummvm).

But you have an overload (MacResManager::open(const Path &fileName, Archive &archive)) that you can use to provide a SearchSet other than SearchMan.

But I am indeed not sure the default of using SearchMan is a good one for the MacResManager. I would not expect to have mac files outside the game folder in normal circumstances.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by sev-, 3 months ago

Summary: MacResManager: don't look for files outside game folderCOMMON: MacResManager: don't look for files outside game folder

comment:2 by sev-, 3 months ago

Owner: set to sev-
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

A later bug #15016 has now more information

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