Opened 11 months ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#14627 new defect

TINSEL: Discworld - black screen after skipping with esc at the psygnosis logo at the beginning or at the twg logo or at perfect 10 productions logo

Reported by: gabberhead Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Tinsel
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Discworld


this problem exists for years, but it didin't bothered me. but now i decideed to report it :) it hapends with the newest stable version (previous stable versions also) and with the daily builds.

when starting the game (german version) and when the psygnosis, twg or perfect 10 productions logo appears and then when i skip this with pressing esc, the screen gets black and stays black, until i press esc again. sometimes only 1 time pressing esc is needed and sometimes 2 times. and then the game continues to load further with the "a sutherland-barnett production" message.
but when i don't skip the intro logos with esc, this means watching all the intro logos, then after the perfect 10 logo, the "a sutherland-barnett production" appears immediately. no esc pressing is needed.
i tried a few things, but couldn't fix this in the game options. perhaps it is a bug.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by tag2015, 10 months ago

Summary: discworld - black sreen after skiping with esc at the psygnosis logo at the beginning or at the twg logo or at perfect 10 productions logoTINSEL: Discworld - black screen after skipping with esc at the psygnosis logo at the beginning or at the twg logo or at perfect 10 productions logo

comment:2 by eriktorbjorn, 10 months ago

I can't reproduce it with the English versions of the game. Neither the one with .scn nor the one with .gra files. (Rumors have it that there are more than just two English versions, but I can't be any more precise than that.)

comment:3 by gabberhead, 10 months ago

If it could help, i can upload it somewhere and Send u the link, then u can check this with the german Version yourself. Only if it is allowed :) If it is ok, contact me via Email and I will send u the link. Otherwise, I will try again using the needed files from the CD and try it again. But I think, I did it already right the first time.

comment:4 by eriktorbjorn, 10 months ago

It wouldn't help me, because I'm not that familiar with the engine to begin with, I'm afraid.

comment:5 by gabberhead, 10 months ago

Ok. i will try copying the needed files from the cd and try it again.

comment:6 by gabberhead, 10 months ago

Are u using also perhaps the ogg or flac audiofiles for the soundtrack for the game? These files are available to download for this game. I think it was for the first game and not for the second. I am using These. Perhaps this is the reason for the problem.

comment:7 by eriktorbjorn, 10 months ago

"Are u using also perhaps the ogg or flac audiofiles for the soundtrack for the game?"

Me? No, I'm not.

comment:8 by gabberhead, 10 months ago

i have copied all needed files from the german version again, and the problem is the same. then i took the us version of the game, and copied also all needed files, and with the us version of the game, the problem not exist. after pressing esc at any of the logos, the game starts like it should. so i think, there is something wrong with scummvm and the german version of the game.

the difference between those 2 version is, with the us version of the game, when i press esc at the twg logo for example, the screen gets black and the music immediately stops and the game loads fine. but with the german version, when i press esc at the twg logo, the screen gets also black, but the music of the the twg logo is still playing till the end (3 or 4 seconds), but the game is not loading. the screen stays black. but when i press esc, like i wrote before, 1 time sometime 2 times, the game starts to load again.

ps: the audiofiles are not the problem.

Last edited 10 months ago by gabberhead (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by gabberhead, 8 months ago

problem still exist :)

comment:10 by gabberhead, 2 months ago

Nothing? Perhaps the problem exist on the version with the .scn files (the german version has the scn files), because the US version has the older.gra files.

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