Opened 19 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#14542 closed defect (fixed)

SWORD1: Subtitle-only languages cannot be selected in 2.7.0

Reported by: vpelletier Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Sword1
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Note: the present ticket is compiled from an on-going discussion on the following merge-request:

While refreshing GOG-related rules in the game-data-packager project ( I noticed that starting the GOG-installed (English audio version) of Broken Sword 1 (the legacy version available as an extra on the "Disector's Cut" version) with a non-English language requested from the command line (ex: scummvm --language fr) scummvm would fail to start the game with the error message:

Error running game: Game data not found

While this game only has English audio, it does contain several other text-only languages: cz, de, es, fr, it.

Up to scummvm 2.6.1 it was possible to request those languages, although requesting non-available languages resulted in a segfault.

Is this change intentional and/or unavoidable ?
Is it a mistake in the game's detection entry ?

Change History (4)

comment:1 by lotharsm, 19 months ago

Summary: sword1: Subtitle-only languages cannot be selected in 2.7.0SWORD1: Subtitle-only languages cannot be selected in 2.7.0

comment:2 by antoniou79, 19 months ago

I can reproduce this with ScummVM 2.8git and 2.7.0 on Windows 10 with the Steam version of the Broken Sword 1 (Original, provided as DLC) and the GOG version as well.

I wonder if this applies to all of the versions of Broken Sword, ie. being able to provide subtitles for these languages regardless of the official localization of each version.

A few extra observations:

Others things to consider:

  • Does this also happen for Broken Sword 2?

comment:3 by criezy, 19 months ago

I wonder if this applies to all of the versions of Broken Sword, ie. being able to provide subtitles for these languages regardless of the official localization of each version.

Yes, even the original CD releases had subtitles for multiple languages, and being able to switch to a different language for subtitles was something I implemented a long time ago. Sadly this feature was lost when the detection code for the game was changed for the 2.7.0 release. This is a know issue, and I still have it on my list to bring this back.

comment:4 by AndywinXp, 3 months ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I forgot to flag this as fixed!

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