Custom Query (8274 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 8274)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#9548 SHERLOCK: Inventory problem dreammaster defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#9552 Holmes 1 "Serrated Scalpel" Tabacco Shop Crashes dreammaster defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#9553 SHERLOCK: Cleopatra's Needle graphic glitch dreammaster defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#9554 Build: GUI part build fails criezy defect normal Tools
#9555 Sherlock: Journal problem dreammaster defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#9556 TOOLS: DeGob linker error unkown defect blocker Ports
#9557 LOL: Unknown German Floppy version Mataniko feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#9558 SCI: QFG1VGA: Dagger Range script bug freezes game or reanimates the dead m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: SCI
#9560 Hi-Res Adventure 1 Mystery House - corrupt savegames waltervn defect normal Engine: ADL
#9561 ADL: hires4 detection failed waltervn defect normal Engine: ADL
#9562 ScummVM GUI Hungarian translation criezy patch normal GUI: Translations
#9563 Alt + enter only works once angstsmurf defect normal Ports
#9564 SCI: QFG1VGA: Game freeze caused by baby antwerps sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9566 MSVC 2015 cannot build fullpipe/director in x64, SCUMM_64BITS missing Templier defect normal Port: Win64
#9567 Myst Island Tower rotation direction indication line is black instead of white bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9573 SDL1/2: Different rendering/filtering? criezy defect normal --Other--
#9574 MOHAWK: Myst: Sound stuttering in the projector room bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9575 Hi-Res Adventure Endings waltervn defect normal Engine: ADL
#9577 SCI: MGDX: ResourceManager::changeAudioDirectory is broken csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9578 SCI: SQ6: Polysorbate LX Street #2 global music volume is wrong sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9579 SCI: Music volume at zero still plays music very softly sev- feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9581 SCI: GK2: Ambient audio does not restart properly after loading a save game csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9582 SCI: SCI32 save/load dialogue arrows are drawn incorrectly csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9583 SCI32: Views from the previous scene are drawn into the next frame after a transition csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9584 SCI32: Implement HShutterIn transition show style csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9585 SCI: Phant1: Top of dialogue box decoration is missing csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9586 SCI: Phant1: Missing room backgrounds when reviewing chase csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9587 SCI: Phant1: Bad positioning and early display of chase “try again” dialogue csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9588 SCI: GK1: Motorcycle video is misaligned in hires Windows csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9590 SCI: SQ6: Screen transitions are too slow after room 500 csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9592 SDL2: Small graphics distortion in fullscreen mode rootfather defect normal Ports
#9594 Myst: Mouse cursor hangs while animations are played bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9597 SHERLOCK: Picked up items remain dreammaster defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#9598 SDL: write access violation with OSD when updating screen bgK defect blocker --Other--
#9599 ScummVM GUI Hungarian translation rootfather patch normal GUI: Translations
#9600 Swedish Translation for 1.9.0 criezy feature request normal GUI: Translations
#9602 WME: The Kite - Game screen shifted to the right raziel- defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9603 RINGWORLD2: Intro only draws topmost line dreammaster defect high Engine: TsAGE
#9605 SCI: QFG3 (GOG): Uninitialized read on stats screen in Simbani bridge room wjp defect normal Engine: SCI
#9607 AGI: Animation and timers too fast with OpenGL backend m-kiewitz defect normal Engine: AGI
#9608 ZVision games crashing on launch dreammaster defect normal Engine: ZVision
#9609 SDL: Crash with displayMessageOnOSD called from separate thread in cloud code criezy defect normal --Other--
#9611 SCI32: lsl6hires crashes on day/night transitions csnover defect high Engine: SCI
#9612 SCI32: lsl6hires debug dialog shown csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9613 SCI32: lsl6hires crashes during ending cutscenes csnover defect high Engine: SCI
#9614 SCI32: Space quest 6 scummvm freeze during the injection scene csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9615 SCI32: Space quest 6 crash when rapidly clicking on blockage csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9616 ScummVM GUI Hungarian translation criezy patch normal GUI: Translations
#9617 Alt+Enter and other hotkeys are too sensitive defect normal Port: Linux
#9618 GUI: Could not load widget position for ''! criezy defect normal GUI
#9620 SPARKLE: Update Error! An error occurred while extracting the archive. sev- defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#9624 SCI: Unknown KQ5 checksums csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9625 TINSEL: DW2 - out of sound reels dreammaster defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#9626 SCI: unknown SQ3 Version csnover feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9627 Lands Of Lore - game crashes in Catwalk Caverns wjp defect blocker Engine: Kyra
#9628 Reading sign in rocket cockpit freezes ScummVM eriktorbjorn defect high Engine: ADL
#9630 SDL2: Crashes when using MT-32 emulation wjp defect normal Ports
#9631 Crash on startup of Rex Nebular on Android wjp defect normal Engine: MADS
#9632 SCI: KQ7 1.51: Arithmetic error when trying to restore a save game csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9635 ScummVM GUI Hungarian translation criezy patch normal GUI: Translations
#9637 SCI: GK1: Speech settings reset when loading game csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9638 SCI: GK1: Wrong cursor in Jackson Square park sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9639 SCI: GK1: Font rendering issues & truncation csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9640 SCI: GK1: Mime crash in Jackson Square csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9641 SCI: Shivers: Bulls and Cows puzzle, incorrect display of master tiles wjp defect normal Engine: SCI
#9642 SCI: GK1: "Erase Letter" button crashes at cemetery csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9643 SDL2: Graphic issues with bilinear filtering enabled (Win, direct3d) rootfather defect normal Ports
#9644 ScummVM GUI Hungarian translation rootfather patch normal GUI: Translations
#9645 Myst - clicking pages crash ScummVM on MacOS bgK defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9648 SCI: GK2: Inventory jumps in the wrong direction at the start of scroll csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9650 TOOLS: compress_touche not working in windows sev- defect normal Tools
#9651 FULLPIPE: Intro video has wrong colors dreammaster defect normal Engine: NGI
#9652 FULLPIPE: Implement the "teleport" feature to the Map sev- feature request normal Engine: NGI
#9653 FULLPIPE: Irregular crash when starting csnover defect blocker Engine: NGI
#9654 FULLPIPE: Memory leak sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#9655 FULLPIPE: Level 3 - Clock handle not updated sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9656 FULLPIPE: Moving the cursor at the edge of the screen should scroll the scene sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9657 FULLPIPE: Memory leak on full version sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#9660 SCI: LSL3: Buffer overflow in GfxPicture::vectorPatternCircle csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9662 SCI: GK2: Saves are very large csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9663 FULLPIPE: Screenshot (Windows/German) rootfather patch normal Screenshots
#9665 SCI: Hoyle5: crash due to kPlatform signature mismatch csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9666 SCI: Hoyle5: crash due to kList w/Sort subop signature mismatch csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9667 FULLPIPE: Scene 26 - Wrong cursor sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9668 FULLPIPE: Map not centered on the Dude sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9669 FULLPIPE: Scenes 31/32/34 - Inconsistent character state sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9670 SCI: PQ2: Unknown kDisplay argument csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9672 FULLPIPE: Several inventory items highlighted at the same time sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9673 FULLPIPE: Unable to move after loading a save from the title screen sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9674 SCI: QFG3: Broken day/night cycle stuck on daylight wjp defect normal Engine: SCI
#9675 SCI: GK2: Crash in Chapter 6 Grotto csnover defect high Engine: SCI
#9677 SCI: GK2: Subtitle patch doesn't work sluicebox feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9678 WME: Reversion - The Meeting (Checksum) lolbot-iichan defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9679 WME: Reversion - The Escape (Checksum) lolbot-iichan defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#9680 WME: Bickadoodle - Screenshot digitall patch normal Screenshots
#9681 SCI: MUMG256: Crash when clicking in the wrong place on the Sierra logo sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
#9682 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - graphic issue on first level defect low Engine: Gob
#9684 The Neverhood Lite Demo still not working Mataniko defect normal Engine: Neverhood
#9687 SCI: MGDX: Missing MIDI playback csnover defect normal Engine: SCI
#9688 SCI: Longbow: (Amiga) crash in the pub sluicebox defect normal Engine: SCI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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