Custom Query (1107 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1107)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3838 GOB: LIT - palette issue with sprites DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#3846 GOB: WOODRUFF - In-Game animation shifted(?) DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#3848 GOB: WOODRUFF - Graphic glitches DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#4618 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Actor animation is stuck or something DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#4620 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Duplicate main character sprite DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#4647 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Ooya can walk in the air DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#4649 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Divinity (last) level: left doorbell dissapeared DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#4775 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Machine hotspot disappears in armor room DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#5380 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Non-cinematic level "introductions" always play DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#5381 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Flickering cursor in "semi-cinematics" DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#5405 GOB: Woodruff - Can't Get Master's Powers DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#5406 GOB: Woodruff - Menu Graphics Glitch In High Morals Club defect normal Engine: Gob
#5409 GOB: Woodruff - Annoying scrolling behaviour in windowed mode DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#5413 GOB: Woodruff - Possible lockup in the prison tower DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#5490 GOB: GOB3: Incorrect Name of Potion Object In Lab Strangerke defect normal Engine: Gob
#5760 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Cannot move Blount in the Brain level DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#5901 GOB: Woodruff - Priest doesn't prevent you from taking the disk DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#6329 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Spectacles hotspot active after taking spectacles defect normal Engine: Gob
#6330 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Incorrect Name of Coin in Chessboard defect normal Engine: Gob
#6331 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Moving figure onto occupied square on the chessboard defect normal Engine: Gob
#6609 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Inventory messed up in FACE scene when using in-game menus DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#6685 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Hebrew) - Right Hand doesn't respond to click defect normal Engine: Gob
#6701 GOB: WOODRUFF - Bug allows river crossing without boots defect normal Engine: Gob
#6702 GOB: WOODRUFF - Double click to do fast scene change not implemented defect normal Engine: Gob
#6953 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!! DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#7457 GOBLIIINS: Atari ST version color palette feature request normal Engine: Gob
#7554 GOB: Gob2 (Mac): Add support for Mac music DrMcCoy feature request normal Engine: Gob
#9710 GOB: LIT - Palette corruption defect normal Engine: Gob
#10382 GOB: LIT: Loading save in boat closet shows wrong palette defect low Engine: Gob
#10383 GOB: LIT: Cursor flashes when talking to Dalia defect low Engine: Gob
#10384 GOB: LIT: Bad palette around manor area defect low Engine: Gob
#10714 GOB: Woodruff - Couldn't talk to the Beast defect normal Engine: Gob
#11461 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Amiga) - Catacombs (Act 3) is not dark anymore after loading a save game defect normal Engine: Gob
#11535 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Head of ego partly vanishes defect normal Engine: Gob
#11536 GOB: Goblin Quest 3 - Piggy Bank door is drawn over Othello on scene reload defect normal Engine: Gob
#11598 GOB3: French version works incorrectly defect normal Engine: Gob
#11999 GOB: GOB 3 CD ITA - Werewolf Blount Stuck on the Chair... it's not anymore selectable or movable. Please fix.. i'm completely stuck. defect normal Engine: Gob
#12941 GOB: Woodruff (French) - Bug allows entering the Laboratory before having worked at the Factory defect normal Engine: Gob
#14553 GOB: Adibou 1 German 4-5 years (ADI Junior 4-5 Jahre) learning programs not selectable BJNFNE defect normal Engine: Gob
#14857 GOB: Version from main menu shows nothing for GOG version defect low Engine: Gob
#11369 GNAP: Can't move car defect normal Engine: GNAP
#10867 GLK: ZCODE: Beyond Zork graphics font gets downscaled, losing detail defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#11517 GLK: ZCode - Layout errors in Z8 Anchorhead defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#11518 GLK: ZCode - status line has no left margin dreammaster defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#11521 GLK: ZCode - loses scrollback from time to time defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#11980 GLK: engine does not support Russian keyboard layout defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#12493 GLK: ZCODE: Misrendered menu in Unforgotten defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#15116 GLK ZCODE: Shogun fails to launch defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#15117 GLK ZCODE: iOS ScummVM crashes when launching Shogun defect normal Engine: GLK: ZCode
#13623 GLK: SCOTT: Unicode characters not shown defect normal Engine: GLK: Scott
#14256 GLK: SCOTT: Return to launcher sometimes freezes ScummVM defect normal Engine: GLK: Scott
#11655 GLK: QUEST - Crashing games report defect normal Engine: GLK: Quest
#12296 GLK: Quest compatibility issues defect normal Engine: GLK: Quest
#13120 GLK: Quest: Gathered in Darkness: Missing text and commands not understood defect normal Engine: GLK: Quest
#13390 Please support The Magnetic Scrolls Compilation feature request normal Engine: GLK: Magnetic
#11653 GLK: JACL: Problems with running older games defect normal Engine: GLK: JACL
#12297 GLK: HUGO: compatibility issue with games using sound and/or music defect normal Engine: GLK: Hugo
#11516 GLK: Glulxe - crash when loading Counterfeit Monkey dreammaster defect normal Engine: GLK: Glulxe
#11584 GLK: GLULX - Unknown (crashing/erroring) game variants dreammaster defect normal Engine: GLK: Glulxe
#14859 GLK: Glulxe - Crash when saving in Counterfeit Monkey dreammaster defect normal Engine: GLK: Glulxe
#12286 GLK: COMPREHEND: Second room in Oo-Topos problem defect normal Engine: GLK: Comprehend
#12866 GLK: Comprehend: Missing strings in Transylvania (V2) defect normal Engine: GLK: Comprehend
#14325 GLK: ARCHETYPE: Typing "help" crashes Starship Solitaire defect normal Engine: GLK: Archetype
#13181 GLK: ADRIFT: ADRIFT Battle System is not fully supported defect normal Engine: GLK: Adrift
#14285 GLK: ADRIFT: Core Dump when starting new title through "Return to Launcher" sev- defect normal Engine: GLK: Adrift
#14635 GLK: ADRIFT - Crashing/erroring game variants defect normal Engine: GLK: Adrift
#11570 GLK: AGT - Crash in Curse of ManorLand and E-MAILBOX defect normal Engine: GLK: AGT
#11519 GLK: text is low resolution on macOS retina display defect normal Engine: GLK
#11520 ScummGlk has no text configuration options feature request normal Engine: GLK
#11729 GLK: Wrong colors and missing color changes defect normal Engine: GLK
#13452 request to change background color of GLK text adventure games or make it adjustable feature request normal Engine: GLK
#13992 FREESCAPE: implement CGA/ZX colors using TinyGL neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14073 FREESCAPE: several types of rendering artifacts are visible neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14628 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Dark Side neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14836 FREESCAPE: Amiga/AtariST releases of Dark Side are not supported yet neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15043 FREESCAPE: CPC sounds are not implemented neuromancer defect high Engine: Freescape
#15044 FREESCAPE: C64 releases are not supported neuromancer defect high Engine: Freescape
#15045 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Total Eclipse neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15049 FREESCAPE: DOS/CGA render mode need work neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#11629 DRAGONS: Wrong aspect ratio defect normal Engine: Dragons
#11632 Blazing Dragons: Subtitles are cropped feature request normal Engine: Dragons
#11643 Blazing Dragons: Thumbwrestling too easy feature request normal Engine: Dragons
#11644 DRAGONS: Splash screen font background too visible defect normal Engine: Dragons
#11693 DRAGONS: dust cloud in library defect low Engine: Dragons
#11694 DRAGONS: pre tournament cutscene few frames too long defect low Engine: Dragons
#11695 DRAGONS: Flicker misplaced after bunny game defect low Engine: Dragons
#13389 DRAGONS: Rendering is excessively slow on older devices defect normal Engine: Dragons
#6403 DRACI: Troll Scene Glitches with Mouth and Bird rspalek defect normal Engine: Draci
#13232 Use scaler to mouse cursor feature request low Engine: Draci
#14169 DRACI: Down Mouse not opening icon menu defect normal Engine: Draci
#12832 DIRECTOR: Missing music cue in Spaceship Warlock intro defect normal Engine: Director
#12834 DIRECTOR: Cannot leave viewer room in Mylk Windows defect normal Engine: Director
#12839 DIRECTOR: Implement "return to launcher" feature for Director games feature request normal Engine: Director
#12841 DIRECTOR: Mylk Mac crashes on startup defect normal Engine: Director
#12872 DIRECTOR: L-ZONE Infocity logo wrong palette defect normal Engine: Director
#12873 DIRECTOR: L-ZONE: Movie not found defect normal Engine: Director
#12899 MD5: DIRECTOR: Unknown game: Fest i Mumidalen (DK) defect normal Engine: Director
#13093 DIRECTOR: Scummvm detects Spaceship Warlock 1.1.2, but runs 1.1.1 defect normal Engine: Director
#13298 DIRECTOR: Nyle: Passage To Egypt - unknown variant(Macromedia Director) defect normal Engine: Director
#13301 MD5: DIRECTOR: Unknown game: Kings of the Ice (D8) jamie-marchant defect normal Engine: Director
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