Opened 4 years ago

Closed 2 months ago

#11570 closed defect (fixed)

GLK: AGT - Crash in Curse of ManorLand and E-MAILBOX

Reported by: raziel- Owned by: sev-
Priority: normal Component: Engine: GLK: AGT
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


AGT unknown games/demos list as requested by @dreammaster on the forums.

This list will try to keep the below mentioned format to make it
a) easily readable
b) easily c&pable

The list format will be:
1st line:
Name of the game (gathered from either the file name, the ingame name or from any documentation that comes with it)
2nd line:
MD5sum and size information given from ScummVM (minus the engine, since this list will only feature games from the engine mentioned in the subject)
3rd line:
The version of the game (if available - gathered from either the file name, the ingame version or from any documentation that comes with it) information or from any documentation that comes with the game
4th line:
The link to said game
5th line
The error

I will leave out the game engine, since this list is only about AGT games.

All AGT games error out after adding and starting in one way or another, though

Curse of ManorLand
{"curse.agx", 0, "b09a74de6081e4d56e0348c9951623e9", 79139},
1) Game is wrongly added as "A Bloody Life"
2) On start debugger comes up and tells "ERROR: Fatal error: varread!

{"emailbox.agx", 0, "f90b34f0f2d7dfb3c7f29fbae9897671", 55908},
1) Game is wrongly added as "A Bloody Life"
2) On start debugger comes up and tells "ERROR: Fatal error: varread!

{"void.d$$", 0, "b6818cc6396e1357c3c551bc338c653d", 53784},
1) Game is wrongly added as "A Bloody Life"
2) On start i get nothing but a frozen black screen

Change History (2)

comment:1 by sev-, 4 years ago

Summary: GLK: AGT - Unknown game variantsGLK: AGT - Crash in Curse of ManorLand and E-MAILBOX
Type: feature requestdefect

I added the detection entries. The first two games do truly crash with a bad read from the data.

The third game starts normally.

Moving to defects

comment:2 by sev-, 2 months ago

Owner: set to sev-
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing as fixed.

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