Custom Query (8320 matches)


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Results (8001 - 8100 of 8320)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#7411 QUEEN: Detecting demo and using proper name joostp feature request low Engine: Queen
#7438 BS1: Add support for enter key in save game dialog eriktorbjorn feature request low Engine: Sword1
#7462 SCUMM: Sega CD Monkey Island has not start button AndywinXp feature request low Engine: SCUMM
#7477 SCALERS : 2XPM feature request low Graphics: Scalers
#7513 SYMBIAN: keyboard shortcuts sev- feature request low Port: Symbian
#7556 SDL: Remap joystick buttons via scummvmrc ccawley2011 feature request low Ports
#7576 ScummVM for UMPC/Tablet PC sev- feature request low Ports
#7583 KYRA1: Add support for Korean/DOS version phcoder feature request low Engine: Kyra
#7646 Scalers cleanup sev- feature request low Graphics: Scalers
#7773 KYRA1: Add support for Czech fan tranlsation sev- feature request low Engine: Kyra
#8617 Patch for minor memory leak fingolfin patch low GUI
#9567 Myst Island Tower rotation direction indication line is black instead of white bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9568 Black box around pointer in Dini bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk 1.0
#9569 Fireplace place puzzle skips some sounds bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk 1.0
#9570 Selenitic door puzzle skips playing the last sound bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk 1.0
#9571 Myst Tower Elevator cache warning bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk 1.0
#9572 Mechanical Age Island Controls warning invalid bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk 1.0
#9574 MOHAWK: Myst: Sound stuttering in the projector room bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9612 SCI32: lsl6hires debug dialog shown csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9648 SCI: GK2: Inventory jumps in the wrong direction at the start of scroll csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9682 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - graphic issue on first level defect low Engine: Gob
#9702 SCI: SQ6: Game crashes when loading an invalid save game from launcher sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#9717 GUI: Indirectly changing 'GUI Language' can produce inconsistent behaviour when changing some options. criezy defect low GUI
#9752 SCI: Save screenshots blocked by menu ZvikaZ defect low Engine: SCI
#9772 SCI: Torin: Missing Multi-Language-CD detection of English, French csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9790 SCI: KQ7: Strange ambrosia artefact in Etheria sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#9795 SCI: KQ7 Demo: missing sound effects csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9813 SCI: SQ4: Button audio for fast repeated click missing sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#9820 SCI: GK1: Speech cut off after using vine in crypt in Day 9 m-kiewitz defect low Engine: SCI
#9838 GUI: 'LastSelectedGame' setting not restored after GUI language change. bgK defect low GUI
#9871 FULL THROTTLE: Crash when skipping intro (also in original) sev- defect low Engine: SCUMM
#9890 TITANIC: Volume Settings Ignored until GMM opened dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9893 TITANIC: Access Denied on correct terminal login dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9898 TITANIC: Bar Glass and Vision Center animation flickering dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9899 TITANIC: Turned on fan Looks off dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9900 TITANIC: No Hand for Picking up Vision Center dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9901 TITANIC: Winter displayed as Spring dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9908 SWORD1: Picture previews black when saving in game criezy defect low Engine: Sword1
#9915 MOHAWK: Myst: Piano Puzzle Lever doesn't reset bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9916 MOHAWK: Myst: Piano Weird Sounding Modulation bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9920 MOHAWK: Myst: Infinite Bird Chirp bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9922 MOHAWK: Myst: Library Fireplace Door Laggy Close bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9923 MOHAWK: Myst: Mechanical Age Elevator Door Laggy Close bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9929 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics Glitch for No Trap Book, Open Fissure Ending bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9930 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics Glitch for Trap Ghen, No Free Catherine, Open Fissure Ending bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9931 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics Glitch for Visit Ghen, Have Trap Book, Open Fissure Ending bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9932 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics Glitch for Get Trap Book, Refuse Ghen Ending bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9933 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphics Glitch for Best Ending bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9942 TITANIC: Text Input Can be Garbled dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9947 MOHAWK: Riven: Screen Transition at beginning could be Smoother bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9950 SCI: LB2: No Lip Animation for A Voiced Dialogue sluicebox feature request low Engine: SCI
#9953 SCI: LB2: Voice Continues after loading another game bluegr defect low Engine: SCI
#9956 SCI: LB2: No Lip Animation for Laura with Yvette about Tut sluicebox feature request low Engine: SCI
#9960 MOHAWK: Riven: Graphical glitch allows unintended access to floating room. bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9965 TITANIC: The Maitre d' does not move when prod'ed dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9970 MOHAWK: Riven: Credits are Slow bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9972 MOHAWK: Riven: Missing sound effect for submarine hatch closing. bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#9974 SCI: Phant1: Frame Skips During Chase Carno's Room csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9976 SCI: Phant1: Monster Painting Not Shown csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9978 TITANIC: Service Elevator Level Indicator Off for Bilge dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9984 TITANIC: Doorbot doesn't show up on his own dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9986 TITANIC: Various actions cause clearing of conversation text dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#9994 SCI: GK2 Demo: Surface:: convertTo() Crash for Windowed Movie csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#9995 TITANIC: Bilge room no trash moving sounds dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10002 TITANIC: Barbot has another vision center dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10003 TITANIC: Can Pull Rowbots lever Low with one arm dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10008 IHNM: Saved game picture shows game paused dafioram feature request low Engine: SAGA
#10014 TITANIC: Crash if loading (using GMM) saved game in-between Deskbot and Bellbot dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10020 TITANIC: Ending credits change color slower than original engine dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10023 TITANIC: Have right click be shift+left click dreammaster feature request low Engine: Titanic
#10028 TITANIC: Stick Hovers in Arborteum dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10029 TITANIC: Can leave SGT room elevators on any level dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10031 TITANIC: Saving screenshot during starting credits ends video dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10033 SCI: PHANT2: Reduce latency of starting movie clips and phone button sounds csnover feature request low Engine: SCI
#10035 SCI: PHANT2: Remove <PROTECTED> from save games file name csnover feature request low Engine: SCI
#10036 SCI: PHANT2: Text flashes in corner on computer csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#10037 SCI: PHANT2: Some inventory items overlap the arrow buttons csnover defect low Engine: SCI
#10040 TITANIC: Second Class Levels background music is off dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10041 TITANIC: Star Control: Forward and Backwords are too slow dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10042 TITANIC: Can't load barbot room saves from original game for a few node/view combinations dreammaster feature request low Engine: Titanic
#10043 TITANIC: Chicken given to mother hangs dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10044 MOHAWK: Riven: Excessive delay before cursor appears after movie ends. macca8 defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10047 TITANIC: Add game controls to help button dreammaster feature request low Engine: Titanic
#10051 TITANIC: Cannot load 99th saved game dafioram defect low Engine: Titanic
#10053 MOHAWK: MYST: Fireplace puzzle is sluggish compared to original bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10057 TITANIC: Phonograph has dissapearing horn after getting ear dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10058 TITANIC: Can't Up key out of pellerator dreammaster feature request low Engine: Titanic
#10064 MOHAWK: MYST: Fireplace puzzle blocks leave gray rectangle bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10065 MOHAWK: MYST: Invisible Dini Page bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10074 TITANIC: Items sent through Succ via Nowhere chevrons are lost dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10075 MOHAWK: RIVEN: Faster page turning bgK feature request low Engine: Mohawk
#10080 TITANIC: Arrow Keys unexpected behavior at certain spots dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10086 MOHAWK: Riven: Plateau puzzle a few graphic glitches bgK defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10104 TITANIC: Liftbots don't change floors for word spelling of numbers dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10107 TITANIC: Liftbot Head Float dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10111 TITANIC: Succ don't carry on conversations dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10112 TITANIC: Music room xylopho player doesn't animate dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10119 TITANIC: MaitreD graphic glitch misplaced cyan lines dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10122 TITANIC: TVs still shows the lifts level after solving the puzzle dreammaster defect low Engine: Titanic
#10126 TITANIC: Star Puzzle, crash for unlocking 1st star after 2 locked dafioram defect low Engine: Titanic
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