Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#9820 closed defect (fixed)

SCI: GK1: Speech cut off after using vine in crypt in Day 9

Reported by: DustyShinigami Owned by: m-kiewitz
Priority: low Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: sci32
Cc: Game: Gabriel Knight 1


If you grab the vine to escape from the mummies during Day 9, Gabriel is supposed to say 'I can't believe I'm doing this...' as he's about to swing into the next room. Everything plays out too fast though and the speech is cut short. I'm not sure if this is a bug within ScummVM or a bug with the game itself that was never fixed. Turning off the walk speed completely is the only thing that seems to solve it.

I've attached a save just before interacting with the vine.

ScummVM version - 1.10.0git3355-g266f68c21b
Language of game - English
Version of game - Talkie, CD-ROM
Platform and Compiler - Win32

Attachments (2)

gk1-cd-win.014 (49.9 KB ) - added by DustyShinigami 8 years ago.
gk1-cd-win.016 (49.6 KB ) - added by DustyShinigami 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

by DustyShinigami, 8 years ago

Attachment: gk1-cd-win.014 added

comment:1 by m-kiewitz, 8 years ago

Also happens in the original interpreter. It's actually worse in SSCI.

Maybe we can make it so the game is paused while he is saying that. Let's see...

comment:2 by m-kiewitz, 8 years ago

Owner: set to m-kiewitz

comment:3 by csnover, 8 years ago

Keywords: sci32 added
Priority: normallow

comment:4 by csnover, 8 years ago

Summary: Gabriel Knight 1 - Not sure if a bug or just how the game is...SCI: GK1: Speech cut off after using vine in crypt in Day 9

by DustyShinigami, 8 years ago

Attachment: gk1-cd-win.016 added

comment:5 by DustyShinigami, 8 years ago

On a similar note the music goes a bit too loud during the final confrontation against Tetelo that it makes it hard to hear what she says. This happens even if the music quality is set lower than the speech/SFX. I've attached a save.

comment:6 by m-kiewitz, 8 years ago

room 710

comment:7 by m-kiewitz, 8 years ago

DustyShinigami, please create another bug report about this other issue.

comment:8 by m-kiewitz, 7 years ago

Game now waits until Gabriel is done.
Commit 294503f

This obviously has nothing to do with the additional bug inside this bug report (music quality issue at the end of the game.

comment:9 by m-kiewitz, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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