Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#10029 closed defect (fixed)

TITANIC: Can leave SGT room elevators on any level

Reported by: dafioram Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: low Component: Engine: Titanic
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Starship Titanic


ScummVM: Latest
Game: Ver C.
Build on ubuntu64

If you raise the SGT room elevators to the 2nd or 3rd level you can just turn around and exit the elevator and you will be on back on the bottom level of the SGT rooms. You can go right back in the elevator and it acts like it is still at that level.

So to reach the 7th SGT room on say floor 30 you have to take elevator 1 up one level to be in front of room 7. Now you can exit it and you will be in front of the rooms 1-6 if you then go back in it it will be facing room 7 again. You can take the elevator back down to be at the level 1-6 again.

This doesn't happen for the 2nd class rooms/elevator.

If you go out of the elevator and then back in you will be facing the buttons and the chevron will give you the room number of where the elevator was last facing. So if you decided to take the elevator from room 7 to 13 and get out then back in the chevron will say room 7 until you turn left to face the room.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by dafioram, 7 years ago

Not in the original engine.

comment:2 by dreammaster, 7 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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