Custom Query (1033 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1033)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#14698 TINSEL: When in act IV (final act), the dragon disappears from the square where it challenges rincewind and reappears at the end new defect high Engine: Tinsel
#14704 BACKENDS: IOS: On Screen control can obstruct the global settings new defect normal Port: iOS
#14722 XEEN: Fix inconsistencies with WoX Cloudside locations new feature request normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#14729 Newer updated signatures get games blocked until a new ScummVM is released new feature request normal Common
#14732 SCUMM: Remaining Mac GUI issues for Indy3 and Loom new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14737 SCUMM/HE: Blue's Birthday - Carrying over Red/Yellow CD savegames (fix included) new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#14738 SCUMM: Putt-Putt's Fun Pack - add Mac Floppy version new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14743 AGS: The Excavation of Hob's Barrow: Small graphical priority errors new defect normal Engine: AGS
#14750 KYRA: Kyra1: Add support for hungarian translation new feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#14755 DIRECTOR: Alice - An Interactive Museum gameplay issues new defect normal Engine: Director
#14757 AGS: QfG2AGDI: Caravan cutscene can be skipped new defect normal Engine: AGS
#14759 SCUMM: V2/ZAK intro credits are printed without any delay on ST+AMIGA versions new defect low Engine: SCUMM
#14785 iOS: Allow engines to place on-screen buttons in specific locations new feature request normal Port: iOS
#14790 ULTIMA1: Do not bundle ultima*.dat files with it new feature request normal Engine: Ultima
#14796 SCI: LONGBOW: Game gets stuck when changing screens at fair new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14797 SCI: LONGBOW: Music doesn't fade out properly when reloading save new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14803 SWORD2: Error during intro cutscene (Spanish Playstation version) new defect high Engine: Sword2
#14813 PINK: Broken cyrillic symbols in both pink panther games new defect normal Engine: Pink
#14819 DIRECTOR: Backpacker (Swedish) (D4) various glitches new lotharsm defect normal Engine: Director
#14823 ANDROID: TETRAEDGE: Crash issues with Syberia 1 and 2 games new defect normal Engine: Tetraedge
#14825 SCI: CAMELOT: Don't Lose Points for Letting Galahad Die new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14828 HYPNO: Using alternative fire during missile sequences will trigger a large number of video playbacks new neuromancer defect high Engine: Hypno
#14829 ULTIMA8: Difficulty using stairs in Daemon's Crag houses new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14842 ULTIMA8: Paperdoll gump does not remember postion new defect low Engine: Ultima
#14844 SCI: CAMELOT: Loading in Fatima's house disrupts the music new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14853 COMMON: Rework path handling causes performance regression new defect normal Common
#14854 DIRECTOR: Magician's Secrets vol. 1/2 (D4) not starting new defect normal Engine: Director
#14856 LOL: Add more hotkeys to cast spells in Lands of Lore new feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#14858 SCI: Phantasmagoria: ESC key (multi)clicks in final sequence new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14863 PRIVATE: use original cursors from the exe new neuromancer feature request high Engine: Private
#14867 ULTIMA8: NPCs keep moving during conversation new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14870 WIN32: ScummVM port is presently unusable with 3D games on Windows XP new defect normal Port: Win32
#14871 ULTIMA8: Fireballs after releasing Pyros can get stuck in mid-air new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14873 AGS: Save games are always ordered by saveslot instead of last save date new defect low Engine: AGS
#14875 COMMON: Fallback detection of games happen even when there are exact matches new defect normal Common
#14880 SCUMM: Smooth Scrolling on Scumm_V5 engine (some AMIGA-versions of games) new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#14888 AGOS: Simon 1 german, can not be added to gamelist new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#14891 BACKENDS: MIYOO: ScummVM not working well on Miyoo Mini Plus new defect normal Ports
#14893 AGS: Implement AGSBMFontRenderer plugin (used for Asian translations) new feature request normal Engine: AGS
#14903 AGS: iOS: KQ2 AGDI loses voice when loading a save new defect normal Engine: AGS
#14910 SCI: QFG4: Incorrect Dialogue when Giving Rusalka Flowers (w/Ashlancer Patch) new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14911 SCI: QFG4: Brief Display and No Audio at Bushes new defect low Engine: SCI
#14912 SCI: QFG4: Burgomeister Doesn't Always Close Window at Sunset new defect low Engine: SCI
#14915 ScummVM Tools: Mohawk Bitmaps new feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#14919 M4: Orion Burger: Footstep Soundeffect missing new dreammaster defect low Engine: M4
#14952 GRAPHICS: Darker colors/contrast in OpenGL mode new defect normal Graphics
#14954 TETRAEDGE: Syberia 2 - Texture Problems new defect normal Engine: Tetraedge
#14958 ULTIMA6: Move Item command doesn't prompt to split an item stack new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#14961 TINYGL: glScissor is not implemented in TinyGL new feature request normal Graphics
#14963 MD5: TEENAGENT: TeenAgent Czech Language support not working new feature request normal Engine: TeenAgent
#14970 M4: Orion Burger: Volume not correctly adjusted new defect low Engine: M4
#14984 SCUMM/HE: Backyard Football Online softlocks regularly new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14988 AGI: Scalers and shaders to not work correctly when upscaled for Hercules Hires font new defect normal Graphics: Scalers
#14995 GUI: Cannot select MIDI / MT-32 device in Game Options override new defect normal GUI
#14997 M4: Orion Burger: Potential memory leak still existing new defect low Engine: M4
#15008 AGS: Heroine's Quest: Two achievements not unlocking new defect low Engine: AGS
#15012 WIN32: High-DPI scaling on OpenGL-rendered games cause mouse DPI to scale down new defect normal Port: Win64
#15020 BACKENDS: PS3: FluidSynth fails to load/initialize soundfont new defect normal Port: PS3
#15026 SCUMM: DIG: Gray artifacts/pixels in ending video (SQ19A.SAN) new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15031 SAGA: ITE - ScummVM 2.8.0 won't load compressed "Inherit the Earth Voices.cmp" created by compress_saga new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#15036 SCUMM: Re-enable the missing answering machine message in Sam&Max new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15038 ULTIMA4: Title screen not displaying correctly new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15039 TOOLS: Build fails with strict-aliasing violations new defect normal Tools
#15040 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Inaccurate text centering and font drop shadows new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15043 FREESCAPE: CPC sounds are not implemented new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15044 FREESCAPE: C64 releases are not supported new neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#15045 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Total Eclipse new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15049 FREESCAPE: DOS/CGA render mode need work new neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#15053 BACKENDS: AMIGAOS: The Longest Journey - another unsupported GL uniform? new defect normal Port: AmigaOS4
#15056 TETRAEDGE: Add ScummVM option to hide empty inventory box new feature request normal Engine: Tetraedge
#15066 SCUMM: Maniac Mansion from the Mac version of Day of the Tentacle isn't detected new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15077 TETRAEDGE: Syberia: ScummVM stops responding for some time during every scene change new defect normal Engine: Tetraedge
#15086 GROOVIE: Clandestiny final cutscene crashes new defect high Engine: Groovie
#15090 SCUMM: PUTTPUTT: Playing with Audio+Subtitles skips lines (original bug) new AndywinXp feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15099 SWORD1: Unknown game variant for sword1 new defect normal Engine: Sword1
#15100 KYRA: Legend of Kyrandia (Amiga) crash new defect normal Engine: Kyra
#15104 ULTIMA8: Option to disable the turning animations when turning the Avatar around new feature request normal Engine: Ultima
#15115 BACKENDS: PSP Vita - Sanitarium not starting (black screen) new defect normal Port: PSP Vita
#15124 Option to lock the window size new feature request normal Common
#15134 MD5: ADL: Unknown game variant for hires2 new defect normal Engine: ADL
#15138 AGI: LSL1: Error in the Age Quiz at the Beginning of the Game new feature request low Engine: AGI
#15143 SCUMM: Options dialog lists the wrong Music devices new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15149 PINK: Hokus Pokus Pink shows a different scene transition with invalid scene parameters new defect low Engine: Pink
#15156 SCUMM: Skipped dialogue in Full Throttle with the DS port new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15157 SKY: BASS cursor disappeared new defect high Engine: Sky
#15158 MYST3: Spider Spinner animation does not reset correctly new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#15163 BBVS: Add Japanese (Windows) detection and minor extra support for Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity new feature request normal Engine: BBVS
#15169 DIRECTOR: El Quijote Interactivo (D4) missing speech, demo not working new defect normal Engine: Director
#15177 SCI: LSL5: Drawing issues when using the "?" icon new defect low Engine: SCI
#15180 BACKENDS: WII: DRAGONS: Immediate crash at start-up new defect normal Port: Wii
#15183 COMMON: Automatically handle RISC OS files with NFS extensions new feature request normal Common
#15190 CINE: Operation Stealth demo hangs on the DS new defect high Engine: Cine
#15192 CRYO: Mouse input doesn’t work well with touchscreens and controllers new defect normal Engine: Cryo
#15194 BACKENDS: DS: Switching to an unsupported resolution should return an error new defect normal Port: NDS
#15196 DS: Limited virtual keyboard support new feature request normal Port: NDS
#15197 HUGO: Icon bar gets stuck with the DS port new defect high Engine: Hugo
#15199 MADS: Demos are not supported new feature request normal Engine: MADS
#15201 PARALLACTION: Use custom actions for the keymapper new defect low Engine: Parallaction
#15202 PARALLACTION: In-application help for the manual protection new feature request low Engine: Parallaction
#15204 DS: Improve touch screen input new feature request normal Port: NDS
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