Opened 2 years ago

Closed 3 months ago

#13870 closed defect (worksforme)

GRIM: Can't load saved game

Reported by: andrey-dubinchak Owned by: aquadran
Priority: high Component: Engine: Grim
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Grim Fandango


Saved game Grim Fandango not loading in scumm 2.6.0 (black screen) in macOS 10.13.6

Attachments (1)

report.txt (61.5 KB ) - added by andrey-dubinchak 2 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

comment:1 by andrey-dubinchak, 2 years ago

Summary: can't load save gamecan't load saved game

comment:2 by tag2015, 2 years ago

Summary: can't load saved gameGRIM: Can't load saved game

comment:3 by tag2015, 2 years ago

Hi, please provide additional information.

Are you loading a savegame created with a previous version of scummvm or a downloaded savegame?
Are you using the launcher or loading ingame?
If you start a new game and then save in a new slot, does it work?

comment:4 by andrey-dubinchak, 2 years ago


Are you loading a savegame created with a previous version of scummvm or a downloaded savegame?
I'm load a savegame created with a current version of scummvm (2.6.0)

Are you using the launcher or loading ingame?
I can't load game nor using the launcher nor loading in game

If you start a new game and then save in a new slot, does it work?
No, it doesn't

Additional information:
I can only load saved games in ResidualVM (0.4.0git)
I see the same ticket from another guy (he has macOS 10.13.6 too)

Last edited 2 years ago by andrey-dubinchak (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by tag2015, 2 years ago

Could you please try again using a daily build?

by andrey-dubinchak, 2 years ago

Attachment: report.txt added

comment:6 by andrey-dubinchak, 2 years ago

I've got message: "ScummVM quit unexpectedly."
Scumvm is closes on loading game using the launcher or loading in game
Report from macOS is attached

comment:7 by somaen, 3 months ago

Priority: normalhigh

Would be good to resolve this for the 2.9.0 release.

comment:8 by aquadran, 3 months ago

Owner: set to aquadran
Resolution: assigned
Status: newpending

comment:9 by aquadran, 3 months ago

Resolution: assignedworksforme
Status: pendingclosed

I tried 2.8.1/2.5.0 release build, 2.5.0 source, also tried current trunk code. I'm not able reproduce issue on macOS 15. I was able only test 64 bit build.
I tried use saves between ScummVM <-> ResidualVM, no issue.

Due it's very specific case, and old report, none else reported on other system, I'm closing this one as can not pre-produced.

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