Custom Query (1033 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1033 of 1033)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#13461 BACKENDS: OPENGLSDL: Stretched in full screen pending sev- defect normal Graphics
#13594 CHEWY: Dialog canceled by subtitles pending bluegr defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13942 FREESCAPE: Add "Virtual Worlds" Atari ST support pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13954 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Driller pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13956 FREESCAPE: intro title sequences are not completely implemented in Driller pending neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13957 FREESCAPE: Demo mode does not match the original implementation in Driller pending neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14009 SCUMM: Potential script errors at Lou's Loans in ZAK pending dwatteau feature request low Engine: SCUMM
#14159 GRIM: MD5 dialog can’t be cancelled in Grim Fandango pending defect normal Common
#14574 GOB: Excessive blitting drags performance down pending sdelamarre defect normal Engine: Gob
#14631 ANDROID: I need a storage function that can be backed up in an Android environment pending lephilousophe feature request normal Port: Android
#14669 TWINE: Multiple track issues pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#14695 ANDROID: No way to copy savegames out of internal storage or create a in progress save after changing the save path in runtime pending lephilousophe feature request normal Port: Android
#14747 BACKENDS: HAIKU: ScummVM 2.7.1 build crashes when pressing "F5/F1" to open the menu on "Day of the Tentacle" pending dwatteau defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#14860 SCUMM: Remove continuity error in toupee scene in SAMNMAX pending dwatteau feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#14890 ANDROID: Monkey Island 3 doesn't work anymore pending lephilousophe defect normal Port: Android
#15091 MTROPOLIS: Cursor disappears for extended period after interacting with cubicle vidbot (original bug) pending elasota defect normal Engine: mTropolis
#15168 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 (Amiga) - Unneeded "Please insert disk 2" message pending BJNFNE feature request low Engine: Gob
#15181 BACKENDS: WII: BLADERUNNER: Crash when triggering the virtual keyboard twice pending lephilousophe defect normal Port: Wii
#15195 INDY3: Restore content in German versions (dos/amiga ega and dos/vga) pending dwatteau feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15350 SCUMM: INDY3: atari st - no sound after modifying the resources for new translation pending dwatteau defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15371 BACKENDS: PS3: Grim Fandango not running on PS3 build pending aquadran defect low Engine: Grim
#15384 TWINE: LBA: Dark museum has side-effects on the same session pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15400 TWINE: LBA - Using the Holomap while Twinsen is walking may cause glitch pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15408 TWINE: the W key was supposed to only do Action on Normal pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15410 TWINE: Little big adventure no menu music and a crash pending mgerhardy defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15418 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Game not starting/unrecognized after the use of scummtr and scummrp with the MT32 update pending dwatteau defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15502 SCUMM: INDY3 Pink pixels at Irene's typewriter pending dwatteau feature request low Engine: SCUMM
#15503 SCUMM: INDY3 Irene vanishes for a moment pending dwatteau feature request low Engine: SCUMM
#15505 SCUMM HE MOONBASE: big endian problem (MORPHOS) pending AndywinXp defect high Engine: SCUMM
#15598 BACKENDS: PS3: How does audio work / maybe incomplete source code pending aquadran feature request normal Port: PS3
#15639 SCUMM: SAM: Strange dialogue line behavior in Bumpusville, German version pending dwatteau feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15655 SCUMM: ZAK FM Towns: Untranslated original GUI parts in German translation pending dwatteau feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15658 ASYLUM: Crash in main menu for Sanitarium in recent ScummVM releases pending antoniou79 defect normal Engine: Asylum
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