Opened 8 months ago

Closed 5 weeks ago

Last modified 5 weeks ago

#15051 closed defect (fixed)

PORTS: WIN64: 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filename

Reported by: elisimpson Owned by: lotharsm
Priority: blocker Component: Port: Win64
Version: Keywords: exe, filename
Cc: lwcorp Game:


Filename in the 64-bit zipfile is now scummvm-2.8.1.exe instead of scummvm.exe. The 32-bit zipfile and Windows 95+ zipfile are named correctly without the version appended.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by lwcorp, 8 months ago

Cc: lwcorp added
Keywords: exe filename added
Summary: Windows 64-bit 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filenameWin64 - 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filename

This indeed breaks shortcuts and scripts and expects the user to endlessly update them in hopes new versions will keep rolling :-).

Luckily at least as a temporary solution manually renaming to scummvm.exe seems to work. I just hope it doesn't break anything.

comment:2 by elisimpson, 8 months ago

That's how I noticed it: it broke my scoop update script. It's most likely just an oversight, as none of the other versions (zip or installer) have the version number in the filename.

comment:3 by sev-, 5 weeks ago

Priority: normalblocker
Summary: Win64 - 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filenamePORTS: WIN64: 2.8.1 zipfile build has version number appended to the exe filename

Must be fixed before release.

comment:4 by lotharsm, 5 weeks ago

Owner: set to lotharsm
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thank you - this was an oversight while packing the last release, I'll do it the right way this time.

comment:5 by lotharsm, 5 weeks ago

Closing because this is a manual step while packing the .zip file.

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