Custom Query (1193 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1193 of 1193)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3642 SQ2: Stuck on the wall with plunger forever in space quest 2 SF/buddha_ defect normal Engine: AGI
#3713 PQ1: Couldn't find game Kirben defect normal Engine: AGI
#4376 AGI: LSL1: Keyboard layout ignored sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#4667 CAULDRON: Gfx Priority issue sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#5585 AGI: Tandy demo bluegr defect normal Engine: AGI
#6003 Playbook: <SPACE> Not Working in Virtual Keyboard lordhoto defect normal Engine: AGI
#6219 AGI FANMADE: conflicting variables and game slowed down SF/buddha_ defect normal Engine: AGI
#11247 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11248 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11249 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11250 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11251 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11252 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11253 Unknown Variant detecting Apple IIgs game sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#11509 AGI: KQ4: Apple IIgs dwarf music doesn't loop in house ZvikaZ defect normal Engine: AGI
#11984 AGI: Unknown game variant for Troll's Tale sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#11994 Mixed Up Mother Goose AGI Amiga - Unknown game variant for agi sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#12916 AGI: SQ1 Apple 2GS - Stuck in Alien Head Room after returning orat part sluicebox defect normal Engine: AGI
#13027 AGI: Space Quest X - The Lost Chapter - See Object (F4) doens't work sluicebox defect normal Engine: AGI
#13253 Unknown game variant for glk dreammaster defect normal Engine: AGI
#9633 Hi-Res Adventure #6 - The Dark Crystal freezes waltervn defect normal Engine: ADL
#9634 Hi-Res Adventure #6 - The Dark Crystal crash in wilderness waltervn defect normal Engine: ADL
#164 switch -e defect normal Documentation
#5559 Missing documentation for the load/save keys in scummvm bluegr defect normal Documentation
#12053 setup documentation for monkey island 4 is not sufficient sev- feature request normal Documentation
#12393 iOS build doc: Unnecessary tilde in shell command johannes87 defect normal Documentation
#11359 PLUGINS: loadAllPlugins exists sev- defect normal Common
#11553 Make option to try force run unknown game variants sev- feature request normal Common
#11747 Add an option for adding some black bars at the sides and bottom in windowed mode (none) feature request normal Common
#11960 BASE: Metaengine - Excluded engine's detection.cpp gets compiled/produce undefined references on linking raziel- defect normal Common
#12361 Request: stop adding more and more engines, fix bugs instead criezy defect high Common
#12811 ScummVM DEV causes SIG32 when exiting, possibly due to libspeechd sluicebox defect normal Common
#14060 ScummVM crashes immediately when Nintendo 64 Switch controller is plugged into PC via USB sev- defect normal Common
#14291 the Enable All Engines configure flag does not enable starship titanic by default digitall defect normal Common
#10248 MT-32 emulator music stutters badly (many if not all games) csnover defect high Audio: MT32
#12412 MT 32 not working bluegr defect normal Audio: MT32
#1836 ALL: Sound is out of sync fingolfin defect normal Audio
#11372 FLUIDSYNTH: Kyrandia 2 - The Hand of Fate - MIDI with FatBoy SoundFont sounds weird athrxx defect low Audio
#11393 AUDIO: ScummVM engaging Windows Surround Sound plugins sev- defect normal Audio
#11443 BACKENDS: Windows - "Audio device initialization failed" if third-party application VoiceMeeter is running sev- defect normal Audio
#11730 Baseball2003 Audio/Subtitles sev- defect normal Audio
#11291 3DS Port issues with SCI engines MarioKartFan defect normal --Unset--
#11385 Crash on start with Mac OSX 10.12.6 + macintosh Monkey Island 1 Files labbott defect normal --Unset--
#11494 BASE: Possible use of invalid iterators criezy defect high --Unset--
#11527 Unknown game variant for cge (russian translation of Soltys) sev- feature request normal --Unset--
#13284 Leisure Suit Larry 3 DOS adds both DOS and Atari ST versions when scanned in mass add defect normal --Unset--
#13644 Md5sum windows bluegr defect normal --Unset--
#13950 ULTIMA8: Unable to insert items into backpack mduggan defect normal --Unset--
#14055 ScummVM does not recognize my version of Myst 3 Exile UncleIllya defect normal --Unset--
#14460 SCUMM: Backyard Baseball 2001 game file not adding to Scumm dwatteau defect normal --Unset--
#14626 "unknown game variant" error tag2015 defect normal --Unset--
#14773 GUI: Full Title + version requires at least 748px wide window mikrosk defect normal --Unset--
#205 debugging SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#225 ScummVM full screen without -f SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#363 a test SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#364 this is another test SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#365 Yet Another Test (Tm( SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#468 Memory Leaks SF/ender defect normal --Other--
#591 Fullscreen and debugger defect normal --Other--
#1199 just borrow your SEVEN mintues please defect normal --Other--
#2101 SDL_SetVideoMode Error defect normal --Other--
#2533 Picodrive sev- defect high --Other--
#2606 Can't add Kyrandia (no clues) or Feeble (MD5 unknown) eriktorbjorn defect normal --Other--
#4644 tfmx build error defect normal --Other--
#5610 fisheye not updated to git fingolfin defect normal --Other--
#6616 spelling-error-in-binary wjp defect normal --Other--
#7297 Modularization fingolfin feature request normal --Other--
#7432 Add support for CDTV versions feature request normal --Other--
#7514 ALL: save compatibility between ports would be nice fingolfin feature request normal --Other--
#7638 Support for another series Kirben feature request normal --Other--
#7756 Legend Entertainment Adventures feature request normal --Other--
#7786 Lemmings possible? feature request normal --Other--
#7824 Little Big Adventure on ScummVM feature request normal --Other--
#7845 Legend of Djel DrMcCoy feature request normal --Other--
#7857 Game Suggestion [Eagle Eye Mysteries in London] feature request normal --Other--
#9715 Curse of Monkey Island won't load via cdrom mount on Linux hooby3dfx defect normal --Other--
#10540 Tonka - All Games - Tonka Search & Rescue, Tonka Garage, etc. dafioram defect normal --Other--
#10541 Arthur's Pet Chase bonki defect normal --Other--
#10542 My Little Pet Shop bonki defect normal --Other--
#10543 Little People's Christmas Activity Center bonki defect normal --Other--
#10544 BusyTown Best Christmas Ever Richard Scary bonki defect normal --Other--
#10721 Option to increase inner game time or option to move characters faster between locations digitall feature request normal --Other--
#10722 Skip any game dialogues and cutscenes digitall feature request normal --Other--
#11191 Testbed lacks a test for TTS criezy feature request normal --Other--
#11389 Unknown game variant for ultima dreammaster feature request normal --Other--
#11424 Unknown game variant for AGI preAGI + v2 + v3 Tucky27 feature request normal --Other--
#11437 Consider using and digitall feature request normal --Other--
#11919 TTS/screenreader support sev- defect normal --Other--
#12602 RDV detected as Sierra's RAMA cibersheep defect low --Other--
#13384 LAN: Wrong server IP address shown defect normal --Other--
#13603 BASE: Detection: Engine (groovie, plumbers) plugins produce crash on adding and start of games raziel- defect normal --Other--
#13981 Unknown game variant for director-Game "Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars" dalauder defect low --Other--
#14661 Circle of blood (broken sword 1) ms dos AndywinXp defect normal --Other--
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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