Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#13384 closed defect (invalid)

LAN: Wrong server IP address shown

Reported by: xax Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: --Other--
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


On a Windows 10 (63 bit) system with a main net interface (and no interface on ScummVM's server functionality (GUI: Options » LAN » Server) shows in the suggested connectable URL.

It should suggest instead. (The server seems to bind to

Change History (4)

comment:2 by digitall, 3 years ago

Keywords: server ip bind LAN removed
Summary: LAN»Server: Wrong server IP address shownLAN: Wrong server IP address shown

comment:3 by digitall, 3 years ago

I can't replicate this issue on Linux x86_64 with the latest nightly build.

xax: I suspect that this issue is sensitive to your system networking setup as the code calls down to sdl_net to deal with this:

It looks to try to get the local hostname and then resolve this back to an IP address, so exactly which interface gets bound on machines with several could be buggy...

comment:4 by lephilousophe, 3 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The bug is in SDL_Net.

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