Custom Query (8278 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1700 of 8278)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#7517 FW: naming save games sev- feature request normal Engine: Cine
#7543 WEB: Gallery browser improvements sev- feature request normal Web
#7560 DC: Map "." to a free button sev- feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#7576 ScummVM for UMPC/Tablet PC sev- feature request low Ports
#7577 BS1: Add cutscenes addons localizations in flac format sev- feature request normal Engine: Sword1
#7604 GUI: Game selection through pictures instead of text sev- feature request normal GUI
#7614 Implementing a 4x and 5x scaler sev- feature request normal Graphics: Scalers
#7618 Remove all files in the /engine-data folder sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7620 AGI detecting agi mouse sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7627 AGI: MIDI support sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7646 Scalers cleanup sev- feature request low Graphics: Scalers
#7660 PC: Button assignments (ie. Mouse 3 for "." - skip dialogue) sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7666 KYRA2: Add support for Polish floppy version sev- feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7683 Key Mapper sev- feature request normal Engine: AGOS
#7686 ALL: Display errors in graphic display before exiting sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7687 SCUMM: Smooth Scrolling sev- feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7688 GUI: Scrolling TextWidget for displaying Help texts etc. sev- feature request normal GUI
#7702 Wii: Support keymapper sev- feature request normal Port: Wii
#7704 DC: Add game chooser when more than one game detected sev- feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#7708 KYRA3: Support for Russian fan translation sev- feature request normal Engine: Kyra
#7709 AGI: Proper Tandy 3-Voice/IBM PCjr Sound Support sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7726 Allow user defined path for screenshots sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7746 Teen Agent Czech Language support sev- feature request normal Engine: TeenAgent
#7773 KYRA1: Add support for Czech fan tranlsation sev- feature request low Engine: Kyra
#7785 GUI: Game Sortation: Icons and Alignment sev- feature request normal GUI
#7794 AGI inventory items sev- feature request normal Engine: AGI
#7811 Windows Vista/7 fullscreen and touchscreen sev- feature request normal Port: Win32
#7815 Allow to specify log location sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7833 CONFIGURE: Support new style DWARF2 debug info for i386 assembly sev- feature request normal --Other--
#7837 iPad Landscape Rotation Lock Problem sev- feature request normal Port: iOS
#7850 Option suggestion: stereo channel swap for MT32 emulation... sev- feature request normal Audio: MT32
#7870 Please create an AppData file for ScummVM sev- feature request normal Port: Linux
#7878 SHERLOCK: Support for Italian Fan Translation of "The Case of the Serrated Scalpel" sev- feature request normal Engine: Sherlock
#7880 Use Miles Sound System for Humongous SCUMM Games sev- feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7889 SCUMM: The Dig. Checksum Support for Russian translation (Old-Games.Ru). sev- feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#7894 I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Chinese translation checksums sev- feature request normal Engine: SAGA
#8736 configure fix for shells not supporting unary negation sev- patch normal --Other--
#8872 DRASCULA: ENGLISH GRAMMAR/SPELLING sev- patch normal Engine: Drascula
#8874 DRASCULA: more english grammar/spelling fixes sev- patch normal Engine: Drascula
#9121 DOTT: support for Maniac Mansion on Ed's computer sev- patch normal Engine: SCUMM
#9579 SCI: Music volume at zero still plays music very softly sev- feature request normal Engine: SCI
#9620 SPARKLE: Update Error! An error occurred while extracting the archive. sev- defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#9650 TOOLS: compress_touche not working in windows sev- defect normal Tools
#9652 FULLPIPE: Implement the "teleport" feature to the Map sev- feature request normal Engine: NGI
#9654 FULLPIPE: Memory leak sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#9655 FULLPIPE: Level 3 - Clock handle not updated sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9656 FULLPIPE: Moving the cursor at the edge of the screen should scroll the scene sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9657 FULLPIPE: Memory leak on full version sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#9667 FULLPIPE: Scene 26 - Wrong cursor sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9668 FULLPIPE: Map not centered on the Dude sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9669 FULLPIPE: Scenes 31/32/34 - Inconsistent character state sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9672 FULLPIPE: Several inventory items highlighted at the same time sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9673 FULLPIPE: Unable to move after loading a save from the title screen sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9705 FULLPIPE: Crash on start (Big Endian) sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#9713 FULLPIPE: Sprites/Animation broken (AmigaOS4) sev- defect high Engine: NGI
#9755 Mention snap in install instructions sev- feature request normal Web
#9839 GUI: Improve handling of 'Filter Graphics' option activation/deactivation. sev- feature request normal GUI
#9871 FULL THROTTLE: Crash when skipping intro (also in original) sev- defect low Engine: SCUMM
#10045 LAUNCHER: Record / Playback crashes the app sev- defect high --Other--
#10116 MM C64 DEMO: Attempting to display the original save/load screen causes a crash. sev- defect blocker Engine: SCUMM
#10171 COMPOSER: german version of Baba Yaga and the Magic Geese not detected sev- feature request normal Engine: Composer
#10272 Gob: Playtoons 1 demo: Unrecognized game version sev- defect normal Engine: Gob
#10299 BACKENDS: Retropie: SDL Cursor flashes in corner sev- defect normal Ports
#10313 GUI: Please clarify expected behaviour of 'Apply' button. sev- feature request normal GUI
#10316 FULLPIPE: Return to launcher does not work sev- defect high Engine: NGI
#10317 FULLPIPE: Save game metadata is missing sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#10321 FULLPIPE: Hardlock when stepping onto stool sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#10323 FULLPIPE: Main menu, use after free sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#10325 FULLPIPE: New game does not put back already picked up items sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#10330 FULLPIPE: Credits, use after free sev- defect blocker Engine: NGI
#10347 Pegasus: Unknown version of Pegasus prime sev- feature request normal Engine: Pegasus
#10364 QUEEN: Support Amiga German Translation sev- feature request normal Engine: Queen
#10369 SAGA: ITE: Alamma Door hotspot difficulties sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10376 GUI: Enable aspect ratio correction by default sev- feature request normal GUI
#10395 FULLPIPE: Stuck when teleportating to foot sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#10413 TUCKER: EN: Text in sentence bar not vertically centered sev- defect normal Engine: Tucker
#10414 TUCKER: Regression: Pause info and game hints in sentence bar missing sev- defect normal Engine: Tucker
#10417 TUCKER: Ingame save/load dialog doesn't warn when no savegames are available sev- feature request normal Engine: Tucker
#10433 AGI: Gold Rush - not detected in nightly build sev- defect normal Engine: AGI
#10512 AGOS - SIMON2 25th Anniversary Edition unsupported sev- feature request normal Engine: AGOS
#10535 DOCS: Update style guide for naming of functions and template types sev- feature request normal Documentation
#10569 FULLPIPE: Unrecognized version of Full Pipe sev- defect normal Engine: NGI
#10610 BACKENDS: Linux - Mismatch with libcurl3 from buildbot setup and libcurl4 from Debian/sid sev- defect low Port: Linux
#10646 Previously identified KQ3 version now wrongly identified as fangame sev- feature request low Engine: AGI
#10708 Unknown game variant: Danish Pink Panther: Passport to Peril localisation sev- feature request normal Engine: Pink
#10851 Unknown game variant: Polish Pink Panther: Passport to Peril localisation sev- defect normal Engine: Pink
#10899 SCUMM: Full Throttle "Remastered" Crash in SMUSH Codec sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#10901 Make appdata strings translatable sev- feature request low GUI: Translations
#10923 Wiki: Pajama Sam's Sock Works Datafiles sev- defect normal Web
#10928 SCUMM: Dig - Fonts are not working in Traditional Chinese version sev- defect high Engine: SCUMM
#10934 GUI: REMASTERED THEME: 'Remove Game' dialog missing defined top edge. sev- defect high GUI
#10935 GUI: REMASTERED THEME: Clean up tooltip presentation. sev- feature request normal GUI
#10944 ScummVM: Implement High DPI Scaling Warnings for Windows Users sev- feature request normal Graphics
#10947 SCUMM: MM (C64) - flashlight graphics aren't correct to original sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#10951 SCUMM: ZAK (C64) - flashlight graphics aren't correct to original sev- defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#10963 Unknown "Simon the Sorcerer 1" game variant for AGOS sev- feature request normal Engine: AGOS
#10968 Unknown game variant for SAGA [all games] sev- feature request normal Engine: SAGA
#10981 Unknown game variant for The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime sev- feature request normal Engine: Pegasus
#11003 MOHAWK: Unknown game (The New Kid on the Block) sev- feature request normal Engine: Mohawk
#11008 Allow arbitrary scaling sev- feature request normal Graphics: Scalers
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